Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: SIBHP


Shut-In Bottom Hole Pressure (SIBHP): A Key Indicator in Oil & Gas Production

Shut-in bottom hole pressure (SIBHP) is a critical measurement in the oil and gas industry, providing valuable insights into reservoir characteristics and production potential. It refers to the pressure measured at the bottom of a well when the well is shut-in, meaning the flow of fluids is completely stopped.

What does SIBHP tell us?

SIBHP is a dynamic parameter that changes over time. Its fluctuations can reveal vital information about:

  • Reservoir Pressure: SIBHP directly reflects the pressure within the reservoir. This helps engineers estimate the original reservoir pressure, understand reservoir depletion rates, and predict future production potential.
  • Reservoir Connectivity: The rate at which SIBHP changes after shut-in can indicate the reservoir's connectivity and communication between different areas.
  • Wellbore Integrity: Abnormal changes in SIBHP can signal potential issues with the wellbore, such as leaks or fracturing.
  • Fluid Properties: SIBHP can be used to estimate the specific gravity of the fluids in the reservoir, such as oil and gas.

How is SIBHP Measured?

SIBHP is typically measured using specialized downhole pressure gauges, often referred to as "bottom hole pressure gauges" (BHP gauges). These gauges are lowered into the well on a wireline and record pressure readings at the bottom of the wellbore.

Importance in Production Optimization:

SIBHP data plays a crucial role in optimizing oil and gas production by:

  • Determining Optimal Production Rates: SIBHP helps determine the optimal flow rate for a well to maximize production while maintaining reservoir pressure.
  • Understanding Well Performance: SIBHP trends can identify potential issues with the well, such as water coning or gas breakthrough, allowing for timely intervention.
  • Reservoir Management: SIBHP data is crucial for reservoir simulation and modeling, enabling better predictions of production performance and optimizing field development strategies.


Shut-in bottom hole pressure (SIBHP) is a vital measurement in oil and gas production, providing a snapshot of reservoir conditions and guiding production optimization strategies. Understanding its significance and how it is used allows engineers to effectively manage reservoirs, maximize production, and maintain well integrity.

Test Your Knowledge

Shut-In Bottom Hole Pressure (SIBHP) Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does SIBHP directly reflect?

a) The pressure at the wellhead b) The pressure within the reservoir c) The flow rate of the well d) The volume of oil produced


b) The pressure within the reservoir

2. How is SIBHP typically measured?

a) Using surface pressure gauges b) By analyzing fluid samples c) Using specialized downhole pressure gauges d) Through seismic surveys


c) Using specialized downhole pressure gauges

3. What can fluctuating SIBHP values indicate?

a) Changes in the weather b) Reservoir depletion rates c) The cost of oil production d) The efficiency of drilling equipment


b) Reservoir depletion rates

4. How does SIBHP contribute to production optimization?

a) It helps determine the optimal flow rate for a well. b) It predicts the price of oil in the future. c) It determines the type of drilling rig needed. d) It predicts the lifespan of the well.


a) It helps determine the optimal flow rate for a well.

5. Which of these is NOT a factor SIBHP can provide information about?

a) Reservoir pressure b) Wellbore integrity c) Fluid properties d) The age of the reservoir


d) The age of the reservoir

Shut-In Bottom Hole Pressure (SIBHP) Exercise:

Scenario: You are an engineer working on an oil well. You have recorded the following SIBHP data over a period of time:

| Time (Days) | SIBHP (psi) | |---|---| | 0 | 3000 | | 10 | 2900 | | 20 | 2850 | | 30 | 2800 |


  1. Analyze the trend of the SIBHP data. Is it increasing, decreasing, or stable?
  2. What does this trend suggest about the reservoir? Is it being depleted?
  3. Based on this trend, what production strategy might you recommend to optimize production and maintain reservoir pressure?

Exercice Correction

1. **Trend:** The SIBHP is decreasing over time. 2. **Reservoir:** The decreasing trend suggests the reservoir is being depleted. The pressure is dropping as fluids are produced from the reservoir. 3. **Production Strategy:** You might recommend adjusting the production rate to reduce the rate of pressure decline. This could involve lowering the flow rate to slow down depletion and extend the well's productive life. Additionally, consider implementing enhanced oil recovery techniques to extract more oil from the reservoir.


  • Reservoir Engineering Handbook by Tarek Ahmed (2011): A comprehensive resource covering reservoir engineering concepts, including SIBHP and its applications.
  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook: This widely-used handbook provides detailed explanations of reservoir characterization, well testing, and production optimization, including the significance of SIBHP.
  • Well Testing by Matthew R.J. Dusseault: This book focuses on well testing techniques, including shut-in pressure analysis and its interpretation.
  • Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering by John Lee: A classic textbook that covers the fundamentals of reservoir engineering, including pressure transient analysis and its relationship to SIBHP.


  • "Shut-in Bottom Hole Pressure Analysis: A Powerful Tool for Reservoir Characterization" by [Author Name]: This article would likely focus on the specific techniques used to analyze SIBHP data and extract valuable reservoir information.
  • "Optimizing Production Rates Using Shut-in Bottom Hole Pressure Data" by [Author Name]: This article would explore how SIBHP data can be used to determine optimal production rates and maximize recovery.
  • "Impact of Wellbore Integrity on Shut-in Bottom Hole Pressure Measurements" by [Author Name]: This article would examine how wellbore conditions, such as leaks or fractures, can affect SIBHP measurements.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): The SPE website offers a wealth of technical papers, presentations, and publications related to SIBHP and reservoir engineering.
  • OnePetro: This website provides access to a vast library of technical articles, research papers, and industry publications relevant to SIBHP.
  • Schlumberger: Schlumberger offers numerous technical resources and training materials on well testing and reservoir characterization, including information on SIBHP.
  • Halliburton: Halliburton also provides technical resources and case studies related to well testing and SIBHP analysis.

Search Tips

  • Use precise keywords: Use "Shut-in Bottom Hole Pressure", "SIBHP", "Reservoir Pressure Analysis", "Well Testing" and "Production Optimization" as keywords in your searches.
  • Combine keywords: Combine keywords to narrow your search results, such as "SIBHP and reservoir characterization" or "SIBHP and production optimization".
  • Use advanced operators: Employ operators like "+" (AND), "-" (NOT), and "" (exact phrase) to refine your search results. For instance, "SIBHP + reservoir + analysis" to get results related to reservoir analysis using SIBHP.
  • Search specific websites: Use "site:" to search within specific websites, like " shut-in bottom hole pressure."
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