Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Specific Gravity

Specific Gravity

Understanding Specific Gravity: A Key Metric in Oil & Gas

In the world of oil and gas, precise measurements are crucial for efficient exploration, production, and transportation. One such vital metric is Specific Gravity (SG), a simple yet powerful tool used to characterize the density of various substances involved in the industry.

What is Specific Gravity?

Specific Gravity is the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of a reference material, usually water. In essence, it tells us how much denser or less dense a substance is compared to water.


Specific Gravity (SG) = Density of Substance / Density of Reference Material (Water)

Why is Specific Gravity Important in Oil & Gas?

  • Characterizing Crude Oil: Different crude oils have varying densities, which directly impacts their flow properties, storage requirements, and transportation costs. SG helps classify and compare different types of crude oil.
  • Pipeline Flow and Transportation: Understanding the SG of crude oil and other fluids is critical for designing pipelines and optimizing flow rates. Higher SG means higher density, requiring more energy for pumping.
  • Gas Processing and Storage: Specific Gravity plays a key role in determining the density of natural gas and other gaseous components. This is vital for gas processing, storage, and transportation.
  • Reservoir Engineering: SG is used to estimate the volume and properties of oil and gas reserves in underground formations.
  • Drilling Operations: SG helps determine the density of drilling fluids, which are critical for maintaining wellbore stability and controlling pressure.

Measurement and Units:

  • Specific Gravity is a dimensionless quantity. It is typically measured at a specific temperature, often 15°C or 60°F.
  • The unit "degrees API" (American Petroleum Institute) is frequently used for crude oil. API gravity is inversely proportional to density, with higher API values indicating lighter (less dense) oil.


A crude oil sample has a Specific Gravity of 0.85. This means it is 85% as dense as water. An API gravity of 35° API would correspond to the same density.


Specific Gravity is a fundamental concept in oil and gas. It provides a simple yet effective way to understand the density of various substances, impacting numerous aspects of the industry from exploration and production to transportation and refining. Understanding and utilizing this metric is essential for any professional working in this field.

Test Your Knowledge

Specific Gravity Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does Specific Gravity (SG) measure? a) The weight of a substance. b) The volume of a substance. c) The density of a substance relative to water. d) The temperature of a substance.


c) The density of a substance relative to water.

2. What is the formula for calculating Specific Gravity? a) SG = Density of Substance / Density of Air b) SG = Density of Water / Density of Substance c) SG = Density of Substance / Density of Water d) SG = Density of Water x Density of Substance


c) SG = Density of Substance / Density of Water

3. How does Specific Gravity impact the transportation of crude oil? a) Higher SG means easier transportation due to lower viscosity. b) Higher SG means more expensive transportation due to higher density. c) SG has no impact on transportation. d) Lower SG means more expensive transportation due to lower viscosity.


b) Higher SG means more expensive transportation due to higher density.

4. What is the unit typically used for measuring Specific Gravity of crude oil? a) Degrees Celsius b) Degrees Fahrenheit c) Liters d) Degrees API


d) Degrees API

5. A crude oil sample has a Specific Gravity of 0.9. What does this mean? a) The oil is 90% as dense as water. b) The oil is 10% denser than water. c) The oil is 90% denser than water. d) The oil is 10% as dense as water.


a) The oil is 90% as dense as water.

Specific Gravity Exercise


A crude oil sample has an API gravity of 30°. You need to determine its Specific Gravity (SG) to estimate transportation costs. Use the following formula:

SG = 141.5 / (API gravity + 131.5)

Calculate the Specific Gravity of the crude oil sample.

Exercice Correction

SG = 141.5 / (30 + 131.5) = 141.5 / 161.5 ≈ 0.876

Therefore, the Specific Gravity of the crude oil sample is approximately 0.876.


  • Petroleum Engineering: Principles and Practices by William D. McCain Jr. - Covers the fundamentals of reservoir engineering, including specific gravity and its applications.
  • Reservoir Engineering Handbook by Tarek Ahmed - A comprehensive guide to reservoir engineering, with sections on fluid properties and specific gravity.
  • Fundamentals of Petroleum Engineering by James A. Clark - Introduces basic principles of petroleum engineering, including specific gravity and its role in oil and gas production.
  • Crude Oil: Properties, Characterization, and Refining by James G. Speight - Offers detailed insights into the properties of crude oil, including specific gravity and its impact on refining processes.


  • Specific Gravity: A Key Metric in Oil & Gas by [Your Name] - This article itself provides a good overview of specific gravity and its significance in the oil and gas industry.
  • API Gravity: What It Is and How to Calculate It by [Your Name] - A focused article explaining API gravity and its relationship to specific gravity.
  • Fluid Properties and Their Impact on Reservoir Performance by [Your Name] - A broader article discussing the importance of fluid properties, including specific gravity, in reservoir management.
  • Understanding the Significance of Specific Gravity in Pipeline Design by [Your Name] - A targeted article on how specific gravity impacts pipeline design and flow optimization.

Online Resources

  • American Petroleum Institute (API) - Provides standards and guidelines related to specific gravity and API gravity.
  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) - Offers numerous resources, publications, and courses on petroleum engineering, including specific gravity.
  • Oil & Gas Journal (OGJ) - A leading industry publication that often features articles and technical reports on specific gravity and its applications.
  • Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary - Provides definitions and explanations of various oil and gas terms, including specific gravity.

Search Tips

  • "Specific Gravity" + "Oil and Gas" - Start with this basic search term for general information.
  • "API Gravity" + "Calculation" - Find resources on how to calculate API gravity from specific gravity.
  • "Specific Gravity" + "Crude Oil Properties" - Explore specific gravity's role in understanding crude oil characteristics.
  • "Specific Gravity" + "Reservoir Engineering" - Discover how specific gravity is used in reservoir simulation and characterization.
  • "Specific Gravity" + "Pipeline Design" - Research how specific gravity affects pipeline design and flow optimization.
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