Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: RBP


RBP: A Crucial Element in Wellbore Operations

RBP, short for Retrievable Bridge Plug, is a key piece of equipment used in the oil and gas industry, particularly during wellbore operations. It plays a vital role in isolating specific sections of the wellbore, enabling various tasks like:

  • Testing and evaluation: RBPs allow for isolating a specific zone of the wellbore to perform pressure tests, formation evaluations, and other well integrity checks.
  • Selective stimulation: RBPs can isolate zones for targeted stimulation treatments like acidizing or fracturing, focusing the treatment on the desired reservoir interval.
  • Production optimization: By isolating certain sections, RBPs can control production from specific zones, optimizing flow rates and maximizing hydrocarbon recovery.
  • Well intervention and repair: RBPs are crucial for isolating damaged zones during well intervention or repair operations, enabling safe and efficient work.

How does an RBP work?

RBPs are designed with a retrievable element, usually a valve or a seal, that can be actuated to seal off a specific section of the wellbore. They are typically deployed on wireline and can be set and retrieved easily.

Summary of RBP features and benefits:

  • Retrievability: RBPs can be easily removed from the wellbore, allowing for flexibility and adaptability during operations.
  • Multiple deployments: RBPs can be deployed and retrieved multiple times without compromising their functionality.
  • Versatility: RBPs are available in various configurations and sizes to suit specific wellbore conditions and operational requirements.
  • Safety and efficiency: RBPs provide a safe and efficient method for isolating sections of the wellbore, minimizing potential risks and optimizing workflow.

Types of RBPs:

There are various types of RBPs, including:

  • Valve-type RBPs: These use a valve mechanism to seal the wellbore.
  • Packer-type RBPs: These use a packer to create a seal against the wellbore wall.
  • Mechanical-type RBPs: These rely on mechanical elements like pins or wedges for sealing.


RBPs are indispensable tools in oil and gas wellbore operations. Their retrievability, versatility, and safety features make them crucial for a wide range of applications, from testing and stimulation to well intervention and production optimization. Understanding RBPs and their applications is essential for anyone involved in wellbore operations and maximizing hydrocarbon recovery.

Test Your Knowledge

RBP Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does RBP stand for?

a) Retrievable Bridge Plug b) Reservoir Boundary Point c) Rotary Borehole Packer d) Remote Borehole Probe


a) Retrievable Bridge Plug

2. What is the primary function of an RBP?

a) To permanently seal off a section of the wellbore. b) To enhance the flow rate of hydrocarbons. c) To isolate specific sections of the wellbore. d) To prevent the formation of gas hydrates.


c) To isolate specific sections of the wellbore.

3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using an RBP?

a) Retrievability b) Multiple deployments c) Versatility d) Increased production costs


d) Increased production costs

4. What type of RBP utilizes a packer to create a seal?

a) Valve-type RBP b) Packer-type RBP c) Mechanical-type RBP d) Hydraulic-type RBP


b) Packer-type RBP

5. Which of the following applications is NOT typically associated with RBPs?

a) Testing and evaluation b) Well intervention and repair c) Production optimization d) Drilling operations


d) Drilling operations

RBP Exercise:

Scenario: You are working on a well where a specific zone needs to be isolated for a stimulation treatment. The well has a history of high pressure and requires a reliable and retrievable sealing solution.


  1. Identify which type of RBP would be most suitable for this scenario, considering the well's history and the required functionality.
  2. Explain your reasoning, highlighting the key features and benefits of the chosen RBP type.

Exercice Correction

For this scenario, a Packer-type RBP would be the most suitable choice. Here's why:

  • High Pressure: Packer-type RBPs are designed to handle high pressures effectively due to their ability to create a tight seal against the wellbore wall.
  • Retrievability: The packer can be easily retrieved, allowing for flexibility in adjusting the treatment zone if needed.
  • Reliability: Packer-type RBPs are known for their reliability in creating a secure seal, minimizing the risk of leaks or unintended flow.

Overall, the Packer-type RBP offers the necessary combination of reliability, retrievability, and pressure handling capabilities to effectively isolate the target zone for the stimulation treatment.


  • "Well Completion Design and Operations" by John A. Lee (This book covers various well completion techniques, including bridge plugs and their applications.)
  • "Well Intervention: Techniques and Applications" by Michael J. Economides (This book provides detailed information on well intervention procedures, including the use of retrievable bridge plugs.)
  • "Modern Well Completion Techniques" by K.M. Rao (This book covers a wide range of well completion technologies, with sections dedicated to bridge plugs and their applications.)


  • "Retrievable Bridge Plugs: A Versatile Tool for Wellbore Isolation" by Schlumberger (This article discusses the various types of RBPs and their applications in wellbore operations.)
  • "Bridge Plug Technology: Innovations and Trends" by Halliburton (This article explores the latest advancements in bridge plug technology and their impact on wellbore operations.)
  • "The Use of Retrievable Bridge Plugs in Multilateral Well Development" by SPE (This paper analyzes the use of RBPs in multilateral well development, highlighting their benefits and challenges.)

Online Resources

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "Retrievable Bridge Plugs", "RBP wellbore operations", "Bridge Plug applications", "Types of Bridge Plugs"
  • Combine keywords with industry terms: "RBPs oil and gas", "RBPs well completion", "RBPs well intervention"
  • Search for specific manufacturers: "Schlumberger RBPs", "Halliburton Bridge Plugs", "Baker Hughes Bridge Plugs"
  • Filter results by publication date: Look for recent articles and research papers on RBPs.
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