Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Pipeline Construction: PVC (gas lift)

PVC (gas lift)

Understanding PVC (Gas Lift) in Oil & Gas Operations: A Closer Look

PVC (Gas Lift), short for Pressure-Volume-Concentration, refers to a crucial method in oil and gas production that uses injected gas to increase the flow of oil from a well. This technique is employed when the natural reservoir pressure is insufficient to push the oil to the surface efficiently.

How PVC Gas Lift Works:

  • Gas Injection: High-pressure gas (typically natural gas) is injected into the well through strategically placed gas lift valves.
  • Pressure Reduction: The injected gas reduces the pressure at the bottom of the well, creating a pressure differential that pushes the oil upwards.
  • Increased Flow: This pressure difference facilitates the flow of oil from the reservoir to the surface, increasing production rates.

PVC Gas Lift Valves:

PVC valves are critical components in this process, controlling the injection of gas into the well. These valves are typically installed at various depths within the well and designed to open and close based on the pressure and volume of gas needed.

Closing Pressure at Depth for a Gas Lift Valve:

The closing pressure at depth for a gas lift valve is a crucial parameter that determines when the valve shuts off gas injection. This pressure, measured at the depth of the valve, is set to ensure:

  • Efficient Gas Injection: The valve closes when the pressure differential is sufficient to drive oil flow, preventing unnecessary gas injection.
  • Controlled Flow: By regulating gas injection, the valve maintains a stable and optimal flow rate of oil.
  • Preventing Gas Breakthrough: The valve prevents the injected gas from bypassing the oil and reaching the surface prematurely.

Factors Affecting Closing Pressure:

  • Well Depth: The closing pressure at depth increases with well depth due to the weight of the column of fluid above the valve.
  • Reservoir Pressure: The pressure within the reservoir influences the closing pressure setting.
  • Gas Injection Rate: The rate at which gas is injected into the well affects the pressure at the valve.
  • Oil Viscosity: The viscosity of the oil impacts the flow rate and pressure differential required for efficient production.


PVC gas lift is a valuable technique in oil and gas production, enabling efficient extraction of oil from wells with insufficient reservoir pressure. Understanding the closing pressure at depth for PVC gas lift valves is crucial for optimizing gas injection, maintaining stable flow rates, and preventing gas breakthrough. By carefully setting and monitoring this parameter, operators can maximize oil production and ensure a sustainable and profitable well operation.

Test Your Knowledge

PVC Gas Lift Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does PVC stand for in the context of gas lift?

a) Pressure-Valve-Concentration


Incorrect. PVC stands for Pressure-Volume-Concentration.

b) Pressure-Volume-Concentration


Correct! PVC stands for Pressure-Volume-Concentration.

c) Pipe-Valve-Control


Incorrect. PVC stands for Pressure-Volume-Concentration.

d) Pressure-Valve-Compression


Incorrect. PVC stands for Pressure-Volume-Concentration.

2. What is the primary purpose of gas injection in PVC gas lift?

a) To increase the temperature of the well.


Incorrect. Gas injection is primarily used to reduce pressure at the well bottom.

b) To reduce pressure at the bottom of the well.


Correct! Gas injection reduces pressure at the bottom of the well, driving oil flow.

c) To prevent corrosion within the well.


Incorrect. Gas injection is primarily used to reduce pressure at the well bottom.

d) To increase the density of the oil.


Incorrect. Gas injection is primarily used to reduce pressure at the well bottom.

3. What is the main function of PVC gas lift valves?

a) To regulate the flow of oil to the surface.


Incorrect. PVC valves control gas injection, which indirectly affects oil flow.

b) To control the injection of gas into the well.


Correct! PVC valves are designed to open and close based on pressure and volume of gas needed.

c) To measure the volume of oil produced.


Incorrect. PVC valves control gas injection, which indirectly affects oil flow.

d) To prevent leaks in the well.


Incorrect. PVC valves control gas injection, which indirectly affects oil flow.

4. What is the primary factor that influences the closing pressure at depth for a PVC gas lift valve?

a) The temperature of the reservoir.


Incorrect. Well depth is the primary factor influencing closing pressure.

b) The diameter of the well.


Incorrect. Well depth is the primary factor influencing closing pressure.

c) The well depth.


Correct! The closing pressure at depth increases with well depth due to the fluid weight.

d) The type of gas used for injection.


Incorrect. Well depth is the primary factor influencing closing pressure.

5. What is the main benefit of using PVC gas lift in oil production?

a) It reduces the cost of drilling new wells.


Incorrect. PVC gas lift enhances production from existing wells.

b) It increases the production rate from existing wells.


Correct! PVC gas lift helps extract more oil from wells with insufficient reservoir pressure.

c) It reduces the risk of environmental pollution.


Incorrect. PVC gas lift enhances production, but its impact on environmental pollution depends on other factors.

d) It makes oil extraction less energy-intensive.


Incorrect. PVC gas lift enhances production, but its energy efficiency depends on factors like gas source.

PVC Gas Lift Exercise:


A well with a depth of 3000 meters is being considered for PVC gas lift. The reservoir pressure is 200 bar, and the oil viscosity is 20 cP.


Based on the information provided, what would be the approximate closing pressure at depth for the PVC gas lift valve, assuming a standard pressure gradient of 0.1 bar/meter?


  1. Calculate the hydrostatic pressure at the valve depth using the pressure gradient and well depth.
  2. Add the reservoir pressure to the hydrostatic pressure to get the approximate closing pressure at depth.


Hydrostatic pressure = Pressure gradient x Well depth

Exercice Correction

**1. Calculate the hydrostatic pressure:** Hydrostatic pressure = 0.1 bar/meter x 3000 meters = 300 bar **2. Calculate the closing pressure at depth:** Closing pressure at depth = Hydrostatic pressure + Reservoir pressure Closing pressure at depth = 300 bar + 200 bar = 500 bar Therefore, the approximate closing pressure at depth for the PVC gas lift valve in this scenario would be around **500 bar**.


  • Petroleum Production Engineering by John D. Campbell (Covers gas lift systems in detail, including PVC design and operation)
  • Gas Lift Design and Operations by William C. Lyons (Focused on gas lift principles, equipment, and applications)
  • Artificial Lift Methods by N.D. Aziz and K. Ramesh (Provides a comprehensive overview of artificial lift techniques, including gas lift)


  • "Gas Lift Design and Optimization" by SPE Journal (Provides an in-depth analysis of gas lift design and optimization techniques)
  • "Gas Lift Applications in Oil and Gas Production" by Journal of Petroleum Technology (Focuses on the practical application of gas lift in oil and gas production)
  • "A Study of the Closing Pressure at Depth for PVC Gas Lift Valves" by journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (Investigates the impact of closing pressure at depth on gas lift performance)

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) website: (Offers a vast library of publications, resources, and events related to oil and gas engineering, including gas lift)
  • Energy Industry Websites: (Ex: Oil & Gas Journal, World Oil) - Provide news, technical articles, and industry trends related to oil and gas production, including gas lift technologies.
  • Oil & Gas Training Websites: (Ex: PetroSkills, Energy University) - Offer online courses and training materials on gas lift design, operation, and troubleshooting.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "PVC gas lift," "gas lift design," "closing pressure at depth," "gas lift valves."
  • Combine keywords with operators: "PVC gas lift AND optimization," "closing pressure at depth FOR gas lift."
  • Specify search sources: " PVC gas lift" to limit search results to the SPE website.
  • Use advanced search operators: "filetype:pdf PVC gas lift" to find PDF documents related to the topic.
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