Reservoir Engineering

Pressure Dependent Permeability

The Dynamic Nature of Permeability: Understanding Pressure-Dependent Permeability in Reservoirs

Permeability, a key characteristic in reservoir engineering, describes the ability of a rock to transmit fluids. Traditionally, it's viewed as a constant property, but in reality, permeability can significantly change under pressure, a phenomenon known as pressure-dependent permeability. This dynamic behavior impacts fluid flow and reservoir performance, particularly in tight formations and unconventional reservoirs.

The Role of Pressure in Permeability:

Pressure-dependent permeability arises from modifications to the character of the rock through its matrix or natural fractures. These modifications can be triggered by:

  • Fluid pressure: Increasing fluid pressure can open existing fractures or create new ones, leading to increased permeability. Conversely, decreasing pressure can cause fractures to close, reducing permeability.
  • Earth stresses: Changes in tectonic stresses or overburden pressure can deform the rock matrix, altering its porosity and permeability. This is particularly relevant in unconventional reservoirs where shale rocks are often subject to significant stress.

Mechanisms of Pressure-Dependent Permeability:

The specific mechanisms driving pressure-dependent permeability depend on the rock type and its properties:

  • Fractures:
    • Fracture opening and closure: Fluctuations in fluid pressure can cause fractures to open or close, directly impacting permeability. This is especially significant in fractured reservoirs.
    • Fracture deformation: Compressive stresses can deform fracture walls, reducing their aperture and permeability.
  • Matrix:
    • Micro-fracturing: High fluid pressures can generate new micro-fractures within the rock matrix, increasing permeability.
    • Stress-induced changes in porosity: Stresses can affect pore size and connectivity, altering porosity and consequently, permeability.

Implications for Reservoir Performance:

Understanding pressure-dependent permeability is crucial for accurate reservoir modeling and production optimization. Here are some key implications:

  • Fluid flow: Pressure-dependent permeability can significantly affect the flow of fluids through the reservoir, impacting production rates.
  • Reservoir simulation: Traditional reservoir models often assume constant permeability. Incorporating pressure-dependent permeability into these models can improve their accuracy and predictive capabilities.
  • Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) techniques: Efficiencies of EOR methods, like hydraulic fracturing, can be influenced by the pressure-dependent permeability of the target formation.

Challenges and Future Directions:

While significant progress has been made in understanding and characterizing pressure-dependent permeability, challenges remain:

  • Data acquisition: Obtaining reliable data on pressure-dependent permeability in different geological settings is crucial.
  • Modeling complexity: Developing accurate models that capture the dynamic nature of permeability under varying pressures can be computationally demanding.


Recognizing the dynamic nature of permeability under pressure is crucial for effective reservoir management. Further research is needed to refine our understanding of this complex phenomenon, especially in unconventional reservoirs where pressure-dependent permeability plays a significant role in production. By incorporating this knowledge into our models and operations, we can optimize reservoir performance and enhance our understanding of fluid flow in the subsurface.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Dynamic Nature of Permeability

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the term used to describe the change in permeability of a rock due to changes in pressure?

a) Pressure-dependent permeability b) Stress-induced permeability c) Fracture permeability d) Matrix permeability


a) Pressure-dependent permeability

2. Which of the following is NOT a mechanism that contributes to pressure-dependent permeability?

a) Fracture opening and closure b) Micro-fracturing in the rock matrix c) Increased porosity due to pressure d) Decreased porosity due to pressure


c) Increased porosity due to pressure

3. How can pressure-dependent permeability impact fluid flow in a reservoir?

a) It can increase production rates. b) It can decrease production rates. c) It can both increase and decrease production rates depending on the pressure change. d) It has no effect on production rates.


c) It can both increase and decrease production rates depending on the pressure change.

4. Which of the following is NOT a reason why understanding pressure-dependent permeability is important for reservoir management?

a) It helps improve the accuracy of reservoir models. b) It helps optimize the efficiency of enhanced oil recovery (EOR) techniques. c) It helps determine the best drilling location for new wells. d) It helps understand the dynamic nature of fluid flow in the reservoir.


c) It helps determine the best drilling location for new wells.

5. What is a major challenge in studying pressure-dependent permeability?

a) Lack of available data b) The complexity of the phenomenon c) Limited understanding of the mechanisms involved d) All of the above


d) All of the above

Exercise: Predicting Permeability Change

Scenario: A shale reservoir has an initial permeability of 0.01 millidarcies (mD) at a pressure of 5000 psi. Based on laboratory studies, it's known that the permeability of this shale increases by 0.005 mD for every 1000 psi increase in pressure.

Task: Predict the permeability of the shale reservoir at a pressure of 7000 psi.

Exercice Correction

The pressure increase is 7000 psi - 5000 psi = 2000 psi. The permeability increases by 0.005 mD per 1000 psi, so for 2000 psi increase, it increases by 2 * 0.005 mD = 0.01 mD. Therefore, the final permeability at 7000 psi is 0.01 mD (initial) + 0.01 mD (increase) = 0.02 mD.


  • Reservoir Engineering Handbook: This handbook by Tarek Ahmed covers various aspects of reservoir engineering, including permeability and its pressure dependency.
  • Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering: This book by Louis J. Dake provides a detailed discussion on the fundamental principles of reservoir engineering, including permeability and its influence on fluid flow.
  • The Physics of Rocks: A Hand-Book for Physicists and Earth Scientists: This book by Jean-Paul Poirier explores the physical properties of rocks, including permeability and its variations under pressure.


  • Pressure-dependent permeability in a fractured shale reservoir by Y. Guo et al. (2019) in Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering: This article discusses the impact of pressure-dependent permeability on gas production in a shale reservoir.
  • The Influence of Stress and Fluid Pressure on Permeability of Tight Gas Reservoirs by H. Li et al. (2014) in SPE Journal: This paper explores the effect of stress and fluid pressure on permeability in tight gas formations.
  • A Review of Pressure-Dependent Permeability in Unconventional Reservoirs by M. A. S. Basit et al. (2018) in Petroleum Science: This article provides a comprehensive overview of pressure-dependent permeability in unconventional reservoirs, highlighting its importance for production optimization.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): This professional organization has a wealth of resources, including publications, technical papers, and conference proceedings, on reservoir engineering and pressure-dependent permeability.
  • OnePetro: This platform offers a collection of technical papers and articles related to various aspects of oil and gas exploration and production, including pressure-dependent permeability.
  • Schlumberger: This energy services company has a dedicated website with resources on reservoir engineering, including information about pressure-dependent permeability and its implications for reservoir performance.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just "pressure dependent permeability," include keywords like "unconventional reservoirs," "shale gas," "fractured reservoirs," "hydraulic fracturing," or "stress sensitivity."
  • Use advanced search operators: Combine keywords using operators like "AND," "OR," and "NOT" to refine your search results. For example, you can search for "pressure dependent permeability AND shale gas AND production."
  • Look for academic sources: Use the "filetype" operator to specify search for specific file types like PDF, DOC, or PPT. For example, "pressure dependent permeability filetype:pdf" will return PDF documents related to this topic.


Chapter 1: Techniques for Measuring Pressure-Dependent Permeability

This chapter delves into the various techniques used to measure and quantify pressure-dependent permeability in reservoir rocks.

1.1 Laboratory Experiments:

  • Uniaxial and Triaxial Testing: These laboratory methods apply controlled stress conditions to rock samples, simulating the stress state in the reservoir. By monitoring fluid flow under varying pressure, these tests can directly measure the change in permeability with pressure.
  • Pulse Decay Tests: These tests involve injecting a pulse of fluid into a rock sample and monitoring the pressure decay. The rate of pressure decay provides information about the permeability of the rock under different pressure conditions.
  • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Techniques: NMR techniques are used to measure the pore size distribution and fluid saturation in rock samples. By analyzing the changes in these parameters under different pressures, we can gain insights into the pressure-dependent permeability.

1.2 Field Tests:

  • Production Data Analysis: Analyzing production data from wells can reveal information about the pressure-dependent permeability of the reservoir. By comparing production rates at different well pressures, we can identify trends in permeability change.
  • Well Testing: Specialized well tests, such as interference tests and drawdown tests, can provide valuable data about the pressure-dependent permeability of the reservoir. By analyzing the pressure response of the well to fluid withdrawal or injection, we can estimate the permeability changes under varying pressure conditions.

1.3 Numerical Modeling:

  • Finite Element and Finite Difference Methods: These computational methods are used to model the fluid flow in a porous medium, taking into account the pressure-dependent permeability. By simulating the flow under different pressure conditions, these models can predict the impact of pressure-dependent permeability on reservoir performance.
  • Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) Models: These models explicitly represent the fracture network in the reservoir, allowing for a more accurate simulation of fluid flow in fractured formations. These models can incorporate the pressure-dependent behavior of fractures to better predict the impact of pressure changes on permeability.

1.4 Conclusion:

Measuring pressure-dependent permeability requires a combination of laboratory experiments, field tests, and numerical modeling. By integrating data from these different sources, we can gain a comprehensive understanding of the dynamic nature of permeability in reservoir rocks, which is crucial for optimizing reservoir management and production.

Chapter 2: Models for Pressure-Dependent Permeability

This chapter explores various models used to describe and predict the pressure-dependent permeability behavior in reservoir rocks.

2.1 Fracture-Based Models:

  • Cubic Law Model: This model is widely used to describe the permeability of fractures, assuming that permeability is proportional to the cube of the fracture aperture. By accounting for the pressure-dependent fracture aperture, this model can predict the change in permeability with pressure.
  • Fracture Closure Model: This model incorporates the effect of pressure on fracture closure, predicting the reduction in permeability as the pressure decreases and fractures close.
  • Network Models: These models simulate the interconnected network of fractures in a reservoir, capturing the interplay of pressure and fracture closure on the overall permeability.

2.2 Matrix-Based Models:

  • Stress-Dependent Porosity Models: These models link the change in porosity with the applied stress, accounting for the pressure-induced deformation of the rock matrix. The change in porosity directly influences permeability, making these models suitable for predicting pressure-dependent permeability in tight formations.
  • Micro-Fracturing Models: These models describe the development of micro-fractures within the rock matrix due to high fluid pressures. By considering the growth and propagation of these micro-fractures, these models can capture the increase in permeability with pressure.

2.3 Combined Models:

  • Fracture-Matrix Interaction Models: These models combine fracture and matrix properties to simulate the complex behavior of permeability under pressure. They account for the interaction between fractures and the surrounding matrix, capturing the influence of pressure on both fracture aperture and matrix porosity.

2.4 Conclusion:

Choosing the appropriate model for describing pressure-dependent permeability depends on the specific geological setting and the dominant mechanisms controlling permeability change. By carefully selecting and validating these models, we can better understand the dynamic behavior of permeability in reservoirs and improve the accuracy of reservoir simulations.

Chapter 3: Software for Modeling Pressure-Dependent Permeability

This chapter examines available software packages designed to model and analyze pressure-dependent permeability in reservoir simulations.

3.1 Commercial Software:

  • Eclipse: This widely-used commercial software provides a comprehensive framework for reservoir simulation, including the capability to incorporate pressure-dependent permeability models. Eclipse allows users to specify pressure-dependent permeability relationships, enabling realistic simulations of fluid flow in reservoirs.
  • Petrel: This software integrates various geological and reservoir engineering tools, including pressure-dependent permeability modeling. Petrel provides tools for defining fracture networks and implementing fracture closure models, facilitating simulations of pressure-dependent permeability in fractured reservoirs.
  • CMG: This comprehensive reservoir simulation software includes advanced capabilities for modeling pressure-dependent permeability. CMG offers a range of options for incorporating pressure-dependent relationships, allowing for detailed simulations of complex reservoir systems.

3.2 Open-Source Software:

  • OpenFOAM: This open-source computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software can be used for simulating fluid flow in porous media. While OpenFOAM does not directly offer dedicated modules for pressure-dependent permeability, users can implement custom models to incorporate this behavior.
  • DuMuX: This open-source framework for simulating multiphase flow in porous media offers capabilities for handling pressure-dependent permeability. Users can define custom constitutive relationships for permeability as a function of pressure, enabling simulations of pressure-dependent effects.

3.3 Conclusion:

Several commercial and open-source software packages offer tools for modeling and analyzing pressure-dependent permeability in reservoir simulations. Choosing the most suitable software depends on the specific project needs and the available computational resources. By leveraging these tools, reservoir engineers can improve the accuracy and reliability of their reservoir simulations, leading to better management and production decisions.

Chapter 4: Best Practices for Modeling Pressure-Dependent Permeability

This chapter provides best practices for effectively modeling pressure-dependent permeability in reservoir simulations.

4.1 Data Acquisition and Validation:

  • Gather Comprehensive Data: Collect a wide range of data, including core samples, laboratory measurements, well tests, and production data, to inform the development of pressure-dependent permeability models.
  • Validate Data: Ensure the accuracy and reliability of the collected data by performing rigorous quality control checks and calibrating against known reservoir properties.
  • Consider Spatial Variability: Recognize that pressure-dependent permeability can vary significantly across the reservoir. Collect data from different locations and integrate it into the models to capture this spatial variability.

4.2 Model Selection and Calibration:

  • Select Appropriate Models: Choose the models that best represent the dominant mechanisms controlling pressure-dependent permeability in the specific reservoir setting.
  • Calibrate Models: Use available data to calibrate the model parameters and ensure that the model predictions match the observed behavior.
  • Perform Sensitivity Analysis: Evaluate the sensitivity of the model results to changes in input parameters. This helps to identify the most influential parameters and improve the model's robustness.

4.3 Simulation and Analysis:

  • Perform Realistic Simulations: Implement the pressure-dependent permeability models within a comprehensive reservoir simulation framework, capturing the complexities of fluid flow and pressure changes.
  • Analyze Simulation Results: Carefully analyze the simulation outputs to understand the impact of pressure-dependent permeability on reservoir performance, production rates, and recovery factors.
  • Iterate and Improve: Continuously refine the models and simulation parameters based on new data and observations. This iterative process improves the model's accuracy and provides more realistic predictions.

4.4 Conclusion:

Following best practices for modeling pressure-dependent permeability is crucial for obtaining accurate and reliable results. By adhering to these guidelines, reservoir engineers can make informed decisions regarding production optimization, reservoir management, and EOR strategies, maximizing the potential of the reservoir.

Chapter 5: Case Studies of Pressure-Dependent Permeability

This chapter presents real-world case studies highlighting the importance of understanding and modeling pressure-dependent permeability in various reservoir settings.

5.1 Tight Gas Reservoirs:

  • Case Study: Barnett Shale: The Barnett Shale, a major tight gas reservoir, exhibits significant pressure-dependent permeability. Implementing pressure-dependent permeability models in reservoir simulations has significantly improved the prediction of production rates and the optimization of hydraulic fracturing strategies.
  • Case Study: Marcellus Shale: The Marcellus Shale, another prominent tight gas formation, demonstrates the influence of pressure on permeability. Accounting for pressure-dependent permeability has been crucial for designing effective stimulation techniques and optimizing well performance in this unconventional reservoir.

5.2 Fractured Reservoirs:

  • Case Study: Bakken Formation: The Bakken Formation, a large oil reservoir with extensive fracturing, highlights the importance of incorporating pressure-dependent fracture behavior into reservoir simulations. Modeling the impact of pressure on fracture aperture and connectivity has been essential for understanding the complex flow dynamics and optimizing production in this fractured system.

5.3 Geothermal Reservoirs:

  • Case Study: Geysers Geothermal Field: The Geysers Geothermal Field, a major geothermal resource, demonstrates the impact of pressure changes on permeability in hot, fractured reservoirs. Incorporating pressure-dependent fracture models in reservoir simulations has improved the prediction of production rates and the design of efficient geothermal energy extraction systems.

5.4 Conclusion:

These case studies illustrate the critical role of pressure-dependent permeability in various reservoir settings. By understanding and modeling this phenomenon, we can improve the accuracy of reservoir simulations, leading to more effective production optimization, efficient EOR strategies, and better management of valuable natural resources.

This comprehensive exploration of pressure-dependent permeability provides a foundation for further research and development in the field of reservoir engineering, ultimately contributing to more efficient and sustainable utilization of our natural resources.

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