Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Safety Training & Awareness: RAPPS (subsea)

RAPPS (subsea)

RAPPS: Safeguarding Subsea Operations with Riser Annulus Pressure Protection Systems

In the demanding world of subsea oil and gas extraction, safety and efficiency are paramount. One crucial component ensuring both is the Riser Annulus Pressure Protection System (RAPPS).

Understanding the RAPPS

A RAPPS is a specialized safety system designed to protect subsea risers from potentially catastrophic pressure surges. Risers, the vertical pipes connecting subsea wells to production platforms, are susceptible to pressure build-up due to various factors like gas influx, fluid flow changes, or unexpected equipment failures.

Key Components and Functionalities:

  • Annulus Pressure Monitoring: RAPPS constantly monitors the pressure within the annular space between the riser pipe and the casing. This space is typically filled with sea water or drilling mud.
  • Pressure Control Devices: Should the annulus pressure exceed predefined safety limits, the RAPPS activates pressure control devices. These devices can include:
    • Annulus Relief Valves: These valves automatically open to release excess pressure, preventing catastrophic failure within the riser.
    • Choke Valves: These valves can be remotely activated to control the flow of fluids and reduce pressure buildup.
    • Safety Shut-in Systems (SSIS): In extreme situations, the RAPPS can trigger the SSIS to shut down the well, isolating the source of the pressure surge.

Benefits of RAPPS:

  • Enhanced Safety: RAPPS prevents catastrophic riser failures, safeguarding personnel, equipment, and the environment.
  • Reduced Downtime: By preventing unplanned shutdowns and failures, RAPPS optimizes production efficiency.
  • Operational Reliability: Consistent monitoring and pressure control contribute to reliable and predictable subsea operations.
  • Environmental Protection: By preventing uncontrolled fluid releases, RAPPS minimizes the environmental impact of subsea activities.

RAPPS in Action:

RAPPS are implemented in various subsea well configurations, including:

  • Production Wells: Monitoring and controlling pressure during production operations.
  • Injection Wells: Ensuring safe injection of fluids into the reservoir.
  • Exploration Wells: Protecting risers during exploration and drilling activities.

Ongoing Development and Integration:

RAPPS technology is constantly evolving. Advancements include:

  • Remote Monitoring and Control: Remotely accessible systems for real-time monitoring and control of pressure and valve operation.
  • Advanced Diagnostics: Sophisticated sensors and algorithms for proactive identification of potential pressure problems.
  • Integration with Subsea Automation Systems: Seamless integration with overall subsea control and monitoring systems for enhanced efficiency and safety.


RAPPS play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and reliability of subsea operations. By providing a robust and integrated pressure protection solution, RAPPS contribute to a safer and more efficient oil and gas industry. As technology continues to advance, RAPPS will continue to evolve, further enhancing the safety and sustainability of subsea production.

Test Your Knowledge


Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a Riser Annulus Pressure Protection System (RAPPS)?

a) To monitor and control the pressure inside the riser pipe. b) To prevent catastrophic pressure surges within the riser annulus. c) To regulate the flow of fluids through the riser. d) To provide a safety shut-in system for the entire well.


b) To prevent catastrophic pressure surges within the riser annulus.

2. Which of the following is NOT a key component of a RAPPS?

a) Annulus pressure monitoring system. b) Pressure control devices. c) Flow control valves. d) Safety shut-in systems (SSIS).


c) Flow control valves. While flow control valves are important in subsea operations, they are not a core component of a RAPPS specifically designed for annulus pressure protection.

3. Which of these pressure control devices is NOT typically used in a RAPPS?

a) Annulus relief valves. b) Choke valves. c) Pressure relief valves on the riser pipe. d) Safety shut-in systems (SSIS).


c) Pressure relief valves on the riser pipe. While pressure relief valves are important safety devices, they are not directly associated with protecting the annulus space. RAPPS focuses on the pressure between the riser and casing.

4. What is a primary benefit of using a RAPPS in subsea operations?

a) Increased production rates. b) Reduced environmental impact. c) Lower operational costs. d) Improved wellbore stability.


b) Reduced environmental impact. RAPPS prevent uncontrolled fluid releases, minimizing the risk of pollution and environmental damage.

5. Which of the following is a current advancement in RAPPS technology?

a) Remote monitoring and control of pressure and valve operations. b) Using a single pressure control device for all situations. c) Relying solely on mechanical systems for pressure monitoring. d) Reducing the number of safety systems in subsea wells.


a) Remote monitoring and control of pressure and valve operations. This advancement allows for real-time monitoring and control, improving the effectiveness and responsiveness of the system.

RAPPS Exercise

Scenario: You are working on a subsea production platform with a RAPPS installed. During routine monitoring, you notice a gradual increase in annulus pressure. The pressure is still within safe limits, but it is rising steadily.


  1. What steps should you take to address this situation?
  2. What are the potential causes for the increase in annulus pressure?
  3. What are the potential consequences if the pressure continues to rise unchecked?

Exercice Correction

1. Steps to Address the Situation:

  • Increase monitoring frequency: Closely monitor the annulus pressure and log the readings at shorter intervals to track the rate of increase.
  • Review historical data: Compare current readings with historical data to identify any trends or patterns. This might help pinpoint the cause of the pressure rise.
  • Check relevant equipment: Inspect the annulus pressure monitoring system, relief valves, choke valves, and any related equipment for potential malfunctions.
  • Notify relevant personnel: Inform the operations team, engineering department, and any other relevant parties about the rising pressure and your observations.
  • Prepare for potential action: If the pressure continues to rise and reaches the warning thresholds, be prepared to activate the RAPPS components to control the pressure.

2. Potential Causes for Increased Annulus Pressure:

  • Gas influx: A sudden influx of gas into the wellbore from a formation can create pressure buildup in the annulus.
  • Fluid flow changes: Changes in production rates or injection volumes can impact pressure distribution within the riser and annulus.
  • Equipment malfunction: A faulty valve, pump, or other equipment could lead to abnormal pressure buildup.
  • Temperature fluctuations: Changes in temperature within the riser or wellbore can impact fluid density and potentially influence pressure.

3. Potential Consequences if Pressure Rises Unchecked:

  • Riser failure: If the annulus pressure exceeds the riser's design limits, it could lead to catastrophic failure, causing significant damage and potential environmental harm.
  • Production interruption: Uncontrolled pressure buildup could force a production shutdown to prevent further damage or safety hazards.
  • Personnel injury: A riser failure could pose significant risks to personnel working on the platform or in the vicinity.
  • Environmental pollution: Uncontrolled release of fluids and gases into the environment could cause ecological damage.


  • Subsea Engineering Handbook: This comprehensive handbook covers various aspects of subsea engineering, including riser systems and safety.
  • Well Control and Blowout Prevention: This book focuses on the critical aspects of well control and how RAPPS contribute to preventing blowouts.
  • Subsea Production Systems: This book provides a detailed overview of subsea production systems, including the role of RAPPS in maintaining system integrity.


  • "Riser Annulus Pressure Protection Systems (RAPPS): A Critical Safety Element for Subsea Operations" by [Author Name] (Journal of Petroleum Technology) - Look for articles on specific RAPPS designs, applications, or advancements in relevant industry journals.
  • "Subsea Risers and Flowlines: Design and Analysis" by [Author Name] (Offshore Technology Conference proceedings) - Explore articles related to riser design and analysis, which often mention RAPPS integration and functionality.
  • "The Role of RAPPS in Subsea Safety and Reliability" by [Author Name] (Oil & Gas Journal) - Search for articles in specialized industry publications that discuss the impact of RAPPS on safety and reliability.

Online Resources

  • Subsea Equipment Suppliers: Websites of companies like Aker Solutions, Schlumberger, OneSubsea, and others provide technical documentation and case studies related to their RAPPS solutions.
  • Industry Associations: Websites of organizations like the International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC) and the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) offer resources and publications on subsea safety and well control.
  • Online Databases: Use academic databases like JSTOR, ScienceDirect, and Google Scholar to find research articles and technical papers related to RAPPS.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Include terms like "RAPPS", "subsea riser", "annulus pressure", "safety system", "blowout prevention", and "well control".
  • Refine your search: Use advanced search operators like "site:" to limit your search to specific websites, or "filetype:" to find specific document types (like PDFs).
  • Explore related terms: Search for terms like "subsea wellheads", "annulus monitoring", "safety valves", and "subsea automation" to uncover further information about RAPPS.
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