Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Sedimentary


Sedimentary Rocks: The Foundation of Oil & Gas Exploration

Sedimentary rocks, formed from the accumulation and cementation of sediments, play a pivotal role in the oil and gas industry. They are the primary source of hydrocarbons and often host reservoirs where these valuable resources are trapped. Understanding the characteristics of sedimentary rocks is crucial for successful exploration and production.

Formation of Sedimentary Rocks:

Sedimentary rocks are born from the weathering and erosion of pre-existing rocks, like igneous or metamorphic rocks. These fragments, ranging from microscopic particles to large boulders, are transported by wind, water, or ice and eventually settle in low-lying areas like lakes, oceans, or riverbeds.

Over time, these sediments are buried under successive layers, subjected to pressure and heat. This process leads to compaction, squeezing out water and air, and cementation, where minerals dissolved in groundwater bind the sediment particles together. This process transforms loose sediments into solid, layered rocks.

Sedimentary Rock Types:

The classification of sedimentary rocks depends on their composition and origin:

  • Clastic sedimentary rocks: These rocks are composed of fragments (clasts) derived from other rocks. Examples include sandstone (composed of sand grains), shale (made up of clay minerals), and conglomerate (containing gravel-sized fragments).
  • Chemical sedimentary rocks: Formed by precipitation from water solutions, these rocks include limestone (composed of calcium carbonate), rock salt (halite), and gypsum.
  • Organic sedimentary rocks: Composed of organic matter, these rocks include coal (formed from plant remains) and oil shale (rich in kerogen, a complex organic material).

Sedimentary Rocks and Oil & Gas:

Sedimentary rocks are the primary source of oil and gas for several reasons:

  • Source rocks: Certain types of sedimentary rocks, particularly shale and oil shale, contain organic matter that, under specific conditions of heat and pressure, transforms into hydrocarbons.
  • Reservoir rocks: Clastic rocks like sandstone and carbonate rocks like limestone can act as reservoirs, containing porous and permeable layers that trap hydrocarbons.
  • Cap rocks: Impermeable layers like shale or salt can form a cap rock, sealing the reservoir and preventing hydrocarbons from escaping.

Significance in Exploration & Production:

Understanding the characteristics of sedimentary rocks is crucial for oil and gas exploration:

  • Identifying source rocks: Determining the type and age of source rocks helps locate potential areas with hydrocarbon generation.
  • Mapping reservoirs: Analyzing the distribution and properties of reservoir rocks helps predict the location and size of oil and gas deposits.
  • Evaluating cap rocks: Identifying effective cap rocks ensures that hydrocarbons are trapped and can be extracted.

In conclusion, sedimentary rocks are fundamental to the oil and gas industry. Their formation, classification, and characteristics directly influence the search for, extraction of, and ultimate success of hydrocarbon exploration and production.

Test Your Knowledge

Sedimentary Rocks Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is NOT a type of sedimentary rock?

a) Sandstone b) Granite c) Limestone d) Shale


b) Granite

2. What is the primary process that transforms loose sediments into solid rock?

a) Erosion b) Weathering c) Compaction and cementation d) Melting and cooling


c) Compaction and cementation

3. Which type of sedimentary rock is considered a source rock for oil and gas?

a) Sandstone b) Limestone c) Shale d) Conglomerate


c) Shale

4. What is the role of a cap rock in oil and gas reservoirs?

a) To act as a source of hydrocarbons b) To provide a porous and permeable layer for storage c) To prevent hydrocarbons from escaping d) To facilitate the transport of sediments


c) To prevent hydrocarbons from escaping

5. What is the significance of understanding the characteristics of sedimentary rocks in oil and gas exploration?

a) It helps to predict the location of potential oil and gas deposits b) It allows for the estimation of the volume of hydrocarbons present c) It aids in designing efficient extraction methods d) All of the above


d) All of the above

Sedimentary Rocks Exercise

Scenario: You are a geologist exploring a new area for potential oil and gas deposits. You have identified a layer of sandstone, a layer of shale, and a layer of limestone.

Task: Using your knowledge of sedimentary rocks, determine:

  • Which layer is most likely to be the source rock for hydrocarbons?
  • Which layer is most likely to act as a reservoir rock?
  • Which layer is most likely to act as a cap rock?

Explain your reasoning for each choice.

Exercise Correction

**Source Rock:** Shale is the most likely source rock because it contains organic matter that can transform into hydrocarbons under heat and pressure.

**Reservoir Rock:** Sandstone is the most likely reservoir rock because it is typically porous and permeable, allowing hydrocarbons to be stored within its pore spaces.

**Cap Rock:** Shale is also the most likely cap rock because it is typically impermeable, preventing hydrocarbons from escaping the reservoir rock.


  • "Petroleum Geology" by Robert J. "Bob" Folk - A comprehensive textbook covering the fundamentals of petroleum geology, including sedimentary rocks and their role in hydrocarbon exploration.
  • "Sedimentary Rocks in the Field" by John C. Griffiths - A practical guide to identifying and understanding sedimentary rocks, with clear descriptions and illustrations.
  • "Introduction to Petroleum Geology" by G.D. Hobson - Offers a thorough overview of petroleum geology, emphasizing the role of sedimentary rocks and their characteristics.
  • "The Geology of Petroleum" by Arthur E. Maxwell - A classic text providing a detailed explanation of petroleum systems, with a strong focus on sedimentary rocks and their properties.


  • "The role of sedimentary rocks in oil and gas exploration and production" by J.D. Collinson & N.B. Price - A review article highlighting the importance of sedimentary rocks in the oil and gas industry.
  • "Sedimentary rocks and their significance in the petroleum industry" by M.T. Halbouty - An insightful article discussing the various types of sedimentary rocks and their impact on oil and gas exploration.
  • "Organic-rich sedimentary rocks: Source rocks for hydrocarbons" by M.J. Katz - A focused article exploring the properties of source rocks and their contribution to oil and gas formation.

Online Resources

  • "Sedimentary Rocks" by The American Geosciences Institute - An informative website providing comprehensive information about sedimentary rocks, their formation, and classification.
  • "Oil and Gas Geology" by The University of Texas at Austin - A website containing detailed resources on petroleum geology, including sections dedicated to sedimentary rocks and their role in hydrocarbon exploration.
  • "Sedimentary Rocks and Petroleum Exploration" by The Geological Society of America - An online resource providing access to research papers and articles related to sedimentary rocks and their significance in the oil and gas industry.

Search Tips

  • "Sedimentary rocks + oil and gas": This search will provide relevant articles and websites related to the role of sedimentary rocks in the oil and gas industry.
  • "Formation of sedimentary rocks": This search will lead you to resources explaining the processes involved in the formation of sedimentary rocks.
  • "Types of sedimentary rocks": This search will provide information on different types of sedimentary rocks, including their characteristics and applications.
  • "Sedimentary rock identification": This search will help you find resources on how to identify and classify sedimentary rocks.
  • "Sedimentary basin + oil and gas": This search will lead you to information on sedimentary basins and their importance in oil and gas exploration.
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