Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Incident Investigation & Reporting: Root Cause (in failures)

Root Cause (in failures)

Drilling Down to the Root Cause: Understanding Failures in Oil & Gas

In the high-stakes world of oil and gas, failures are not just inconvenient, they can be costly, dangerous, and even catastrophic. Identifying and understanding the root cause of a failure is crucial for preventing similar incidents in the future. But what exactly is a root cause, and how does it differ from other contributing factors?

Simply put, the root cause of a failure is the most basic reason why something went wrong. It's the fundamental flaw or condition that led to the chain of events culminating in the failure. Think of it as the "why" behind the "what" - the answer to the question, "Why did this happen in the first place?"


Imagine a drilling rig experiencing a blowout. The immediate cause might be a malfunctioning valve. However, digging deeper, we might find the root cause was improper maintenance of that valve, leading to its failure.

Why is Identifying the Root Cause So Important?

  • Effective Solutions: Treating the symptoms of a failure, like replacing the faulty valve, might address the immediate problem, but it won't prevent future occurrences. Addressing the root cause, in this case, improving maintenance practices, is essential for long-term safety and efficiency.
  • Prevention: Understanding the root cause allows for targeted preventative measures. By identifying weaknesses in systems, processes, or procedures, the industry can implement safeguards to avoid similar failures in the future.
  • Continuous Improvement: Identifying root causes allows for a continual process of learning and improvement. By analyzing failures and understanding their underlying causes, the industry can optimize its practices and make operations safer, more reliable, and more efficient.

Common Root Causes in Oil & Gas:

  • Human Error: Lack of training, inadequate procedures, fatigue, and communication breakdowns are all common contributing factors to failures.
  • Equipment Failure: Malfunctioning equipment can be caused by wear and tear, improper maintenance, poor design, or even manufacturing defects.
  • Environmental Factors: Weather conditions, geological formations, and even seismic activity can influence the performance of oil and gas operations.
  • Procedural Failures: Inadequate safety protocols, poor risk management practices, and lack of adherence to industry standards can all contribute to failures.

Root Cause Analysis Techniques:

  • 5 Whys: A simple, yet effective technique that involves asking "why" repeatedly until the fundamental cause is identified.
  • Fishbone Diagram (Ishikawa Diagram): This visual tool helps to categorize potential root causes into different categories, like people, processes, environment, and materials.
  • Fault Tree Analysis: This systematic method uses logic gates to identify potential failure points and their contributing factors.


Identifying the root cause of a failure is critical for ensuring the safety, efficiency, and sustainability of oil and gas operations. By focusing on the underlying reasons for failures, the industry can develop targeted solutions, improve practices, and ultimately create a safer and more reliable environment.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Drilling Down to the Root Cause

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following BEST defines the root cause of a failure?

a) The immediate event that caused the failure. b) The most fundamental reason why something went wrong. c) The person or team responsible for the failure. d) The least significant factor contributing to the failure.


b) The most fundamental reason why something went wrong.

2. What is the primary benefit of identifying the root cause of a failure?

a) Assigning blame to individuals. b) Implementing solutions that address the symptoms of the failure. c) Preventing similar failures from happening in the future. d) Documenting the failure for insurance purposes.


c) Preventing similar failures from happening in the future.

3. Which of the following is NOT a common root cause category in oil and gas operations?

a) Human Error b) Equipment Failure c) Weather Conditions d) Regulatory Compliance


d) Regulatory Compliance

4. Which root cause analysis technique involves asking "why" repeatedly until the fundamental cause is identified?

a) Fault Tree Analysis b) 5 Whys c) Fishbone Diagram d) Pareto Analysis


b) 5 Whys

5. Why is it important to use multiple root cause analysis techniques?

a) To ensure that the analysis is completed quickly. b) To identify the root cause from different perspectives. c) To impress stakeholders with the thoroughness of the investigation. d) To ensure that the root cause is never overlooked.


b) To identify the root cause from different perspectives.

Exercise: Root Cause Analysis in Action


A drilling rig experienced a sudden loss of pressure during a well stimulation operation. The immediate cause was identified as a ruptured pipe. However, further investigation revealed that the pipe had been installed with a slight misalignment, causing stress on the weld.


  1. Using the 5 Whys technique, identify the potential root cause of the ruptured pipe.
  2. Create a simple Fishbone Diagram (Ishikawa Diagram) to illustrate the possible contributing factors to the pipe rupture.

Note: This is a simplified example. In a real-world scenario, a more detailed root cause analysis would be required.

Exercice Correction

**1. 5 Whys Example:** * **Why did the pipe rupture?** Because there was a misalignment in the installation. * **Why was there a misalignment?** Because the installation crew didn't follow the proper procedures for pipe alignment. * **Why didn't they follow the procedures?** Because the crew lacked proper training on pipe alignment procedures. * **Why wasn't the crew properly trained?** Because the company did not invest in adequate training programs for their installation crew. **2. Fishbone Diagram Example:** * **Main Problem:** Ruptured Pipe * **Possible Contributing Factors:** * **People:** Lack of training, inexperienced crew, fatigue * **Process:** Inadequate installation procedures, lack of quality control * **Environment:** Weather conditions, site hazards * **Materials:** Defective pipe, improper welding materials


  • Root Cause Analysis: A Step-by-Step Guide by Joseph A. De Feo - A comprehensive guide to understanding and implementing Root Cause Analysis techniques across various industries.
  • Root Cause Analysis: A Practical Guide to Problem Solving by Douglas M. Stamps - Covers various RCA methods and real-world examples for various fields, including oil and gas.
  • Reliability Engineering Handbook by William A. Levinson - Includes sections on risk analysis and root cause analysis, relevant to oil and gas operations.
  • Practical Root Cause Analysis by Andrew E. Bergman - Focuses on practical application and tools for implementing root cause analysis, useful for engineers and managers.


  • Root Cause Analysis in the Oil and Gas Industry: A Comprehensive Review by G.K. Rajakumar & J.D.M. Rennie (Journal of Petroleum Technology, 2015) - An in-depth review of RCA methodologies and their application in oil and gas.
  • Root Cause Analysis: A Powerful Tool for Reducing Accidents in the Oil and Gas Industry by Robert J. Bowlin (Safety+Health Magazine, 2017) - A practical overview of RCA with a focus on accident prevention.
  • Root Cause Analysis in the Oil and Gas Industry: A Case Study by M.A. Khan & A.R. Khan (International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2019) - A detailed analysis of a specific case study illustrating RCA application.

Online Resources

  • American Society for Quality (ASQ): ASQ provides resources and training on various quality management tools, including Root Cause Analysis, with specific focus on various industries. (
  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): SPE offers a range of technical papers and articles on various aspects of oil and gas engineering, including safety and reliability, and frequently discusses Root Cause Analysis. (
  • Oil and Gas Journal: This industry journal regularly publishes articles on safety, operations, and technology in the oil and gas sector, often including discussions on RCA and case studies. (

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Use terms like "root cause analysis oil and gas," "RCA techniques for drilling failures," "human error in oil and gas accidents," etc.
  • Combine keywords: Use multiple keywords in your search for a more specific result, e.g., "root cause analysis equipment failure offshore drilling."
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose specific phrases within quotation marks to find exact matches.
  • Utilize filters: Filter your search results by publication date, source type (news, scholarly articles), etc. to refine your search.
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