Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Reservoir Engineering: Repeat Formation Tester

Repeat Formation Tester

Repeat Formation Tester: Drilling Deeper into Reservoir Potential

In the world of oil and gas exploration, a critical aspect of evaluating a reservoir's potential lies in understanding the characteristics of the formation itself. This is where the Repeat Formation Tester (RFT) comes into play, acting as a powerful tool in the hands of petroleum engineers.

What is an RFT?

Essentially, the RFT is a specialized piece of equipment used during drilling operations. It's deployed downhole to isolate specific sections of the reservoir, known as "pay zones", allowing for the extraction and analysis of reservoir fluids. These fluids can include oil, gas, or water, providing invaluable insights into the reservoir's composition and properties.

The RFT's Key Functionalities:

  1. Isolation: The RFT utilizes a sophisticated system of packers, which are inflatable seals, to isolate and seal off a designated section of the reservoir. This isolation is crucial to prevent fluid mixing from different zones.
  2. Fluid Sampling: Once isolated, the RFT can extract samples of the reservoir fluids. These samples are then brought to the surface for detailed analysis, including:
    • Fluid Type: Identifying the presence of oil, gas, or water.
    • Composition: Determining the specific chemical makeup of the fluids.
    • Properties: Measuring key physical properties like viscosity, density, and gas-oil ratio.
  3. Pressure Measurement: The RFT also measures the pressure within the isolated zone. This pressure data is essential for understanding the reservoir's pressure regime, which is critical for determining production potential.

The Importance of RFT Data:

The information gathered by an RFT plays a vital role in several aspects of oil and gas exploration and production:

  • Reservoir Characterization: Data from multiple RFT runs across different zones helps create a detailed picture of the reservoir's structure, fluid content, and pressure distribution.
  • Production Planning: RFT data aids in optimizing production strategies by informing decisions about well placement, production rates, and fluid handling.
  • Reservoir Management: RFT data provides valuable information for monitoring reservoir performance over time, enabling adjustments in production strategies and maximizing long-term recovery.
  • Risk Reduction: By providing detailed insights into the reservoir's characteristics, RFT data helps mitigate risks associated with exploration and development.

Limitations and Considerations:

While powerful, the RFT does have some limitations.

  • Cost: RFT operations can be expensive, requiring specialized equipment and skilled personnel.
  • Depth Limitations: The effectiveness of RFTs can be impacted by the depth of the target zone.
  • Formation Conditions: The presence of high-pressure, high-temperature, or complex formation conditions can pose challenges to RFT operations.


The Repeat Formation Tester is a crucial tool in the oil and gas industry, providing crucial insights into reservoir characteristics and contributing significantly to successful exploration, production, and reservoir management strategies. Its ability to isolate, sample, and measure pressure within specific zones empowers petroleum engineers to make informed decisions and maximize the potential of oil and gas reservoirs.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Repeat Formation Tester

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a Repeat Formation Tester (RFT)? a) To measure the temperature of the formation. b) To determine the porosity of the reservoir rock. c) To isolate and analyze fluids from specific reservoir zones. d) To stimulate the flow of oil and gas from the reservoir.


c) To isolate and analyze fluids from specific reservoir zones.

2. Which of the following is NOT a key functionality of an RFT? a) Isolation of a specific reservoir zone. b) Fluid sampling and analysis. c) Measurement of formation pressure. d) Stimulation of reservoir production.


d) Stimulation of reservoir production.

3. What type of data does an RFT provide that is essential for production planning? a) Formation temperature and permeability. b) Reservoir pressure and fluid composition. c) Seismic data and rock density. d) Wellbore stability and drilling rate.


b) Reservoir pressure and fluid composition.

4. Which of the following is a limitation of using an RFT? a) It can only be used in shallow reservoirs. b) It is not effective in identifying gas-bearing formations. c) It can be a costly operation. d) It requires a large amount of drilling time.


c) It can be a costly operation.

5. What is the main benefit of using an RFT in oil and gas exploration and production? a) To determine the exact location of oil and gas deposits. b) To estimate the total amount of oil and gas in a reservoir. c) To optimize production strategies and maximize reservoir recovery. d) To prevent environmental damage during drilling operations.


c) To optimize production strategies and maximize reservoir recovery.

Exercise: Reservoir Analysis


You are a petroleum engineer working on a new oil exploration project. Your team has just completed an RFT operation in a potential reservoir zone. The data collected indicates the following:

  • Fluid type: Oil
  • Oil composition: Light crude oil with a high API gravity
  • Reservoir pressure: 3000 psi
  • Fluid production rate: 100 barrels per day


Based on the RFT data, explain how you would use this information to make decisions regarding:

  • Well placement: Where would you recommend drilling future wells?
  • Production rate: Should you adjust the initial production rate based on the RFT data?
  • Reservoir management: What steps can you take to maximize long-term recovery from this reservoir?

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible approach to the exercise:

**Well placement:**

  • The high API gravity of the oil suggests a potentially productive reservoir.
  • The high reservoir pressure indicates good flow potential. You would want to place future wells in areas where the RFT data shows similar promising characteristics, potentially extending the productive zone identified.

**Production rate:**

  • The current production rate of 100 barrels per day provides a starting point.
  • Further analysis of the RFT data, including fluid properties and reservoir pressure, would be needed to determine if adjustments to the initial production rate are necessary. Factors like potential for well damage or reservoir depletion would be considered.

**Reservoir management:**

  • The RFT data provides a baseline for monitoring reservoir performance over time.
  • Regular RFTs could be conducted to track pressure decline, fluid composition changes, and production rates. This data would inform decisions regarding well stimulation, production rate adjustments, and secondary recovery methods (e.g., waterflooding) to maintain long-term oil recovery.

Remember, this is a simplified example. Real-world reservoir management involves a much more complex analysis of multiple data sources and factors.


  • Reservoir Engineering Handbook: This comprehensive handbook covers all aspects of reservoir engineering, including formation evaluation techniques like RFT.
  • Petroleum Engineering: Principles and Practices: This textbook offers a detailed explanation of various drilling and production operations, including the use of RFT.
  • Well Testing: This specialized book focuses on the theory and practice of well testing, including RFT data analysis and interpretation.


  • "Repeat Formation Tester (RFT) Technology: A Comprehensive Review" (Journal of Petroleum Technology): This article provides an in-depth review of RFT technology, including its history, advancements, applications, and limitations.
  • "Improving Reservoir Management Through Repeat Formation Testing" (SPE Journal): This paper discusses the use of RFT data for optimizing reservoir management strategies, particularly in complex reservoirs.
  • "Case Study: Utilizing RFT Data for Production Optimization in a Shale Gas Reservoir" (Journal of Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources): This case study demonstrates the practical application of RFT data in enhancing production in unconventional reservoirs.

Online Resources

  • Schlumberger: Schlumberger, a leading oilfield services company, provides extensive information on RFT technology, including its various tools, services, and case studies.
  • Baker Hughes: Baker Hughes, another major oilfield services provider, offers resources on their RFT solutions, along with technical papers and application notes.
  • Halliburton: Halliburton, a global leader in energy services, provides insights into their RFT equipment and services, including technical specifications and case studies.

Search Tips

  • "Repeat Formation Tester" + "Technology" - This will lead to articles and publications discussing the technical aspects of RFT.
  • "Repeat Formation Tester" + "Applications" - This will provide information on the various uses and benefits of RFT in oil and gas exploration and production.
  • "Repeat Formation Tester" + "Case Studies" - This will help you find real-world examples of RFT applications and their impact on decision-making.
  • "Repeat Formation Tester" + "Limitations" - This will uncover the challenges and limitations associated with RFT technology.
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