Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Pipeline Construction: Stripper Well

Stripper Well

Stripper Wells: The Unsung Heroes of Oil Production

In the bustling world of oil and gas production, where headlines focus on booming discoveries and record-breaking output, a quiet workforce toils away in the shadows: the stripper wells. These low-production wells, typically yielding less than 10 barrels of oil per day in onshore US fields, are often overlooked yet play a critical role in maintaining overall production levels.

Stripper wells, also known as marginal productivity wells, are generally characterized by:

  • Low Production: As the name suggests, they produce significantly less oil than conventional wells, often reaching only a fraction of their initial output.
  • Mature Fields: These wells are usually located in mature fields, where initial production has declined significantly over time.
  • High Operating Costs: Due to their low output, operating costs per barrel can be significantly higher compared to conventional wells.
  • Aging Infrastructure: Many stripper wells utilize older, less efficient equipment, leading to increased maintenance requirements.

Despite their challenges, stripper wells contribute significantly to the overall oil production picture:

  • Extending Field Life: By continuing to extract oil from depleted fields, stripper wells prolong the lifespan of existing infrastructure and minimize the need for new exploration and development.
  • Maintaining Energy Security: Every barrel of oil produced helps meet energy demands, ensuring national energy security and mitigating reliance on foreign sources.
  • Supporting Local Economies: These wells provide employment opportunities in rural areas, contributing to local economies and fostering community development.
  • Environmental Considerations: While oil production inevitably carries environmental impacts, stripper wells often operate in areas where infrastructure is already in place, minimizing the need for new construction and potential disruptions.

However, the future of stripper wells faces certain hurdles:

  • Declining Oil Prices: Fluctuating oil prices can make it economically challenging to operate low-production wells, particularly when operating costs are high.
  • Environmental Regulations: Stringent environmental regulations can impose significant costs on stripper well operators, making it difficult to maintain profitability.
  • Technological Advancements: Emerging technologies, such as enhanced oil recovery techniques, could make it more economically viable to extract oil from depleted fields, potentially overshadowing the role of stripper wells.

Despite these challenges, stripper wells remain an important part of the oil and gas industry. As the industry moves toward cleaner and more sustainable energy sources, the role of these low-production wells may evolve. However, their contribution to energy security, local economies, and extended field life will continue to be recognized and valued.

Stripper wells may not be the stars of the oil and gas industry, but their silent contribution to energy production should not be underestimated. They are a testament to the industry's ability to extract value from mature fields, ensuring a steady stream of oil even in the face of declining reserves.

Test Your Knowledge

Stripper Wells Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the defining characteristic of a stripper well?

a) It produces more than 10 barrels of oil per day. b) It is located in a newly discovered oil field. c) It has extremely low operating costs. d) It produces less than 10 barrels of oil per day.


d) It produces less than 10 barrels of oil per day.

2. Why are stripper wells considered important for energy security?

a) They provide a significant source of renewable energy. b) They reduce dependence on foreign oil imports. c) They contribute to the development of new oil fields. d) They are more environmentally friendly than conventional wells.


b) They reduce dependence on foreign oil imports.

3. What is a major challenge facing the future of stripper wells?

a) Increasing oil prices. b) Lack of technological advancements. c) Declining environmental regulations. d) Fluctuating oil prices and high operating costs.


d) Fluctuating oil prices and high operating costs.

4. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of stripper wells?

a) They provide employment opportunities in rural areas. b) They minimize the need for new exploration and development. c) They contribute to the development of new technologies. d) They extend the lifespan of existing oil fields.


c) They contribute to the development of new technologies.

5. What is the main reason why stripper wells are often overlooked?

a) They are considered too environmentally harmful. b) They are not economically viable. c) They produce a small amount of oil compared to conventional wells. d) They are not technologically advanced.


c) They produce a small amount of oil compared to conventional wells.

Stripper Wells Exercise

Scenario: You are a consultant working for an oil and gas company that is considering investing in a stripper well field. The field is mature and has been in operation for several decades, with current production levels averaging 5 barrels of oil per day per well.

Task: Prepare a brief report outlining the potential benefits and challenges of investing in this stripper well field. Consider factors like:

  • Economic Viability: Analyze the potential profitability considering oil prices, operating costs, and projected production decline.
  • Environmental Impact: Evaluate the potential environmental risks associated with the field and discuss any mitigation strategies.
  • Community Impact: Assess the potential social and economic impact of the project on the local community.


  1. Research the current oil prices and average operating costs for stripper wells.
  2. Gather information about the environmental regulations applicable to oil and gas production in the area.
  3. Consider the potential for technology upgrades or enhanced oil recovery techniques to increase production.
  4. Based on your research, prepare a concise report addressing the potential benefits and challenges of investing in this stripper well field.

Exercise Correction

This exercise should be evaluated based on the student's ability to conduct research and analyze the information effectively. Here's an example of what a good report might include: **Report:** **Subject: Analysis of Stripper Well Field Investment Opportunity** **Introduction:** This report examines the feasibility of investing in a mature stripper well field, with current production averaging 5 barrels of oil per day per well. The analysis considers economic viability, environmental impact, and community impact. **Economic Viability:** * **Oil Prices:** (Current oil price research). While current oil prices are [current price] per barrel, this is subject to volatility. A thorough analysis should consider price fluctuations and their impact on profitability. * **Operating Costs:** (Research average operating costs for stripper wells). Operating costs for stripper wells can be high due to aging equipment and low production. * **Production Decline:** A gradual decline in production is expected over time. A realistic projection of this decline is crucial for assessing long-term profitability. * **Potential for Improvement:** Evaluate the possibility of implementing technology upgrades or enhanced oil recovery techniques to increase production and offset declining output. **Environmental Impact:** * **Regulations:** Research and assess environmental regulations specific to the location and ensure compliance with them. * **Risk Assessment:** Identify potential environmental risks associated with the field, such as spills, leaks, and greenhouse gas emissions. * **Mitigation Strategies:** Develop and outline mitigation strategies to minimize environmental impact, such as leak detection systems, waste disposal practices, and emissions reduction technologies. **Community Impact:** * **Employment:** Analyze the potential job creation and economic benefits for the local community. * **Social Responsibility:** Evaluate the project's potential impact on local communities, including infrastructure, services, and community relations. **Conclusion:** Based on the analysis of economic viability, environmental impact, and community impact, a comprehensive decision can be made regarding the investment in the stripper well field. This report has highlighted key factors to consider, including oil price volatility, operating costs, production decline, and environmental regulations. Further research and analysis are recommended to assess the specific details of the field and its potential for profitability while minimizing environmental impact.


  • "The Economics of Oil and Gas Production" by John R. Meyer, James P. Gjelsten, and Richard C. Dewar: Provides in-depth analysis of the economics of oil and gas production, including the challenges and opportunities of stripper wells.
  • "Petroleum Production Handbook" by J.C. Donaldson, F.T. Doyle, and J.J. Johanson: Comprehensive guide to oil and gas production, with sections dedicated to mature fields and low-production wells.
  • "The Future of Oil: An Energy Industry Perspective" by Robert L. Desmarais: Explores the future of the oil and gas industry, including the potential role of stripper wells in a changing energy landscape.


  • "Stripper Wells: The Quiet Heroes of Oil Production" by The Energy Collective: A blog post highlighting the importance of stripper wells and their role in maintaining energy security.
  • "The Role of Stripper Wells in the US Oil Industry" by U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA): Provides statistical data and analysis on the contribution of stripper wells to US oil production.
  • "Stripper Wells: A Valuable but Forgotten Asset" by Oil & Gas Journal: An article discussing the challenges and opportunities associated with stripper wells, emphasizing their importance for extending field life.

Online Resources

  • U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA): Provides extensive data and analysis on the US oil and gas industry, including information on stripper wells.
  • American Petroleum Institute (API): Industry association representing the oil and gas industry, with resources and publications related to oil and gas production, including stripper wells.
  • Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA): Advocacy group for independent oil and gas producers, with insights on the challenges and opportunities faced by stripper well operators.

Search Tips

  • "Stripper wells" + "oil production": This search will return articles and reports focused on the role of stripper wells in oil production.
  • "Stripper wells" + "economics": This search will yield resources analyzing the financial aspects of stripper well operations, including costs, profits, and profitability.
  • "Stripper wells" + "future": This search will help you explore the potential role of stripper wells in the future of the oil and gas industry, considering technological advancements and changing market conditions.
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