Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Process Engineering: Power Law Fluid

Power Law Fluid

Unraveling the Mystery of Power Law Fluids: When Viscosity Takes a Dip

In the realm of fluid dynamics, understanding the behavior of fluids is crucial for a wide range of applications, from designing efficient pipelines to developing innovative cosmetics. While Newtonian fluids like water exhibit a constant viscosity regardless of the applied force, a fascinating group known as Power Law Fluids defy this simple relationship.

Power Law Fluids: Where Viscosity Takes a Dip

Imagine a thick, viscous liquid like honey. As you stir it gently, it flows slowly. But, increase the stirring speed, and the honey seems to thin out, flowing more readily. This is the defining characteristic of Power Law Fluids – their viscosity decreases as the shear rate increases.

This behavior is described by a mathematical equation known as the Power Law Model:

τ = K * γⁿ


  • τ is the shear stress
  • K is the consistency index, reflecting the fluid's overall viscosity
  • γ is the shear rate
  • n is the flow behavior index, signifying the fluid's shear-thinning or shear-thickening properties

Decoding the Flow Behavior Index (n):

  • n < 1: These fluids exhibit shear-thinning behavior. Their viscosity decreases as the shear rate increases, just like honey. Examples include:

    • Paints and coatings
    • Polymer solutions
    • Blood
    • Ketchup
  • n > 1: These fluids display shear-thickening behavior. Their viscosity increases as the shear rate increases. Imagine a cornstarch slurry – it flows easily with gentle stirring but becomes thick and resistant under rapid agitation. This phenomenon is often referred to as "dilatancy."

    • Cornstarch slurry
    • Quicksand
    • Some drilling muds
  • n = 1: This represents the special case of a Newtonian fluid, where viscosity remains constant.

Practical Applications of Power Law Fluids:

Understanding the rheological properties of Power Law Fluids is crucial for:

  • Design of pipelines and pumps: Optimizing the flow of fluids like slurries and drilling muds.
  • Development of cosmetics: Formulating products with desired flow and spreadability.
  • Food processing: Controlling the texture and flow of sauces, jams, and other food items.
  • Biomedical engineering: Studying the flow properties of blood and other biological fluids.


Power Law Fluids challenge the simplicity of Newtonian behavior, showcasing a dynamic relationship between viscosity and shear rate. Their unique characteristics have significant implications in various scientific and engineering disciplines, driving innovation and optimization across diverse applications. As we delve deeper into the world of these fascinating fluids, we unravel the intricate complexities of fluid dynamics and unlock new possibilities for technological advancements.

Test Your Knowledge


  • "Rheology of Fluids, Suspensions, and Solid" by R. Byron Bird, Robert C. Armstrong, and Ole Hassager: This comprehensive textbook offers a thorough treatment of rheology, including chapters dedicated to Power Law fluids and their applications.
  • "Introduction to Fluid Mechanics" by Fox, McDonald, and Pritchard: This widely-used textbook provides a good introduction to fluid mechanics, with sections on non-Newtonian fluids and the Power Law model.
  • "Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics" by Ronald Darby: This book specifically focuses on non-Newtonian fluids, providing detailed information on the Power Law model and its applications.
  • "Rheological Measurements" by A.A. Collyer: This book covers experimental techniques for measuring the rheological properties of fluids, including methods for characterizing Power Law fluids.


  • "Power-Law Model for Non-Newtonian Fluids" by G.W. Scott Blair: This classic article provides a foundational understanding of the Power Law model and its derivation.
  • "Rheological Properties of Power-Law Fluids" by C.F. Chan and Y.T. Shah: This article reviews the rheological characteristics of Power Law fluids and their application in various fields.
  • "Flow of Power-Law Fluids in Pipes" by D.C.T. Pei: This article focuses on the flow behavior of Power Law fluids in pipes, analyzing pressure drop and flow rate relationships.

Online Resources

  • "Power-law fluid" Wikipedia page: This page offers a concise overview of Power Law fluids, including definitions, examples, and applications.
  • "Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics" by MIT OpenCourseware: This online course provides a comprehensive introduction to non-Newtonian fluids, including the Power Law model and its applications.
  • "Rheology of Food" by NIST: This website offers resources on the rheological properties of food, including information on Power Law fluids and their application in food processing.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine terms like "Power Law Fluid", "non-Newtonian fluid", "shear-thinning", "shear-thickening" with the specific field of interest (e.g., "Power Law Fluid applications in food processing", "rheology of Power Law Fluids").
  • Utilize academic search engines: Search for publications using Google Scholar, JSTOR, or ScienceDirect for more in-depth articles and research papers.
  • Explore online forums: Look for discussions on forums dedicated to fluid mechanics, engineering, or related fields for insights and experiences with Power Law fluids.
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