Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Strip Gun

Strip Gun

The Strip Gun: A Workhorse in Oil & Gas Perforating

In the world of oil and gas extraction, maximizing production from a well is crucial. Perforating, the process of creating holes in casing and cement to access the reservoir, plays a vital role in achieving this. Among the various perforating tools, the Strip Gun stands out as a reliable and efficient option, especially in scenarios where retrieving the gun is essential.

What is a Strip Gun?

A Strip Gun is a type of perforating gun designed for use in oil and gas wells. As the name suggests, it utilizes a strip to hold the perforating charges. This strip is made of a sturdy material, often steel, and is specifically engineered to withstand the pressures and temperatures encountered deep within the wellbore.

How Does it Work?

The Strip Gun functions by deploying a series of charges mounted on the strip. These charges are typically explosive, designed to create the desired perforations. Once the charges are detonated, the strip, which is connected to the gun by a retrieval wire, can be recovered from the well. This retrieval capability is a key advantage of Strip Guns, particularly in situations where downhole equipment needs to be recovered after use.

Key Advantages of Strip Guns:

  • Retrievability: The strip and gun can be recovered from the well, making it a suitable choice for wells with complex completion operations.
  • Versatility: Strip Guns can be configured with different charge arrangements to accommodate varying well conditions and production requirements.
  • Efficiency: The strip design allows for precise charge placement and minimizes the risk of misfires.
  • Safety: The retrievable feature enhances safety by reducing the risk of leaving equipment downhole.


Strip Guns find extensive applications in various oil and gas scenarios:

  • Well Stimulation: Perforating with a Strip Gun allows for increased well productivity by improving flow from the reservoir.
  • Fracturing: Strip Guns can be used to create entry points for fracking fluids, enhancing the effectiveness of the fracturing process.
  • Completion Operations: Strip Guns can be deployed in conjunction with other completion equipment, facilitating the installation of downhole components.


Strip Guns are a valuable tool in the oil and gas industry, providing a safe and efficient way to perforate wells and optimize production. Their retrievable design sets them apart as a preferred choice in scenarios requiring precise charge placement, complex completion operations, and the recovery of equipment from the wellbore.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Strip Gun

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of a Strip Gun in oil and gas operations?

a) To drill the wellbore. b) To create perforations in casing and cement. c) To inject fracking fluids into the reservoir. d) To measure the pressure within the well.


b) To create perforations in casing and cement.

2. What distinguishes a Strip Gun from other perforating guns?

a) It uses a single, powerful charge for perforation. b) It is designed for use in shallow wells only. c) It utilizes a strip to hold the perforating charges. d) It is completely disposable and cannot be retrieved.


c) It utilizes a strip to hold the perforating charges.

3. Which of the following is NOT a key advantage of Strip Guns?

a) Retrievability of the gun and strip. b) Versatility in charge arrangement. c) Improved safety due to retrievability. d) Increased risk of misfires due to strip design.


d) Increased risk of misfires due to strip design.

4. Strip Guns can be used in which of the following applications?

a) Well stimulation and fracturing. b) Well stimulation only. c) Fracturing only. d) Downhole component installation only.


a) Well stimulation and fracturing.

5. What is the primary reason Strip Guns are preferred in complex completion operations?

a) They are inexpensive and easy to use. b) They are the only type of perforating gun available. c) They can be retrieved after use, minimizing the risk of leaving equipment downhole. d) They are designed for use in high-temperature environments only.


c) They can be retrieved after use, minimizing the risk of leaving equipment downhole.

Exercise: The Strip Gun in Action

Scenario: You are an engineer working on a well stimulation project. The well has been drilled and cased, and you are responsible for selecting the appropriate perforating tool. The well is in a complex geological formation, and the completion operation involves installing a downhole valve.

Task: Explain why a Strip Gun would be a suitable choice for this scenario. Discuss the benefits it offers compared to other perforating tools, considering the specific challenges of this project.

Exercice Correction

A Strip Gun is a suitable choice for this scenario due to its retrievability. The complex geological formation may require precise charge placement to optimize stimulation. Additionally, the need to install a downhole valve after perforation mandates a retrievable tool to avoid leaving equipment downhole.

Compared to non-retrievable perforating guns, a Strip Gun offers the following benefits: - Reduced risk of leaving equipment downhole, simplifying future operations and minimizing potential problems. - Versatility in charge arrangement, allowing for customized perforating patterns to suit the complex geological formation. - Enhanced safety by ensuring the removal of equipment after use.


  • "Perforating: A Practical Guide for the Oil and Gas Industry" by David A. Hodge: This book offers an in-depth analysis of perforating techniques, including a section on strip guns.
  • "Oil Well Perforating" by John A. Willhite: This book covers the history and evolution of perforating tools, with a dedicated chapter on strip guns and their development.


  • "The Evolution of Perforating Technology: A Review" by T. J. Anderson and J. A. Willhite: This article, published in the Journal of Petroleum Technology, traces the history and advancement of perforating tools, including strip guns.
  • "Strip Gun Perforating: A Case Study in Well Stimulation" by M. L. Smith and R. D. Jones: This article, published in the SPE Production & Operations Journal, presents a real-world application of strip guns in well stimulation and its impact on production.
  • "Retrievable Perforating Guns: Design and Performance" by J. M. Brown and S. K. Gupta: This article, published in the Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology, focuses on the design and performance of retrievable perforating guns, including strip guns.

Online Resources

  • Halliburton Perforating Services: This website provides detailed information on Halliburton's perforating services and products, including strip guns.
  • Schlumberger Perforating Services: This website offers insights into Schlumberger's perforating solutions, showcasing their strip gun technologies.
  • Baker Hughes Perforating Services: This website provides an overview of Baker Hughes' perforating services and their range of strip gun offerings.

Search Tips

  • "Strip gun perforating": Use this phrase to find relevant articles and information.
  • "Retrievable perforating gun": This phrase will lead you to resources discussing the retrieval aspect of strip guns.
  • "Perforating gun types": This search will provide a comprehensive list of various perforating gun types, including strip guns.
  • "Oil and gas perforating": This search will direct you to general resources about perforating in the oil and gas industry, which often touch upon strip guns.
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