Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Push Pill

Push Pill

Push Pills: A Powerful Tool for Fluid Displacement in Oil & Gas Operations

In the complex world of oil and gas production, efficient and reliable fluid displacement is crucial. One ingenious tool employed to achieve this is the Push Pill, a gelled pill designed to effectively displace fluids in a piston-like manner. This article will delve into the definition, characteristics, and applications of push pills within the oil and gas industry.

What is a Push Pill?

A push pill is a specialized gelled fluid designed to act as a piston within a pipeline or wellbore. It is typically composed of a viscous, gel-like substance, often incorporating polymers and additives, which provide its distinctive properties. These properties include:

  • High Viscosity: This characteristic allows the push pill to maintain its shape and integrity during displacement, preventing mixing with the surrounding fluid.
  • Non-Reactive: The push pill should be chemically inert with the fluids it encounters, ensuring minimal interaction and avoiding undesirable reactions.
  • Density Control: The pill's density can be adjusted to ensure it remains at the desired location within the fluid column.
  • Fluid Compatibility: Push pills are specifically formulated to be compatible with the target fluids in the well or pipeline, preventing damage or clogging.

Applications of Push Pills in Oil & Gas:

Push pills are widely used in various oil and gas operations, including:

  • Well Stimulation: Push pills are used to displace fracturing fluids during well stimulation treatments, ensuring proper placement and maximizing the effectiveness of the operation.
  • Fluid Isolation: In pipelines, push pills can be utilized to isolate different fluid streams, preventing mixing and contamination.
  • Pigging: Push pills can act as "pigs" in pipelines, effectively cleaning debris, removing deposits, and improving flow efficiency.
  • Production Optimization: Push pills can be employed to separate different phases of production, such as oil, gas, and water, streamlining extraction and maximizing yield.
  • Pipeline Cleaning: Push pills can be used to remove wax, asphaltene, and other undesirable deposits from pipelines, extending their lifespan and improving efficiency.

Advantages of Push Pills:

  • Efficient Fluid Displacement: The piston-like action of the push pill ensures clean and efficient separation of fluids.
  • Reduced Mixing and Contamination: The gelled nature of the pill minimizes fluid mixing, preventing undesirable reactions and preserving the integrity of the fluids.
  • Cost-Effective: Push pills offer a cost-effective approach to fluid displacement compared to other methods.
  • Versatile Application: Push pills can be customized and tailored to suit a wide range of operational requirements.


Push pills are a valuable tool in the oil and gas industry, enabling efficient and reliable fluid displacement in a variety of applications. Their ability to act as pistons, separating and isolating fluids while minimizing mixing and contamination, makes them a vital asset in optimizing well and pipeline performance. As the industry continues to advance, the development and application of push pills will continue to play a crucial role in ensuring safe, efficient, and environmentally responsible operations.

Test Your Knowledge


  • "Production and Transportation of Oil and Gas" by Tarek Ahmed: This comprehensive book covers various aspects of oil and gas production, including well stimulation, pipeline operations, and fluid displacement techniques. It may contain information on push pills, though the term may not be explicitly mentioned.
  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by William J. Lee: This industry standard handbook offers in-depth information on various aspects of petroleum engineering, including well stimulation, pipeline operations, and fluid handling. It might cover topics related to push pills, but specifically searching for "push pills" may not yield direct results.
  • "Production Operations" by SPE Textbook Series: This textbook, part of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Textbook Series, focuses on production operations, potentially covering topics related to well stimulation, fluid displacement, and use of push pills.


  • "Push Pill Technology for Effective Fluid Displacement" by [Author Name] (search for this title or similar variations on online databases): This article, if available, would be a direct source of information on push pills, their applications, and advantages in fluid displacement.
  • "Downhole Fluid Displacement Techniques: A Review" by [Author Name]: This article might cover a range of techniques for downhole fluid displacement, possibly including push pills as one option.
  • "Pigging Operations in Pipelines: A Comprehensive Guide" by [Author Name]: This article, if available, may include information on using push pills as pigs for pipeline cleaning and maintenance, as it's a common application.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Website ( This professional organization offers a vast collection of resources, including papers, presentations, and technical discussions related to various aspects of oil and gas production, potentially covering push pills.
  • Oil & Gas Journal ( This industry journal provides news, technical articles, and insights on the oil and gas industry, which might include articles or news items mentioning push pills.
  • Schlumberger ( This global oilfield services company offers a wide range of products and services related to oil and gas production, including well stimulation and fluid displacement technologies. Their website may contain information on push pills.
  • Halliburton ( This oilfield services company offers similar services and technologies as Schlumberger, and their website may also contain information or resources related to push pills.

Search Tips

  • Specific Keywords: Use keywords like "push pill," "fluid displacement," "well stimulation," "pipeline pigging," "downhole fluid handling," and "oil and gas production" to refine your search.
  • Search Operators: Use search operators like "site:" to limit your search to specific websites like SPE, OGJ, Schlumberger, or Halliburton.
  • Quotation Marks: Use quotation marks around specific phrases like "push pill technology" to find exact matches.
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