Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Stripping (pipe running)

Stripping (pipe running)

Stripping (Pipe Running) in Oil & Gas: Holding Back the Flow

In the oil and gas industry, stripping refers to a critical operation during the process of running pipe into a well. It involves holding back the flow of drilling fluid as the pipe is lowered into the wellbore. This technique is essential for maintaining control and preventing complications during the pipe-running process.

Why is Stripping Necessary?

  • Fluid Pressure Management: During pipe running, the weight of the pipe can create significant pressure on the drilling fluid in the wellbore. Without proper stripping, this pressure could exceed the capacity of the wellhead equipment, leading to blowouts or other dangerous situations.
  • Preventing Fluid Loss: Stripping helps to prevent the loss of drilling fluid into the formation. This is crucial for maintaining wellbore stability and ensuring the integrity of the cementing operation.
  • Optimizing Pipe Running Efficiency: By controlling fluid pressure, stripping allows for faster and more efficient pipe running. It reduces the risk of pipe sticking or other issues that can cause delays and increase costs.

How Stripping is Performed:

Stripping is typically achieved using a stripping valve, which is a specialized valve located at the wellhead. This valve allows the drilling fluid to flow back to the surface while the pipe is being run. The rate of fluid flow is carefully controlled to maintain the desired pressure in the wellbore.

Types of Stripping:

  • Full Stripping: In this method, the entire volume of drilling fluid is removed from the wellbore as the pipe is run. This is typically used when the wellbore is shallow or when there is a risk of high pressure.
  • Partial Stripping: This technique involves removing only a portion of the drilling fluid from the wellbore. It is commonly used in deeper wells where removing the entire volume of fluid could be challenging or create unwanted pressure fluctuations.

Importance of Stripping:

Stripping is an essential practice in oil and gas operations. It ensures a safe and efficient pipe-running process by managing fluid pressure, preventing fluid loss, and optimizing overall wellbore integrity. By employing stripping techniques, operators can minimize risks and optimize production from their wells.

Test Your Knowledge

Stripping (Pipe Running) Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of stripping in oil and gas operations?

a) To increase the flow rate of drilling fluid. b) To remove debris from the wellbore. c) To hold back the flow of drilling fluid during pipe running. d) To lubricate the pipe as it is lowered into the well.


c) To hold back the flow of drilling fluid during pipe running.

2. Why is stripping essential for managing fluid pressure?

a) It helps to increase the weight of the pipe. b) It prevents the drilling fluid from becoming contaminated. c) It reduces the risk of blowouts and other dangerous situations. d) It increases the efficiency of the drilling process.


c) It reduces the risk of blowouts and other dangerous situations.

3. What is a stripping valve used for?

a) To control the flow of drilling fluid back to the surface. b) To measure the pressure of the drilling fluid. c) To seal the wellbore during pipe running. d) To lubricate the pipe as it is lowered into the well.


a) To control the flow of drilling fluid back to the surface.

4. Which type of stripping involves removing the entire volume of drilling fluid from the wellbore?

a) Partial stripping b) Full stripping c) Continuous stripping d) Selective stripping


b) Full stripping

5. What is the main benefit of stripping in terms of wellbore integrity?

a) It reduces the risk of wellbore collapse. b) It prevents the loss of drilling fluid into the formation. c) It increases the rate of drilling. d) It reduces the risk of pipe sticking.


b) It prevents the loss of drilling fluid into the formation.

Stripping (Pipe Running) Exercise:


You are a drilling engineer overseeing the pipe running operation in a deep well. During the operation, the drilling crew reports that they are experiencing significant pressure buildup in the wellbore. The drilling fluid is being pushed back up the wellbore, causing a potential risk of a blowout.


  1. Identify the potential problem: What is causing the pressure buildup in the wellbore?
  2. Propose a solution: Based on your understanding of stripping, what steps should you take to address this issue and ensure a safe and efficient pipe running process?
  3. Explain your reasoning: Clearly explain why your proposed solution will effectively address the problem and ensure the safety of the operation.

Exercise Correction

**1. Potential Problem:** The pressure buildup is likely caused by the weight of the pipe exceeding the hydrostatic pressure of the drilling fluid in the wellbore. This can happen in deep wells where the column of drilling fluid is longer, creating a higher hydrostatic pressure. **2. Proposed Solution:** Initiate a stripping operation to release the excess pressure from the wellbore. This can be done by using the stripping valve to control the flow of drilling fluid back to the surface while the pipe is being run. **3. Reasoning:** Stripping helps to manage the pressure in the wellbore by releasing the excess fluid. This reduces the potential for blowouts and other dangerous situations caused by high pressure. By controlling the rate of fluid flow, stripping allows for a safe and efficient pipe-running process.


  • "Drilling Engineering" by J.E. Grae, J.A. Harrison, and W.E. Warren - Covers the fundamentals of drilling operations, including pipe running and stripping techniques.
  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by T.D. Muskat - A comprehensive reference for petroleum engineers, providing detailed information on drilling and production practices, including stripping.
  • "Well Control: The Human Factor" by B.C. Adams - Focuses on well control principles and practices, emphasizing the importance of stripping for safe and efficient pipe running.


  • "Stripping Techniques in Drilling Operations" by [Author Name] - A technical article published in a drilling journal or industry publication, providing in-depth knowledge on stripping methods and equipment.
  • "The Importance of Stripping in Wellbore Integrity" by [Author Name] - Discusses the significance of stripping in maintaining wellbore stability and preventing fluid loss.
  • "Case Study: Successful Stripping Operation in a High-Pressure Well" by [Author Name] - Presents a real-world example of how stripping techniques were used to overcome challenges and achieve successful pipe running.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) website: Offers technical papers, articles, and presentations on a wide range of topics related to drilling and well control, including stripping.
  • IADC (International Association of Drilling Contractors) website: Provides information on drilling practices and safety standards, including guidelines on stripping operations.
  • Oil & Gas Journal (OGJ) website: Publishes industry news, technical articles, and insights on various aspects of oil and gas operations, including drilling and stripping.

Search Tips

  • "Stripping (pipe running) drilling" - Include the term "drilling" to focus the search on drilling-related contexts.
  • "Stripping valve wellhead" - Use specific terms like "stripping valve" and "wellhead" to refine the search results.
  • "Stripping techniques oil & gas" - Specify the industry focus by including "oil & gas" in your search query.
  • "Case studies stripping operations" - Explore real-world applications and examples of stripping techniques.
  • "Stripping in deepwater drilling" - Target specific drilling environments like deepwater to find relevant resources.
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