Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Shaker


Keeping the Mud Clean: The Role of Shakers in Drilling & Well Completion

Drilling for oil and gas requires the constant circulation of drilling mud, a viscous fluid that helps to cool the drill bit, lubricate the drill string, and transport cuttings from the wellbore. As the drill bit grinds through rock formations, it generates a stream of solid particles, known as drill cuttings, that must be removed from the mud before it can be recirculated. This is where shakers come in.

Shakers: Essential Components of Drilling Mud Cleaning Systems

Shakers are essential pieces of drilling equipment designed to separate drill cuttings from drilling mud. These robust machines utilize a vibrating screen to filter out solid particles while allowing the mud to pass through. The basic principle behind shaker operation is simple:

  • Vibration: A powerful motor vibrates the shaker deck, which is typically made of a mesh screen.
  • Separation: The vibration dislodges the cuttings from the mud, allowing them to fall through the screen.
  • Discharge: The clean mud passes through the screen and is returned to the mud system, while the cuttings are collected and disposed of.

Types of Shakers:

While the basic principle remains the same, shakers can vary in design and functionality. Here are some common types:

  • Linear Shakers: These shakers employ a linear motion to create a vibratory force. They are typically smaller and more compact, making them suitable for smaller drilling rigs.
  • Rotary Shakers: These shakers utilize a rotating motion to vibrate the screen. They are often larger and more powerful, capable of handling larger volumes of mud and cuttings.
  • Decanter Shakers: These shakers combine the vibrating screen with a centrifuge, providing additional separation power and efficiency. They are particularly useful in dealing with fine cuttings and high-viscosity muds.

Shaker Performance:

The efficiency of a shaker is measured by its ability to remove cuttings from the mud. Several factors influence shaker performance, including:

  • Screen Size: The size of the screen mesh determines the size of the cuttings that can be removed.
  • Vibration Intensity: The amplitude and frequency of the vibration affect the effectiveness of the separation process.
  • Mud Properties: The viscosity and density of the mud can influence the efficiency of the shaker.

Importance of Shakers:

Shakers play a crucial role in drilling and well completion by:

  • Maintaining Mud Quality: By removing cuttings, shakers ensure that the mud remains clean and efficient, preventing the accumulation of solids that can clog the drill string or damage the wellbore.
  • Protecting Equipment: Clean mud reduces wear and tear on drilling equipment, extending its lifespan and reducing maintenance costs.
  • Optimizing Drilling Performance: Efficient mud circulation enhances drilling performance by allowing for proper cooling and lubrication, facilitating faster drilling rates and smoother operations.


Shakers are indispensable components of drilling and well completion operations. By effectively separating drill cuttings from mud, they maintain mud quality, protect equipment, and optimize drilling performance. Understanding the types, operation, and importance of shakers is essential for ensuring efficient and successful drilling operations.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Keeping the Mud Clean: The Role of Shakers in Drilling & Well Completion

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a shaker in drilling operations?

(a) To mix drilling mud with water. (b) To separate drill cuttings from drilling mud. (c) To pump drilling mud down the wellbore. (d) To lubricate the drill bit.


(b) To separate drill cuttings from drilling mud.

2. Which of the following is NOT a common type of shaker?

(a) Linear Shaker (b) Rotary Shaker (c) Decanter Shaker (d) Centrifugal Pump


(d) Centrifugal Pump

3. What is the main factor that determines the size of cuttings a shaker can remove?

(a) The size of the drilling rig. (b) The viscosity of the drilling mud. (c) The size of the screen mesh. (d) The power of the shaker motor.


(c) The size of the screen mesh.

4. How does clean drilling mud benefit drilling operations?

(a) It reduces wear and tear on equipment. (b) It improves drilling speed and efficiency. (c) It prevents the accumulation of solids in the wellbore. (d) All of the above.


(d) All of the above.

5. What is the significance of shakers in the overall drilling and well completion process?

(a) They are a minor component that can be easily replaced. (b) They are crucial for maintaining mud quality and protecting equipment. (c) They are only necessary during specific stages of drilling. (d) They have little impact on the overall drilling performance.


(b) They are crucial for maintaining mud quality and protecting equipment.

Exercise: Shaker Selection

Scenario: You are a drilling engineer tasked with selecting a shaker for a new drilling operation. The operation will involve drilling through a combination of soft and hard rock formations with high volumes of cuttings. The mud system will use a high-viscosity mud.

Task: Based on the information provided, recommend the most suitable type of shaker for this operation. Justify your choice, considering the factors that influence shaker performance.

Exercice Correction

Given the combination of hard rock formations, high volumes of cuttings, and high-viscosity mud, a **Decanter Shaker** would be the most suitable choice. Here's why:

  • **High Cutting Volume:** Decanter shakers are designed to handle high volumes of cuttings, making them ideal for drilling through formations with significant rock fragments.
  • **High-Viscosity Mud:** Decanter shakers excel at separating solids from high-viscosity muds due to their centrifugal force, which aids in the separation process.
  • **Fine Cuttings:** The combination of the vibrating screen and centrifuge in a decanter shaker allows for efficient removal of both coarse and fine cuttings.

While linear shakers are compact and rotary shakers are powerful, they may not be as effective in handling the specific challenges of this drilling operation, such as high cuttings volume and high-viscosity mud.


  • Drilling Engineering: Principles and Practices by Robert E. Williams (Covers various aspects of drilling, including mud systems and separation technologies)
  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook: This comprehensive handbook includes sections on drilling, completion, and mud engineering, which might mention shakers.
  • Drilling and Well Completion: A Practical Guide for Engineers and Operators by John G. Swanson (Provides practical insights into drilling and completion operations, potentially referencing shakers)


  • "Mud Cleaning Equipment" by The American Petroleum Institute (API) - Look for publications related to mud cleaning equipment, which would likely include shakers.
  • "Optimizing Drilling Performance with Efficient Mud Cleaning" - Search for articles on mud cleaning and its impact on drilling efficiency, possibly highlighting the role of shakers.
  • "The Importance of Shaker Performance in Drilling Operations" - Look for articles specifically analyzing the performance of shakers and their impact on drilling efficiency.

Online Resources

  • API (American Petroleum Institute) website: API offers standards and publications related to the oil and gas industry, including drilling and mud engineering.
  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) website: SPE publishes technical papers and resources on various aspects of the oil and gas industry, potentially including information on shakers.
  • This online platform provides data and insights into drilling activities, including equipment and technologies.
  • Oilfield Wiki: This wiki site offers information on various oilfield technologies, including drilling and mud engineering.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "Shaker" + "Drilling" + "Mud Cleaning" + "Well Completion"
  • Combine keywords with relevant terms: "Shaker" + "Types" + "Performance" + "Efficiency"
  • Include industry terms: "Shaker" + "API" + "SPE" + "Drilling Fluid"
  • Look for academic papers: Include terms like "journal" + "article" + "research" in your search
  • Explore forums and online communities: Search for forums or communities related to drilling and well completion.
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