Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Plug Container or Dropper (cementing)

Plug Container or Dropper (cementing)

Plug Container: The Unsung Hero of Cementing Operations

In the world of oil and gas exploration, efficient and controlled cementing operations are paramount. A key component that facilitates this process is the plug container, often referred to as a dropper in the industry. This seemingly simple device plays a crucial role in ensuring the successful placement of cement plugs, which are essential for isolating zones, separating fluids, and supporting well integrity.

A Closer Look at the Plug Container

The plug container is essentially a robust housing equipped with valves and bails, designed to control the position and dropping of the cement plugs during well cementing. It is typically made of high-strength steel and can handle significant pressure and temperature variations encountered in subsurface environments.

Key Components and Functionality

  1. Plug: The heart of the system, the plug itself is a cylindrical device, usually made of rubber or composite material. It is carefully sized and designed to effectively seal off the wellbore.
  2. Valves: These are strategically placed within the container to isolate the plug and control its release. There are typically two main valves:
    • Pressure-activated valve: This valve is designed to open under pressure, allowing the plug to be released into the wellbore.
    • Bail-activated valve: This valve is operated by a wireline cable, allowing for controlled and precise release of the plug.
  3. Bails: These are metal rings or handles attached to the plug container that allow for its retrieval using wireline tools.
  4. Housing: The housing provides a robust and sealed environment for the plug and valves, ensuring protection from the harsh conditions encountered during cementing operations.

The Dropping Mechanism

The process of dropping the plug involves two main approaches:

  1. Pressure-activated: In this method, the plug container is positioned above the desired cementing zone. As cement is pumped through the container, it creates pressure that eventually triggers the pressure-activated valve, releasing the plug into the wellbore.
  2. Wireline-operated: This method offers greater control. The plug container is lowered into the wellbore with the bail attached to the wireline cable. Once in position, the wireline is pulled, activating the bail-activated valve and releasing the plug.

Importance of the Plug Container

The plug container is an indispensable tool in cementing operations, playing a crucial role in:

  • Precise placement of cement plugs: It allows for controlled and targeted placement of the plug at the desired depth.
  • Isolation of zones: This prevents fluids from migrating between different zones in the wellbore, maintaining pressure integrity.
  • Preventing contamination: It ensures the clean separation of cement from drilling fluids, preventing contamination and ensuring a successful cement bond.
  • Wellbore integrity: The plug container helps to establish and maintain wellbore integrity by sealing off zones and ensuring proper cement placement.


While often overlooked, the plug container is a vital component in ensuring the success of cementing operations. Its ability to control the position and release of cement plugs plays a crucial role in maintaining wellbore integrity, isolating zones, and preventing contamination. The use of plug containers is a testament to the ingenuity and precision engineering applied in the oil and gas industry, ensuring safe and efficient operations.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Plug Container

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a plug container in cementing operations?

a) To hold cement slurry before it is pumped into the wellbore.


Incorrect. This is the function of a cementing head, not a plug container.

b) To control the release of cement plugs into the wellbore.


Correct! The plug container's main purpose is to ensure controlled placement of the cement plug.

c) To mix cement slurry with water and additives.


Incorrect. This is done in a cement mixing plant or on location.

d) To monitor the pressure and temperature of the cementing process.


Incorrect. While monitoring pressure and temperature is important, it is not the primary function of a plug container.

2. What is another common name for a plug container in the oil and gas industry?

a) Cementing head


Incorrect. The cementing head is a separate component used to connect the cementing unit to the wellbore.

b) Dropper


Correct! "Dropper" is a commonly used term for a plug container.

c) Bailer


Incorrect. A bailer is a tool used to retrieve samples from the wellbore.

d) Packer


Incorrect. A packer is used to isolate a section of the wellbore during cementing or other operations.

3. Which type of valve allows for the controlled release of a cement plug using a wireline cable?

a) Pressure-activated valve


Incorrect. The pressure-activated valve is triggered by the pressure of the cement slurry.

b) Bail-activated valve


Correct! This valve is operated by pulling a wireline cable, providing precise control.

c) Check valve


Incorrect. Check valves are used to prevent backflow of fluids.

d) Relief valve


Incorrect. Relief valves are designed to release excess pressure.

4. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using a plug container in cementing operations?

a) Precise placement of cement plugs.


Incorrect. Precise placement is a key benefit of using a plug container.

b) Prevention of contamination.


Incorrect. Preventing contamination is a crucial function of the plug container.

c) Increased risk of wellbore collapse.


Correct! Plug containers actually help to improve wellbore integrity, reducing the risk of collapse.

d) Isolation of zones in the wellbore.


Incorrect. Isolating zones is a vital benefit of using a plug container.

5. What is the purpose of the bails attached to the plug container?

a) To secure the plug container to the wellhead.


Incorrect. The plug container is lowered into the wellbore, not secured to the wellhead.

b) To facilitate the retrieval of the plug container using wireline tools.


Correct! The bails are used to connect the wireline cable for retrieval after the cement plug is released.

c) To regulate the flow of cement slurry through the container.


Incorrect. Flow regulation is achieved by the valves within the container.

d) To provide a pressure-relief mechanism during cementing operations.


Incorrect. Pressure relief is handled by specialized relief valves.

Exercise: Cementing a Wellbore

Scenario: You are working on a cementing operation where you need to place a cement plug at 1000 meters below the surface. The plug container is equipped with a bail-activated valve. You are using a wireline cable to lower the container into the wellbore.

Task: Describe the steps you would take to position the plug container and release the cement plug at the desired depth. Include the role of the wireline cable and the bail-activated valve.

Exercice Correction

Here are the steps you would take:

  1. **Attach the wireline cable:** Connect the wireline cable to the bail attached to the plug container.
  2. **Lower the container:** Carefully lower the container down the wellbore using the wireline cable. Keep track of the depth using a depth gauge or the wireline cable's markings.
  3. **Position at the target depth:** Stop lowering the container at 1000 meters, ensuring the plug container is correctly positioned above the desired cementing zone.
  4. **Release the plug:** Pull the wireline cable. This will activate the bail-activated valve, releasing the cement plug into the wellbore.
  5. **Retrieve the container:** After the plug is released, continue pulling the wireline cable to retrieve the empty container.

The wireline cable serves as a controlled and precise way to lower and position the container and then trigger the release of the cement plug through the bail-activated valve. This method offers greater control and precision compared to pressure-activated plug containers.


  • "Cementing" by R.E. Smith and S.A. Smith: Provides comprehensive coverage of cementing practices and technologies, including detailed information on plug containers and their applications.
  • "Oil Well Cementing" by J.B. Chesser: Covers the fundamentals of cementing, including various types of plugs and their deployment methods.
  • "Well Completion: Design, Operations and Optimization" by C.B. Perkins: Includes a chapter on cementing and explores the role of plug containers in achieving successful completion operations.


  • "Cementing Plug Design and Performance" by Schlumberger: A technical paper focusing on the design and performance aspects of various types of cementing plugs, including those used in plug containers.
  • "Cementing Operations: A Comprehensive Overview" by Halliburton: Discusses the importance of cementing operations and the role of plug containers in maintaining well integrity.
  • "Plug Container Technology: Advances and Applications" by Baker Hughes: A technical article highlighting recent advancements in plug container designs and their applications in different cementing scenarios.

Online Resources

  • Schlumberger Cementing Website: Provides detailed information on their cementing services, including products like plug containers and their functionalities.
  • Halliburton Cementing Website: Offers comprehensive information on their cementing solutions, highlighting the role of plug containers in various well operations.
  • Baker Hughes Cementing Website: Offers detailed insights into their cementing technologies, including plug containers and their deployment techniques.

Search Tips

  • "Plug Container Cementing" OR "Dropper Cementing" OR "Cementing Plug"
  • "Cementing Plug Types" OR "Cementing Plug Design" OR "Cementing Plug Placement"
  • "Plug Container Technology" OR "Dropper Technology" OR "Cementing Plug Container"
  • "Cementing Operations" OR "Well Cementing" OR "Oil Well Cementing"
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