Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Squeeze Treating or Job

Squeeze Treating or Job

Squeeze Treating: A Targeted Approach to Well Stimulation in Oil & Gas

In the oil and gas industry, squeeze treating refers to a specialized technique designed to deliver a treatment fluid into a specific zone within a wellbore. This method, often employed to enhance production or address wellbore issues, involves "squeezing" the treatment fluid into the desired location, ensuring it reaches its target while minimizing potential complications.

What is Squeeze Treating?

Squeeze treating is a process that involves injecting a treatment fluid, such as acid, fracturing fluid, or cement, into a wellbore under pressure. This pressure forces the fluid to penetrate the formation and reach the target zone, often a specific reservoir layer or a problematic area like a damaged zone or a thief zone.

Why Use Squeeze Treating?

Squeeze treating offers several advantages over traditional methods like conventional acidizing or fracturing:

  • Targeted Delivery: Squeeze treating ensures that the treatment fluid reaches the specific zone where it's needed, maximizing its effectiveness and minimizing waste.
  • Controlled Placement: The treatment fluid is placed with precision, allowing for more controlled and efficient well stimulation.
  • Reduced Risk of Formation Damage: By minimizing the volume of fluid injected, squeeze treating reduces the potential for formation damage, which can occur with other methods.

Key Steps in Squeeze Treating:

  1. Well Preparation: The well is prepared for the squeeze treatment by cleaning and isolating the target zone.
  2. Fluid Preparation: The treatment fluid is prepared and blended according to the specific requirements of the well and the desired outcome.
  3. Squeeze Operation: The treatment fluid is pumped into the wellbore at a controlled rate and pressure, forcing it into the target zone.
  4. Fluid Displacement: After the squeeze, the wellbore is typically filled with a displacement fluid, such as water or brine, to prevent the treatment fluid from moving back into the wellbore.
  5. Post-Treatment Evaluation: The well's performance is monitored to evaluate the effectiveness of the squeeze treatment.

Applications of Squeeze Treating:

Squeeze treating finds application in various scenarios, including:

  • Acidizing: To remove formation damage and increase permeability, thereby enhancing production.
  • Fracturing: To create new fractures or widen existing ones, stimulating flow from tight formations.
  • Cementing: To isolate zones and prevent fluid movement between them.
  • Stimulation of Low-Permeability Formations: To improve the flow of oil and gas in challenging reservoir types.


Squeeze treating provides a targeted and efficient method for addressing various challenges in oil and gas wells. By delivering treatment fluids precisely to the desired location, it minimizes potential risks and maximizes the effectiveness of the treatment. This technique continues to play a vital role in optimizing well performance and maximizing resource recovery in the ever-evolving landscape of oil and gas exploration and production.

Test Your Knowledge

Squeeze Treating Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary goal of squeeze treating?

(a) To clean and remove debris from the wellbore. (b) To inject a large volume of fluid into the formation. (c) To deliver treatment fluid to a specific zone within the wellbore. (d) To increase the overall pressure within the wellbore.


(c) To deliver treatment fluid to a specific zone within the wellbore.

2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of squeeze treating?

(a) Targeted delivery of treatment fluids. (b) Controlled placement of treatment fluids. (c) Reduced risk of formation damage. (d) Increased volume of fluid injected into the wellbore.


(d) Increased volume of fluid injected into the wellbore.

3. What is the typical sequence of steps in a squeeze treating operation?

(a) Well preparation, fluid preparation, squeeze operation, fluid displacement, post-treatment evaluation. (b) Fluid preparation, well preparation, squeeze operation, post-treatment evaluation, fluid displacement. (c) Squeeze operation, fluid displacement, well preparation, fluid preparation, post-treatment evaluation. (d) Post-treatment evaluation, well preparation, fluid preparation, squeeze operation, fluid displacement.


(a) Well preparation, fluid preparation, squeeze operation, fluid displacement, post-treatment evaluation.

4. What is one of the key applications of squeeze treating?

(a) To enhance oil and gas production from low-permeability formations. (b) To stimulate flow from high-pressure reservoirs. (c) To remove contaminants from the wellbore. (d) To test the integrity of the well casing.


(a) To enhance oil and gas production from low-permeability formations.

5. Which of the following BEST describes the overall concept of squeeze treating?

(a) A quick and easy method for well stimulation. (b) A targeted approach to delivering treatment fluids into specific zones. (c) A high-pressure method for fracturing formations. (d) A process that uses large volumes of fluids to increase well productivity.


(b) A targeted approach to delivering treatment fluids into specific zones.

Squeeze Treating Exercise


You are an engineer working on an oil well that has experienced a decline in production. The well has a low-permeability formation, and analysis indicates a potential thief zone (a zone that allows fluid to escape without contributing to production). You have been tasked with proposing a solution using squeeze treating to address this issue.


  1. Identify the specific treatment fluid you would recommend for this scenario. Explain why this fluid is suitable.
  2. Outline the steps involved in the squeeze treating operation for this well. Be specific and consider the unique challenges of the thief zone.
  3. Describe how you would monitor the effectiveness of the squeeze treatment. What parameters would you track, and what results would indicate success?

Exercice Correction

**1. Treatment Fluid:** * **Cement:** Cement is a suitable treatment fluid in this case. Cement can be used to isolate the thief zone, preventing fluid from escaping and enhancing production from the target zone. **2. Squeeze Treating Steps:** * **Well Preparation:** * Clean the wellbore to remove any debris that could hinder the treatment. * Isolate the thief zone by setting packers above and below it. * **Fluid Preparation:** * Prepare the cement slurry with appropriate additives (e.g., retarders, accelerators) to achieve the desired setting time and properties. * Ensure the cement has adequate density to overcome the pressure in the thief zone. * **Squeeze Operation:** * Pump the cement slurry into the thief zone at a controlled rate and pressure. * Monitor pressure and flow rate to ensure the cement is being placed effectively. * **Fluid Displacement:** * Once the cement is placed, displace it with a fluid like water or brine to prevent it from migrating back into the wellbore. * **Post-Treatment Evaluation:** * Allow the cement to set completely. * Monitor well production for any increase in flow rate or changes in pressure. **3. Monitoring Effectiveness:** * **Flow Rate:** Monitor the well's oil production rate before and after the squeeze treatment. An increase in flow rate would indicate successful isolation of the thief zone. * **Pressure:** Monitor wellhead pressure and downhole pressure to assess any changes in pressure gradients. This can help determine the effectiveness of the cement barrier. * **Production Logs:** Analyze production logs (e.g., pressure-rate data) before and after treatment to evaluate the impact of the squeeze treatment on reservoir performance.


  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by Tarek Ahmed (A comprehensive resource covering various aspects of oil and gas engineering, including well stimulation techniques like squeeze treating).
  • "Enhanced Oil Recovery" by D.W. Green and G. Willhite (Focuses on advanced techniques for increasing oil production, with chapters dedicated to stimulation methods such as squeeze treating).
  • "Well Completion Design and Operations" by John C. Donaldson (Provides detailed information on well completion practices, including squeeze treating applications and procedures).


  • "Squeeze Treating: A Targeted Approach to Well Stimulation" by SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) (A concise overview of squeeze treating, its applications, and its benefits).
  • "Case Study: Successful Squeeze Treating for Enhanced Production in a Tight Gas Reservoir" by Schlumberger (A real-world example showcasing the application of squeeze treating in a specific well scenario).
  • "Understanding and Optimizing Squeeze Treating Techniques" by Halliburton (An in-depth analysis of the mechanics and optimization strategies for successful squeeze treating).

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) website: Search for "squeeze treating" within the SPE publications database for technical papers, presentations, and research reports.
  • OnePetro (OneStop for Petroleum Engineering): Explore OnePetro's resources, including technical papers, journals, and industry news related to squeeze treating.
  • Schlumberger's website: Access their technical knowledge base for information on squeeze treating techniques, equipment, and services.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "squeeze treating," "well stimulation," "acidizing," "fracturing," "cementing."
  • Combine keywords with industry terms: "squeeze treating oil and gas," "squeeze treating reservoir," "squeeze treating tight formations."
  • Search for specific company websites: "Schlumberger squeeze treating," "Halliburton squeeze treating" to find their resources and case studies.
  • Explore academic databases: Search Google Scholar for relevant research papers and studies.
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