Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Safety Training & Awareness: Space Out Joint (drilling)

Space Out Joint (drilling)

Avoiding the "Space Out Joint": A Crucial Step in Drilling Safety

In the demanding world of oil and gas drilling, every component plays a critical role. One often-overlooked detail, however, holds immense importance for safety and efficiency: the "space out joint" of drill pipe. This specialized joint is designed to prevent a critical hazard – a tool joint from being positioned directly across a ram face in the Blowout Preventer (BOP).

Understanding the Risk:

Blowout preventers are safety devices installed at the wellhead to control pressure and prevent uncontrolled flow of fluids from the well. They contain powerful rams that can be activated to shut off the well in an emergency. When a tool joint, the connection point between two drill pipe sections, is positioned directly across a ram face, it creates a major risk. The tool joint can become lodged in the BOP, effectively preventing the ram from closing properly. This could result in:

  • Loss of Well Control: The BOP fails to close, leading to a blowout and potential environmental disaster.
  • Damage to Equipment: The lodged tool joint can cause extensive damage to the BOP itself and the surrounding equipment.
  • Safety Hazards: The uncontrolled flow of fluids poses a significant risk to personnel on the drilling rig.

The Solution: The Space Out Joint

The "space out joint" is a specialized piece of drill pipe that addresses this hazard directly. It is engineered with a unique design that creates a specific offset between the tool joint and the adjacent pipe. This offset ensures that the tool joint cannot be positioned directly across a ram face, eliminating the risk of it becoming lodged during BOP operations.

Benefits of the Space Out Joint:

  • Enhanced Safety: The space out joint significantly reduces the risk of tool joint engagement with the BOP ram, contributing to overall drilling safety.
  • Improved Efficiency: By minimizing the potential for equipment failure and delays, the space out joint enhances drilling efficiency.
  • Compliance: Using a space out joint ensures adherence to industry best practices and regulatory guidelines for safe drilling operations.

Implementation and Monitoring:

The space out joint is typically installed as part of the drill string, often at a specific distance from the BOP. Rig crews must be trained and knowledgeable about its location and proper handling. Regular inspections and maintenance ensure the space out joint functions as intended throughout the drilling operation.


The "space out joint" may seem like a small detail, but its role in ensuring drilling safety is monumental. By preventing the risk of tool joint engagement with the BOP ram, it contributes to a safer and more efficient drilling operation. Its use is a testament to the importance of constant innovation and attention to detail in the oil and gas industry, where safety and environmental responsibility are paramount.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Avoiding the "Space Out Joint"

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of the "space out joint"?

a) To connect drill pipe sections securely.


Incorrect. While the space out joint connects drill pipe sections, its primary function is related to safety.

b) To prevent tool joints from becoming lodged in the BOP ram.


Correct! The space out joint is designed to create an offset that prevents tool joint engagement with the BOP ram.

c) To improve the flow of drilling fluid.


Incorrect. The space out joint's function is primarily safety-related and does not directly affect fluid flow.

d) To increase the drilling rate.


Incorrect. While a safe operation can contribute to efficiency, the space out joint's primary purpose is not to increase drilling speed.

2. What is the main risk associated with a tool joint being positioned directly across a BOP ram face?

a) Increased drilling fluid pressure.


Incorrect. The tool joint's position does not directly influence drilling fluid pressure.

b) The BOP ram may not be able to close completely.


Correct! The lodged tool joint can prevent the ram from closing properly, leading to potential blowouts and other hazards.

c) Damage to the drill bit.


Incorrect. The tool joint's position in relation to the BOP does not directly impact the drill bit.

d) Reduced drilling efficiency.


Incorrect. While a potential blowout would affect efficiency, the primary concern is the safety risk.

3. Which of these is NOT a benefit of using a space out joint?

a) Reduced risk of well control loss.


Incorrect. The space out joint significantly reduces the risk of a blowout by preventing tool joint engagement with the BOP ram.

b) Increased drilling fluid circulation.


Correct! The space out joint's function is unrelated to fluid circulation.

c) Enhanced compliance with industry best practices.


Incorrect. Using a space out joint is considered a best practice for safe drilling operations.

d) Improved drilling efficiency.


Incorrect. By preventing potential equipment failures and delays, the space out joint contributes to efficiency.

4. Where is the space out joint typically installed in the drill string?

a) At the top of the drill string, near the surface.


Incorrect. The space out joint is typically installed at a specific distance from the BOP, not at the top of the drill string.

b) At the bottom of the drill string, near the drill bit.


Incorrect. While the space out joint can be located in the lower part of the drill string, its exact position depends on the specific drilling operation.

c) At a specific distance from the BOP, typically determined by the drilling operation.


Correct! The space out joint is installed at a strategic distance from the BOP to ensure it does not engage with the ram.

d) Directly above the drill bit.


Incorrect. The space out joint's position is not directly related to the drill bit.

5. Why is regular inspection and maintenance of the space out joint important?

a) To ensure it functions properly throughout the drilling operation.


Correct! Regular inspection and maintenance are crucial for ensuring the space out joint fulfills its safety function.

b) To prevent the drill string from becoming damaged.


Incorrect. While inspection can identify potential damage, its primary purpose is to ensure the space out joint's effectiveness.

c) To increase the drilling rate.


Incorrect. The space out joint's inspection is primarily focused on safety, not drilling speed.

d) To reduce the cost of drilling operations.


Incorrect. While proper maintenance can prevent costly failures, its main purpose is safety and compliance.


Task: You are a drilling supervisor. During a routine inspection, you notice a space out joint has been removed from the drill string and replaced with a standard joint. What action should you take?

Exercice Correction

As a drilling supervisor, you must immediately address this situation. Here's the necessary action: 1. **Stop the drilling operation.** This is a safety priority as the space out joint is crucial for preventing tool joint engagement with the BOP ram. 2. **Investigate the reason for the replacement.** Determine why the space out joint was removed and replaced with a standard joint. Was it a mistake? Was it intentional? Was there a reason the crew believed it was not needed? 3. **Reinstall the space out joint.** Ensure the correct space out joint is re-installed in the drill string according to proper procedures. 4. **Communicate with the rig crew.** Emphasize the importance of the space out joint and the safety risks associated with not using it. Ensure all personnel understand the potential consequences of removing the space out joint without proper justification. 5. **Document the incident.** Record the details of the situation, the investigation findings, and any corrective actions taken. This documentation is vital for future reference and training purposes.



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