Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Pipeline Construction: Scale Inhibitor

Scale Inhibitor

Scale Inhibitor

A chemical that prevents scale from forming in mineral-saturated produced waters.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Scale Inhibitors

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a scale inhibitor? a) To dissolve existing scale deposits. b) To prevent the formation of new scale deposits. c) To increase the viscosity of produced waters. d) To neutralize the pH of produced waters.


b) To prevent the formation of new scale deposits.

2. Which of the following is NOT a common type of scale that scale inhibitors target? a) Calcium carbonate b) Barium sulfate c) Iron sulfide d) Sodium chloride


d) Sodium chloride

3. How do scale inhibitors typically work? a) By physically blocking the growth of scale crystals. b) By chemically altering the composition of the produced water. c) By increasing the solubility of scale-forming minerals. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

4. Which of the following factors can influence the effectiveness of a scale inhibitor? a) Water temperature b) Flow rate c) Concentration of scale-forming minerals d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

5. What is a common application for scale inhibitors? a) Water treatment plants b) Oil and gas production c) Industrial cooling systems d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

Exercise: Choosing the Right Scale Inhibitor


You are an engineer working in an oil and gas production facility. The produced water contains high levels of calcium carbonate and barium sulfate, leading to scale formation in pipelines and equipment. You need to select a scale inhibitor to prevent further scale formation.


  1. Research different types of scale inhibitors and their effectiveness against calcium carbonate and barium sulfate.
  2. Consider the following factors in your selection:
    • Temperature of the produced water
    • Flow rate of the produced water
    • Cost of the inhibitor
    • Environmental impact of the inhibitor
  3. Justify your choice of scale inhibitor and explain how it will address the specific challenges of the production facility.

Exercice Correction

This exercise does not have a single "correct" answer as the best scale inhibitor will depend on the specific details of the production facility. However, a good answer would demonstrate an understanding of different types of scale inhibitors, their strengths and weaknesses, and how to consider factors like temperature, flow rate, cost, and environmental impact. For example, a student might choose a phosphonate-based inhibitor for calcium carbonate and a barium sulfate inhibitor like a polymer or a combination of both. The student would need to explain why these choices are appropriate for the specific conditions of the production facility and justify the decision based on research and analysis.


  • "Scale Control in Oil Production" by Mahmoud El-Amin: This book provides a comprehensive overview of scale inhibition, covering various aspects from the fundamental understanding of scaling mechanisms to practical application of scale inhibitors.
  • "Handbook of Corrosion Engineering" by Uhlig and Revie: This classic reference covers a wide range of corrosion and scale inhibition topics, providing in-depth technical information on various materials, environments, and inhibition techniques.
  • "Water Treatment: Principles and Design" by Davis and Cornwell: This book focuses on water treatment processes, including scale prevention and control using various chemical treatments and technologies.


  • "Scale Inhibition in Oil and Gas Production: Challenges and Opportunities" by A.M. Al-Sabagh and H.A. Al-Marri (2017): This article provides a comprehensive review of the challenges and opportunities associated with scale inhibition in the oil and gas industry.
  • "Scale Inhibitors: A Review of Their Mechanisms and Applications" by B.R. Shaw and D.M. Himmelblau (1983): This article provides an overview of the mechanisms of action of different types of scale inhibitors, and their applications in various industries.
  • "Organic Phosphonates for Scale Control in Oil and Gas Production" by N.M. Mhadeshwar and A.K. Sen (2016): This article discusses the use of organic phosphonates as effective scale inhibitors in the oil and gas industry.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) website: SPE is a professional organization dedicated to the advancement of oil and gas technology. Their website offers a wealth of information on scale inhibition, including technical papers, conference proceedings, and industry news.
  • National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) website: NACE is another professional organization focusing on corrosion and its prevention. Their website provides information on scale inhibition, corrosion control, and related topics.
  • Oilfield Wiki: This online platform offers a vast collection of articles and information on various aspects of oil and gas production, including scale inhibition.
  • American Water Works Association (AWWA) website: While primarily focused on drinking water treatment, AWWA offers resources on scale prevention and control in water systems.

Search Tips

  • "Scale inhibitor mechanisms" : This search will yield articles and research papers discussing the underlying principles behind how scale inhibitors work.
  • "Scale inhibitor types" : This search will reveal information about different classes of scale inhibitors, their chemical properties, and their specific applications.
  • "Scale inhibitor performance evaluation" : This search will lead to resources on methods for assessing the effectiveness of scale inhibitors in laboratory and field settings.
  • "Scale inhibitor selection guide" : This search might lead to helpful guides and tools for selecting the appropriate scale inhibitor for a specific application.
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