Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Pipeline Construction: Plug and Seat Choke

Plug and Seat Choke

Understanding Plug and Seat Chokes in Oil & Gas: A Deeper Dive

Plug and Seat Choke: The Foundation of Flow Control

In the bustling world of oil and gas production, controlling the flow of valuable fluids is crucial. Enter the plug and seat choke, a fundamental component in managing wellhead pressures and optimizing production.

What is a Plug and Seat Choke?

A plug and seat choke is a simple yet effective device that restricts fluid flow through a wellhead or pipeline. It consists of two primary parts:

  • The Seat: This is a stationary part with a precisely machined orifice, or opening, through which the fluid must pass.
  • The Plug: This is a movable element that fits snugly into the seat. By adjusting the position of the plug, the size of the opening can be varied, controlling the flow rate.

How it Works

The plug and seat choke operates on a basic principle: resistance to flow. As the fluid encounters the restricted opening, it encounters pressure loss. This pressure loss is directly proportional to the choke's orifice size and the fluid's flow rate. By adjusting the plug's position, operators can control the pressure drop and, consequently, the fluid flow.

Types of Plug and Seat Chokes

Plug and seat chokes come in various forms, each tailored to specific applications:

  • Manual Chokes: These require manual adjustment using a handwheel or lever.
  • Automatic Chokes: These automatically adjust the plug position based on pressure readings, ensuring optimal flow control.
  • Choke Manifolds: Multiple chokes are combined into a single unit to regulate flows from multiple wells.

Key Advantages of Plug and Seat Chokes

  • Simplicity and Reliability: Their straightforward design ensures ease of operation and minimal maintenance.
  • Precise Flow Control: The ability to finely adjust the orifice size allows for precise control of flow rates.
  • Versatility: They are adaptable to a wide range of applications, from production wells to pipelines.

High Volume Flow Choke: Maximizing Production

High Volume Flow Chokes are specially designed for high-pressure, high-volume applications. They feature larger orifice sizes and robust construction to handle significant fluid flow.

Features of a High Volume Flow Choke:

  • Larger Orifice: Allows for substantial fluid flow with minimal pressure loss.
  • Durable Materials: Constructed from high-strength alloys to withstand high pressures and corrosive environments.
  • Advanced Designs: May incorporate features like tapered orifices for improved flow efficiency.

Applications of High Volume Flow Chokes

  • Production Wells: Manage high-flow rates from high-pressure reservoirs.
  • Pipeline Systems: Control the flow of large volumes of oil, gas, and other fluids.
  • Gas Gathering Systems: Regulate the flow of natural gas from multiple wells.


Plug and seat chokes are essential components in the oil and gas industry, ensuring safe and efficient fluid flow. High volume flow chokes, in particular, play a vital role in handling large volumes of fluids, optimizing production and maximizing the value of these precious resources.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Plug and Seat Chokes

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a plug and seat choke?

a) To prevent fluid flow entirely.


Incorrect. The primary function is to control, not stop, fluid flow.

b) To increase fluid pressure.


Incorrect. Chokes are designed to *reduce* pressure.

c) To restrict and control fluid flow.


Correct! Chokes are used to regulate the rate at which fluids flow.

d) To separate different fluid components.


Incorrect. While chokes might be used in systems with fluid separation, this is not their primary function.

2. Which component of a plug and seat choke is responsible for adjusting the flow rate?

a) The seat.


Incorrect. The seat is stationary.

b) The plug.


Correct! The plug's position determines the orifice size and flow rate.

c) The manifold.


Incorrect. A manifold combines multiple chokes.

d) The pressure gauge.


Incorrect. The pressure gauge monitors pressure but doesn't directly control flow.

3. What is the main principle behind the operation of a plug and seat choke?

a) Gravity.


Incorrect. Gravity plays a role in fluid flow, but it's not the primary principle here.

b) Resistance to flow.


Correct! The choke creates resistance, causing pressure loss and controlling flow.

c) Centrifugal force.


Incorrect. Centrifugal force is not relevant to this type of choke.

d) Magnetic attraction.


Incorrect. Magnetic forces are not involved in choke operation.

4. Which type of choke automatically adjusts its plug position based on pressure readings?

a) Manual choke.


Incorrect. Manual chokes require manual adjustment.

b) Automatic choke.


Correct! Automatic chokes provide self-regulation based on pressure.

c) High volume flow choke.


Incorrect. High volume flow chokes are designed for high volume, but not necessarily automatic operation.

d) Choke manifold.


Incorrect. A manifold combines multiple chokes but doesn't necessarily include automatic features.

5. What is a key advantage of using plug and seat chokes in oil and gas production?

a) They are very expensive to manufacture.


Incorrect. Chokes are generally cost-effective.

b) They require frequent and complex maintenance.


Incorrect. Chokes are designed for simplicity and low maintenance.

c) They can only handle very low flow rates.


Incorrect. Chokes can handle a wide range of flow rates, including high volume.

d) They offer precise flow control and are reliable.


Correct! Precise control, reliability, and ease of use are key advantages.

Exercise: High Volume Flow Choke Scenario

Scenario: An oil well is producing a high volume of oil (10,000 barrels per day) at a high pressure (5,000 psi). The wellhead needs a choke to regulate the flow and prevent excessive pressure.


  1. Explain why a standard plug and seat choke might not be suitable for this well.
  2. Describe what features a high volume flow choke would have that make it appropriate for this situation.

Exercice Correction

1. **Standard choke limitations:** A standard choke might not be able to handle the high volume and pressure of this well. It could experience excessive wear and tear, potentially leading to failure. The smaller orifice size might also create significant pressure loss, reducing overall production efficiency. 2. **High volume flow choke features:** A high volume flow choke would be better suited due to its: * **Larger orifice:** Allowing for higher flow rates with minimal pressure loss. * **Durable materials:** Capable of withstanding high pressures and corrosive environments. * **Robust construction:** Designed for long-term operation in demanding conditions.


  • "Petroleum Production Engineering" by Tarek Ahmed - This comprehensive textbook provides a detailed explanation of flow control devices, including plug and seat chokes.
  • "Oil Well Drilling and Production" by W.C. Lyons - This book covers the fundamentals of oil and gas production, with a section dedicated to choke valves and their applications.
  • "Natural Gas Engineering Handbook" by Gregory J. Krohn - This handbook offers insights into the design and operation of choke valves in gas production.


  • "Choke Valve Design and Operation" by Schlumberger - This technical article provides a detailed overview of choke valve design, selection, and operation.
  • "Optimizing Choke Valve Performance in Oil and Gas Production" by SPE - This article explores various methods for optimizing choke valve performance to maximize production efficiency.
  • "Choke Valves: A Critical Component in Wellhead Control" by Chevron - This article discusses the significance of choke valves in wellhead pressure control and safety.

Online Resources

  • API (American Petroleum Institute): API offers technical standards and guidelines for oil and gas equipment, including choke valves.
  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): SPE's website and publications provide resources on various aspects of oil and gas production, including flow control technology.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This industry journal regularly publishes articles on choke valve design, applications, and advancements.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "plug and seat choke," "choke valve," "flow control valve," "oil and gas production," "wellhead pressure control."
  • Combine keywords: "high volume flow choke," "choke valve design," "choke valve operation," "choke valve selection."
  • Include site restrictions: "choke valve," "choke valve," "choke valve"
  • Use advanced search operators: "choke valve" + "design" (to find pages that contain both terms).
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