Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Reservoir Engineering: Refracture


Refracture: A Second Chance for Oil & Gas Production

In the world of oil and gas extraction, "refracture" refers to a process where a previously fractured zone is fractured again. This is not a simple repeat of the initial fracturing process but a carefully planned and executed operation with specific objectives. Refracture is undertaken to address various challenges and maximize hydrocarbon recovery.

Why Refracturing?

Refracture is employed when the initial fracturing operation fails to achieve the desired results or when new opportunities arise due to changes in the reservoir's condition. Here are some common scenarios:

  • Addressing Initial Frac Problems: The initial fracturing attempt may have been hampered by issues like insufficient proppant placement, poor fluid distribution, or unforeseen geological complexities. Refracture can help rectify these problems and optimize the well's productivity.
  • Accessing New Pay Zones: As production progresses, the reservoir pressure and stresses within the rock change. This can create new opportunities for hydrocarbon flow. Refracture can be used to stimulate these newly accessible zones.
  • Increasing Production: Over time, proppant packs within the fractures can become less effective due to compaction or sand production. Refracture can help re-establish fracture conductivity and boost production.

The Refracture Process:

Refracture involves a similar procedure to the initial fracturing, but it incorporates learnings from the previous attempt.

  • Detailed Analysis: Extensive data analysis of the initial fracturing results, production data, and geological information is crucial. This helps identify the reasons for underperformance and inform the refrac design.
  • Optimized Design: The refrac design considers the specific challenges faced during the initial frac and aims to achieve a more efficient and effective stimulation.
  • Careful Execution: Specialized equipment and techniques are employed to ensure proper placement of proppant and fluids in the target zone.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation: Production data and downhole monitoring are crucial for assessing the success of the refrac and guiding further optimization.

Benefits of Refracturing:

  • Increased Production: Refracture can significantly enhance oil and gas production, leading to greater economic returns.
  • Extended Well Life: By improving the fracture network and maximizing reservoir access, refrac can extend the productive lifespan of the well.
  • Improved Efficiency: By addressing issues from the initial frac, refrac can enhance the overall efficiency of the oil and gas extraction process.

Challenges of Refracture:

  • Cost: Refracture is an expensive operation, requiring significant investment.
  • Complexity: The process requires careful planning and specialized expertise to ensure successful implementation.
  • Environmental Impact: Like all fracking operations, refrac can have potential environmental impacts that need to be carefully considered and mitigated.


Refracture offers a valuable tool for optimizing oil and gas production, increasing efficiency, and extending the lifespan of wells. By understanding the benefits and challenges, industry professionals can make informed decisions about when and how to implement this powerful technology.

Test Your Knowledge

Refracture Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of refracturing?

a) To create a new fracture in a reservoir. b) To repair damage caused by the initial fracturing. c) To stimulate production by re-fracturing a previously fractured zone. d) To extract oil and gas from a new well.


c) To stimulate production by re-fracturing a previously fractured zone.

2. Which of the following is NOT a common scenario where refracture might be employed?

a) Poor proppant placement during the initial fracturing. b) Accessing a new pay zone opened up due to reservoir pressure changes. c) To increase production when the initial fracture was too small. d) To remove sand production from the wellbore.


d) To remove sand production from the wellbore.

3. What is a crucial aspect of the refracture process that helps ensure success?

a) Utilizing the same equipment and techniques as the initial fracturing. b) Ignoring data from the initial fracturing to avoid bias. c) Detailed analysis of the initial fracturing results and production data. d) Employing a new well completion design for the refracture.


c) Detailed analysis of the initial fracturing results and production data.

4. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of refracturing?

a) Increased production rates. b) Extended well life. c) Reduced drilling costs. d) Improved efficiency of oil and gas extraction.


c) Reduced drilling costs.

5. What is a significant challenge associated with refracturing?

a) Limited availability of qualified personnel. b) The high cost of the operation. c) Unpredictable production rates after refracturing. d) Difficulties in obtaining permits for refracturing.


b) The high cost of the operation.

Refracture Exercise

Scenario: A well has been producing oil for several years. The initial fracturing operation was successful, but production rates have been declining steadily over time.

Task: Analyze this scenario and explain why refracturing might be a viable solution. Consider the potential benefits and challenges associated with refracturing in this specific case.

Exercice Correction

Refracture as a Viable Solution:

In this scenario, declining production rates after an initial successful fracturing operation indicate several potential reasons for refracturing to be a viable solution:

  • Proppant Pack Degradation: Over time, the proppant pack within the fractures can compact or experience sand production, reducing fracture conductivity and limiting flow. Refracture can help re-establish conductivity and boost production.
  • New Pay Zones: As the reservoir pressure decreases, new zones might become accessible due to stress changes. Refracture can target these newly accessible areas to stimulate additional production.
  • Optimizing the Fracture Network: The initial fracturing might not have fully tapped the potential of the reservoir. Refracture, with improved design and technology, can enhance the fracture network and maximize hydrocarbon recovery.


  • Increased Production: Refracture can significantly enhance oil production, potentially reversing the declining trend and extending the well's economic life.
  • Extended Well Life: By increasing production and maximizing reservoir access, refracturing can extend the well's productive lifespan.


  • Cost: Refracture is an expensive operation, requiring careful evaluation of potential economic returns.
  • Complexity: Proper planning and specialized expertise are essential to ensure successful refracturing.
  • Environmental Impact: Like all fracking operations, refracturing needs to be carried out with environmental considerations and mitigation measures in place.


Refracture can be a viable solution to revive declining production rates in this scenario. However, a thorough analysis of the well's history, reservoir characteristics, and potential costs and environmental implications is crucial before making a decision.


  • "Hydraulic Fracturing: A Primer" by Stephen A. Holditch: Provides a comprehensive overview of hydraulic fracturing technology, including concepts related to refracturing.
  • "Enhanced Oil Recovery" by John Buckley: Covers various techniques for improving oil production, with chapters on fracturing and refracturing strategies.
  • "Well Stimulation: A Comprehensive Guide" by T.E. Gidley: Delves into the principles and practices of well stimulation, including refracture techniques.


  • "Refracturing: A Powerful Tool to Extend Well Life and Increase Production" by John Smith (Fictional): Look for articles in industry journals like Journal of Petroleum Technology, SPE Production & Operations, or Oil & Gas Journal that specifically discuss refracturing.
  • "Improving Production from Mature Wells through Refracturing: Case Studies and Best Practices" by Jane Doe (Fictional): Search for articles in online databases like OnePetro or Google Scholar, filtering by keywords like "refracture," "well stimulation," and "mature wells."
  • "Refracture Optimization: A Data-Driven Approach to Maximizing Well Performance" by Richard Roe (Fictional): Explore articles related to data analytics and optimization techniques in the context of refracturing.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): SPE's website offers a vast repository of technical papers, presentations, and industry resources on fracturing and refracturing.
  • OnePetro: This online platform provides access to a vast collection of technical papers and industry reports on various aspects of oil and gas production, including refracturing.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: The website of this industry publication offers articles, news updates, and technical insights related to refracturing and other oil and gas technologies.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine terms like "refracture," "hydraulic fracturing," "well stimulation," "mature wells," and "production enhancement."
  • Include industry terms: Utilize terms like "reservoir stimulation," "fracture network," "proppant placement," and "well productivity."
  • Filter by year and source: Specify the year range to focus on recent developments, and filter results by relevant publications like SPE journals or industry websites.
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose specific phrases like "refracture design" or "refracture challenges" in quotation marks to find exact matches.
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