Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Screen Analysis

Screen Analysis

Screen Analysis: Sifting Through the Secrets of Sand in Oil & Gas

In the oil and gas industry, understanding the characteristics of sand is crucial. From reservoir analysis to well completion and production, the size and distribution of sand grains directly impact efficiency and safety. Screen analysis is a fundamental technique used to determine the particle size distribution of a sand sample, providing valuable insights into the material's properties.

The Process: Sieving for Insights

Screen analysis involves running a sand sample through a series of sieves with progressively smaller mesh openings. The process is straightforward:

  1. Sample Preparation: A representative sample of sand is weighed and carefully prepared.
  2. Sieving: The sample is poured onto the top sieve, with the largest mesh size, and shaken vigorously.
  3. Separation: Sand particles pass through the sieves based on their size. Larger particles are retained on the top sieves, while smaller particles pass through to the next sieve.
  4. Weighing: The weight of the sand retained on each sieve is recorded.
  5. Analysis: The data is used to calculate the percentage of sand particles within each size range. This creates a particle size distribution, often depicted in a graph.

Interpreting the Data: Unlocking Sand Secrets

The screen analysis results reveal critical information about the sand sample:

  • Grain Size: The dominant grain size (or sizes) is identified, providing insight into the sand's overall texture.
  • Sorting: The distribution of particle sizes indicates how well-sorted the sand is. Well-sorted sands have a narrow range of grain sizes, while poorly sorted sands have a broader distribution.
  • Uniformity: A uniform particle size distribution is essential for certain applications, such as proppant selection for hydraulic fracturing.
  • Permeability: The particle size distribution directly impacts the permeability of the sand, a crucial factor in reservoir performance.

Applications in Oil & Gas

Screen analysis finds application in various areas of oil and gas operations:

  • Reservoir Analysis: Understanding the grain size distribution helps characterize the reservoir rock, predicting its permeability and porosity.
  • Proppant Selection: Screen analysis is vital for selecting proppants, which are used to maintain fracture openings during hydraulic fracturing.
  • Sand Control: Analyzing sand samples from production wells helps identify the risk of sand production, allowing for appropriate sand control measures to be implemented.

Beyond the Screen:

While screen analysis provides valuable information, it's important to note that other techniques, such as laser diffraction and image analysis, can provide more detailed and accurate particle size distributions. These advanced methods offer greater resolution and can be used for finer sand particles.

In conclusion, screen analysis remains a fundamental tool for understanding the characteristics of sand in the oil and gas industry. Its simplicity and affordability allow for quick and efficient assessment of sand properties, enabling informed decision-making in crucial aspects of oil and gas exploration, production, and well management.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Screen Analysis in Oil & Gas

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of screen analysis in the oil and gas industry?

a) To determine the chemical composition of sand. b) To measure the density of sand particles. c) To determine the particle size distribution of sand. d) To analyze the mineral content of sand.


c) To determine the particle size distribution of sand.

2. Which of the following is NOT a step involved in screen analysis?

a) Sample preparation b) Sieving c) Chemical analysis d) Weighing


c) Chemical analysis

3. What does a well-sorted sand sample indicate?

a) A wide range of particle sizes. b) A narrow range of particle sizes. c) A uniform distribution of particles. d) A high concentration of fine particles.


b) A narrow range of particle sizes.

4. How does screen analysis help in reservoir analysis?

a) It identifies the presence of oil and gas. b) It determines the permeability and porosity of the reservoir rock. c) It calculates the volume of oil and gas in the reservoir. d) It predicts the production rate of the well.


b) It determines the permeability and porosity of the reservoir rock.

5. Why is screen analysis important for selecting proppants in hydraulic fracturing?

a) It helps determine the chemical compatibility of proppants with the formation. b) It ensures the proppants have the appropriate particle size distribution for effective fracture support. c) It identifies the optimal proppant concentration for maximizing production. d) It determines the cost-effectiveness of different proppant options.


b) It ensures the proppants have the appropriate particle size distribution for effective fracture support.

Exercise: Proppant Selection

Scenario: You are an engineer working on a hydraulic fracturing project. The reservoir rock has a permeability of 10 millidarcies (mD). Based on this information, you need to choose a proppant that will maintain the fracture opening and ensure effective production.


  1. Research the relationship between proppant size and fracture permeability.
  2. Consider the permeability of the reservoir rock (10 mD).
  3. Select a suitable proppant size based on your research and the reservoir characteristics.
  4. Explain your choice and justify why it is appropriate for the given scenario.

Exercice Correction

**Proppant Selection Explanation:** The choice of proppant size is crucial for maintaining the fracture opening and ensuring effective production. A proppant with a smaller size will generally provide higher permeability, while a larger size will offer greater strength and better resistance to crushing. Considering the reservoir permeability of 10 mD, a proppant size within the range of 20/40 mesh or 30/50 mesh would be suitable. **Justification:** * **20/40 mesh:** This size range provides good permeability while offering sufficient strength to withstand the pressure within the fracture. * **30/50 mesh:** This size range offers slightly better permeability compared to 20/40 mesh but may have a lower resistance to crushing. Ultimately, the final proppant selection should consider factors like the specific fracture width, the expected production rate, and the cost of different proppant options. The chosen proppant size should be able to maintain the fracture opening and ensure effective production for the duration of the project.


  • "Reservoir Engineering Handbook" by Tarek Ahmed - Provides comprehensive coverage of reservoir analysis techniques, including screen analysis.
  • "Petroleum Engineering: Principles and Practices" by Donald R. Dillman - A widely-used textbook covering various aspects of petroleum engineering, with sections on reservoir characterization and sand production.
  • "The Complete Guide to Hydraulic Fracturing" by Stephen A. Holditch - This book discusses proppant selection and optimization, which involves screen analysis.


  • "A Practical Guide to Proppant Selection and Placement" by SPE - A comprehensive guide on proppant selection, including the role of screen analysis.
  • "Sand Control: A Review of Design and Management Techniques" by SPE - Discusses various sand control methods, highlighting the importance of sand analysis.
  • "Particle Size Analysis: Techniques and Applications" by ASTM International - A technical article providing a detailed overview of various particle size analysis methods, including screen analysis.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): - SPE is a professional organization that offers a wealth of resources on oil and gas engineering, including articles, webinars, and publications related to reservoir characterization and sand analysis.
  • American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): - ASTM develops and publishes standards for materials, products, systems, and services, including standards related to particle size analysis.
  • Particle Size Measurement: A Guide to Techniques and Applications: - A website dedicated to providing information on various particle size analysis techniques, including screen analysis.

Search Tips

  • "Screen analysis oil and gas" - This broad search will yield articles and resources related to screen analysis in the oil and gas industry.
  • "Proppant selection screen analysis" - This search will focus on articles discussing the role of screen analysis in proppant selection for hydraulic fracturing.
  • "Sand control screen analysis" - This search will help you find resources related to analyzing sand production and implementing sand control measures.
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