Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Reserves, Behind Pipe

Reserves, Behind Pipe

Behind-the-Pipe: Unlocking Hidden Potential in Oil & Gas Wells

The oil and gas industry is constantly seeking ways to maximize production and extract every last drop of valuable resources. One often-overlooked area of potential lies in "behind-the-pipe" reserves. These reserves represent untapped potential within existing wells, requiring additional work to unlock their value.

What are Behind-the-Pipe Reserves?

Behind-the-pipe reserves are those that are expected to be recovered from zones within existing wells, but which currently remain inaccessible. These zones may be:

  • Partially penetrated: The well may have only drilled through a portion of the reservoir, leaving untapped potential behind the casing.
  • Unproductive due to poor completion: The well may have been completed in a way that doesn't effectively access the reservoir, leading to low production.
  • Clogged or damaged: The wellbore may have experienced blockages or damage over time, hindering fluid flow.

Unlocking the Potential: Re-Completion and Advanced Technologies

Extracting behind-the-pipe reserves requires additional work, often referred to as "re-completion." This can involve a range of activities, including:

  • Running new casing: Installing new casing to isolate previously inaccessible zones.
  • Stimulating the reservoir: Using hydraulic fracturing or other techniques to increase permeability and production.
  • Installing new completion equipment: Implementing new completion methods to optimize fluid flow and access previously untouched zones.

Tools and Techniques for Identifying Behind-the-Pipe Reserves:

Several tools and technologies are crucial for identifying and evaluating behind-the-pipe reserves:

  • Proximity logs: These tools are used to measure resistivity and identify potential zones for re-completion. They are particularly useful for evaluating the quality of existing completions and detecting zones with potential for improved production.
  • 3D seismic data: Analyzing seismic data can provide a detailed picture of the reservoir, helping to identify untapped zones within existing wellbores.
  • Advanced well logging techniques: Detailed well logging analysis can provide information on reservoir characteristics and potential productivity, allowing for informed decision-making on re-completion projects.

Benefits of Targeting Behind-the-Pipe Reserves:

  • Increased production: Re-completion projects can significantly increase production from existing wells, boosting overall output and profitability.
  • Reduced development costs: Targeting behind-the-pipe reserves avoids the need for drilling new wells, which can be significantly more expensive.
  • Reduced environmental impact: Utilizing existing infrastructure reduces the need for new drilling operations, minimizing environmental footprint.
  • Extended well life: Re-completion projects can revitalize older wells, extending their productive life and reducing the need for premature decommissioning.


Behind-the-pipe reserves represent a valuable opportunity for oil and gas operators to maximize production and enhance profitability. By utilizing advanced technologies and employing effective re-completion strategies, companies can unlock hidden potential within existing wells, contributing to a more sustainable and efficient energy industry.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Behind-the-Pipe Reserves

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What are behind-the-pipe reserves?

a) Reserves that are easily accessible and already being produced.


Incorrect. Behind-the-pipe reserves are not easily accessible or currently being produced.

b) Reserves that are located in a new and unexplored area.


Incorrect. Behind-the-pipe reserves are located within existing wells.

c) Reserves that are untapped within existing wells, requiring additional work to access.


Correct! Behind-the-pipe reserves are untapped resources within existing wells.

d) Reserves that have been depleted and are no longer productive.


Incorrect. Behind-the-pipe reserves are untapped and have potential for production.

2. Which of these is NOT a common reason for behind-the-pipe reserves to remain untapped?

a) The well was only partially drilled through the reservoir.


Incorrect. This is a common reason for behind-the-pipe reserves.

b) The well completion was not optimized for accessing the reservoir.


Incorrect. This is a common reason for behind-the-pipe reserves.

c) The wellbore has become clogged or damaged.


Incorrect. This is a common reason for behind-the-pipe reserves.

d) The reservoir is completely depleted.


Correct! If the reservoir is completely depleted, there are no reserves left, behind-the-pipe or otherwise.

3. What is "re-completion" in the context of behind-the-pipe reserves?

a) The process of decommissioning an old well.


Incorrect. Re-completion involves accessing and producing from existing wells.

b) The process of drilling a new well in a different location.


Incorrect. Re-completion focuses on existing wells, not new drilling.

c) The process of improving access to and production from untapped zones within existing wells.


Correct! Re-completion is the process of unlocking behind-the-pipe reserves.

d) The process of removing old casing from a well.


Incorrect. While removing casing can be part of re-completion, it's not the entire process.

4. Which tool is NOT typically used for identifying and evaluating behind-the-pipe reserves?

a) Proximity logs


Incorrect. Proximity logs are crucial for evaluating potential behind-the-pipe zones.

b) 3D seismic data


Incorrect. 3D seismic data provides a detailed picture of the reservoir and helps identify behind-the-pipe potential.

c) Satellite imagery


Correct! Satellite imagery is not directly used for identifying and evaluating behind-the-pipe reserves.

d) Advanced well logging techniques


Incorrect. Advanced well logging is essential for understanding reservoir characteristics and potential production.

5. What is a key benefit of targeting behind-the-pipe reserves?

a) Reduced reliance on fossil fuels.


Incorrect. While maximizing production can lead to less reliance on new wells, this is not the primary benefit of targeting behind-the-pipe reserves.

b) Increased production from existing wells.


Correct! Re-completion projects can significantly increase production from existing wells.

c) Reduced greenhouse gas emissions from drilling new wells.


Incorrect. While this is a positive outcome, it's not the key benefit of targeting behind-the-pipe reserves.

d) Creation of new jobs in the oil and gas industry.


Incorrect. While re-completion projects may create some jobs, it's not the main benefit.

Exercise: Behind-the-Pipe Scenario


An oil and gas company has a well that was drilled in the 1980s. The well was only partially penetrated through the reservoir, and the completion design was not optimal for maximizing production. The company is considering re-completion to access behind-the-pipe reserves.


  1. Identify at least two potential challenges the company might face during re-completion.
  2. Suggest two technologies or techniques that could be used to overcome those challenges.
  3. Explain how the chosen technologies or techniques could help achieve re-completion success.


Exercice Correction

Here's a possible solution to the exercise:

1. Challenges:

  • Wellbore integrity: The wellbore may have deteriorated over time, making it difficult to run new casing or perform stimulation.
  • Reservoir characterization: The company may have limited knowledge of the reservoir due to the outdated data and incomplete penetration.

2. Technologies/Techniques:

  • Advanced well logging: Detailed well logging analysis can assess the current wellbore condition, reservoir characteristics, and identify zones suitable for re-completion.
  • Horizontal drilling/Multi-stage fracturing: If the original well was vertical, horizontal drilling and multi-stage fracturing could be used to access a larger portion of the reservoir, potentially unlocking significantly more behind-the-pipe reserves.

3. How they help:

  • Advanced well logging: Provides crucial information to assess the wellbore's condition, understand the reservoir's potential, and guide decisions on re-completion strategies.
  • Horizontal drilling/Multi-stage fracturing: Increases contact area with the reservoir, boosting production potential from the untapped zones.

This exercise encourages critical thinking about the challenges and solutions involved in unlocking behind-the-pipe reserves.


  • Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completions by Adam T. Bourgoyne Jr., William C. Millheim, Frank S. Chenevert, and Henry J. Pirson: This comprehensive textbook covers various aspects of drilling and completion, including re-completion techniques and evaluation of reserves.
  • Reservoir Simulation by Aziz, K. and Settari, A.: This book offers in-depth information on numerical simulation of oil and gas reservoirs, including modeling techniques for analyzing potential behind-the-pipe reserves.
  • Well Logging and Formation Evaluation by B. H. M. Smith: This book focuses on the application of well logging techniques for evaluating reservoir properties and identifying potential behind-the-pipe reserves.


  • "Unlocking Hidden Potential: Re-Completions and Behind-the-Pipe Reserves" by SPE Magazine: This article discusses the benefits and challenges of targeting behind-the-pipe reserves and explores various re-completion techniques.
  • "Behind-the-Pipe Reservoir Characterization: A Case Study" by Journal of Petroleum Technology: This article presents a real-world case study on utilizing advanced technologies to identify and evaluate behind-the-pipe reserves.
  • "Re-Completions: A New Lease on Life for Mature Fields" by Oil & Gas Journal: This article highlights the economic and environmental benefits of re-completion projects in mature oil and gas fields.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) website: The SPE offers numerous resources, including technical papers, conferences, and training courses related to drilling, completion, and reservoir engineering, including information on behind-the-pipe reserves.
  • Schlumberger website: Schlumberger, a leading oilfield services company, provides technical information and case studies on various technologies used for identifying and accessing behind-the-pipe reserves.
  • Halliburton website: Similar to Schlumberger, Halliburton offers insights into its technologies and services related to drilling, completion, and re-completion projects, often featuring information on behind-the-pipe reserves.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine keywords like "behind-the-pipe," "re-completion," "reserves," "oil and gas," "reservoir characterization," "well logging," and "completion techniques."
  • Filter results by year: Use the "tools" option in Google search to limit results to recent publications for the most up-to-date information.
  • Include industry names: Search for information specific to companies like Schlumberger, Halliburton, Baker Hughes, and others involved in oil and gas services and technologies.
  • Explore relevant forums: Utilize online forums and communities like "SPE Connect" to find discussions and insights from experts in the field.
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