Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Radial Stress (tubular)

Radial Stress (tubular)

Understanding Radial Stress in Oil & Gas Tubing: A Key Factor in Well Integrity

In the world of oil and gas exploration and production, maintaining well integrity is paramount. One crucial aspect of this integrity is understanding and managing radial stress within tubulars, the pipes and casings used to access and extract hydrocarbons from underground reservoirs.

What is Radial Stress?

Radial stress refers to the force exerted perpendicular to the surface of a tubular, either pushing inward (compressive stress) or outward (tensile stress). This stress is a function of the internal and external pressures acting upon the tubular, as well as the physical properties of the material itself.

Understanding the Forces:

  • Internal Pressure: The pressure exerted by the fluid inside the tubular, like oil, gas, or water, pushes outwards on the tubular wall.
  • External Pressure: The pressure exerted by the surrounding formation, typically a mix of rock and fluids, pushes inwards on the tubular wall.

The Role of Radial Stress in Well Integrity:

  • Collapse: When external pressure exceeds internal pressure, the tubular experiences compressive radial stress. If this stress becomes too high, it can cause the tubular to collapse inwards, potentially leading to a wellbore failure.
  • Rupture: Conversely, if internal pressure exceeds external pressure, the tubular experiences tensile radial stress. If this stress becomes too high, it can cause the tubular to rupture, leading to fluid leaks and potential environmental damage.

Managing Radial Stress in Tubing:

To prevent collapse or rupture, engineers carefully consider factors like:

  • Tubing Material: Using stronger, more robust materials like high-grade steel can increase the tubular's resistance to both compressive and tensile stress.
  • Tubing Wall Thickness: A thicker wall provides greater resistance to stress, but it also increases weight and cost.
  • Design Pressure: Engineering calculations ensure that the chosen tubing can safely withstand the expected pressures throughout its lifetime.
  • Wellbore Conditions: Understanding the properties of the surrounding formation and the potential for pressure changes is vital for designing a wellbore that can handle the anticipated stresses.


Radial stress is a critical factor in ensuring wellbore integrity in the oil and gas industry. By understanding the forces at play and the ways to manage radial stress, engineers can design and operate wells that are safe, efficient, and environmentally responsible. This knowledge is fundamental for preventing catastrophic failures and maintaining the sustainable production of oil and gas resources.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Radial Stress in Oil & Gas Tubing

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is radial stress?

a) The force acting parallel to the surface of a tubular.


Incorrect. Radial stress acts perpendicular to the surface.

b) The force exerted perpendicular to the surface of a tubular.


Correct! Radial stress is the force acting perpendicular to the surface.

c) The force caused by the weight of the tubular.


Incorrect. This refers to axial stress, not radial stress.

d) The force caused by the rotation of the tubular.


Incorrect. This refers to torsional stress, not radial stress.

2. Which of the following is NOT a factor that contributes to radial stress in a tubular?

a) Internal pressure


Incorrect. Internal pressure is a major contributor to radial stress.

b) External pressure


Incorrect. External pressure is a major contributor to radial stress.

c) Tubing material


Incorrect. Tubing material plays a significant role in determining resistance to radial stress.

d) The color of the tubing


Correct! Tubing color has no impact on radial stress.

3. If external pressure exceeds internal pressure, the tubular experiences:

a) Tensile radial stress


Incorrect. This occurs when internal pressure exceeds external pressure.

b) Compressive radial stress


Correct! This is when the external force pushes the tubular inwards.

c) No stress


Incorrect. There is always stress present in a tubular under pressure.

d) Balanced stress


Incorrect. This describes a scenario where internal and external pressures are equal.

4. Which of these is NOT a method used to manage radial stress in tubing?

a) Using a thicker tubing wall


Incorrect. Thicker walls provide greater resistance to stress.

b) Using a weaker material


Correct! Using a weaker material would decrease the tubing's resistance to stress.

c) Designing for the expected pressure


Incorrect. Proper design is crucial for managing stress.

d) Understanding wellbore conditions


Incorrect. This knowledge is essential for designing a wellbore that can withstand stress.

5. What is the main purpose of managing radial stress in oil & gas tubing?

a) To increase the flow rate of oil and gas.


Incorrect. This is not directly related to managing radial stress.

b) To prevent the tubing from collapsing or rupturing.


Correct! Managing radial stress ensures the integrity of the tubing and prevents failures.

c) To reduce the cost of drilling operations.


Incorrect. While managing stress can contribute to efficiency, it's not the primary objective.

d) To make the drilling process faster.


Incorrect. This is not directly related to managing radial stress.



A well is being drilled in a high-pressure formation. The expected internal pressure is 5000 psi, and the external pressure is 7000 psi. The engineers are considering using tubing with a wall thickness of 0.5 inches and a material strength of 10,000 psi.


  1. Based on the information given, determine whether the tubing is likely to collapse. Explain your reasoning.
  2. What could the engineers do to improve the safety of the tubing in this scenario? Provide at least two suggestions.

Exercice Correction

1. **The tubing is likely to collapse.** The external pressure (7000 psi) is greater than the internal pressure (5000 psi), indicating compressive radial stress. This means the tubing will be subjected to an inward force. The material strength of 10,000 psi indicates the tubing can withstand a pressure difference of 10,000 psi. However, the actual pressure difference is 7000 psi - 5000 psi = 2000 psi, which is less than the material strength. However, the actual pressure difference of 2000 psi exceeds the material strength, making the tubing susceptible to collapse. 2. **Here are two suggestions to improve the safety of the tubing:** * **Increase the tubing wall thickness:** A thicker wall would provide greater resistance to compressive stress and increase the pressure the tubing can withstand before collapsing. * **Use a stronger material:** Using a material with a higher yield strength would allow the tubing to handle greater pressure differences without collapsing. For instance, using a material with a yield strength of 15,000 psi would be sufficient to withstand the expected pressures in this scenario.


  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook: This comprehensive handbook covers various aspects of oil and gas engineering, including wellbore design and tubular stress analysis.
  • Fundamentals of Petroleum Production Engineering: This text provides in-depth knowledge on oil and gas well design and production, including chapters on tubing stress and wellbore integrity.
  • Applied Mechanics of Solids: This book offers a detailed explanation of stress analysis in various materials, which can be applied to understanding radial stress in oil and gas tubing.


  • "Tubing Collapse and Rupture in Oil and Gas Wells: A Review" by [Author Name] - This article provides an overview of the causes and mechanisms of tubing collapse and rupture, focusing on the role of radial stress.
  • "Stress Analysis of Oil and Gas Tubing under Various Wellbore Conditions" by [Author Name] - This paper explores the use of computational methods to analyze radial stress and optimize tubing design based on wellbore parameters.
  • "Case Study: Managing Radial Stress in Deepwater Wellbore" by [Author Name] - This case study discusses the practical challenges and solutions related to managing radial stress in high-pressure, deep-water environments.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) Website: SPE offers numerous publications, conferences, and training courses on oil and gas engineering, including topics related to wellbore integrity and tubular design.
  • Oil & Gas Engineering Websites: Websites like Schlumberger, Halliburton, Baker Hughes, and others provide technical resources and case studies related to wellbore design, tubing selection, and stress analysis.
  • Online Journal Databases: Accessing databases like ScienceDirect, JSTOR, and Google Scholar allows you to search for relevant research articles on radial stress, wellbore integrity, and tubing design.

Search Tips

  • Specific keywords: "radial stress tubing," "wellbore integrity," "tubing collapse," "tubing rupture," "oil and gas well design," "wellbore pressure analysis," "tubing selection."
  • Advanced search operators: Use quotation marks to search for exact phrases, "+" to include specific keywords, and "-" to exclude irrelevant terms.
  • Focus on reputable sources: Search for articles published in academic journals, industry publications, or by reputable oil and gas companies.
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