Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Plastic Viscosity

Plastic Viscosity

Plastic Viscosity: Understanding Flow Resistance in Oil & Gas

In the oil and gas industry, understanding fluid behavior is paramount for efficient extraction and transportation. While many fluids exhibit Newtonian behavior (viscosity remains constant regardless of shear rate), certain materials, particularly drilling muds and some crude oils, exhibit plastic viscosity. This term refers to a specific type of flow behavior where the fluid exhibits a yield stress before it starts flowing.

What is Plastic Viscosity?

Imagine a thick, creamy substance like honey. You can easily stir it with a spoon, but it will resist your motion. This resistance is called viscosity. Plastic viscosity, however, goes a step further. It describes a material that initially acts like a solid, resisting any force until a certain threshold is crossed. Once this yield stress is overcome, the material begins to flow like a viscous liquid.

Measuring Plastic Viscosity:

Plastic viscosity is typically measured using a viscometer, specifically designed to handle non-Newtonian fluids. The instrument applies a controlled shear stress to the fluid and measures the resulting shear rate. The difference between the measured shear rate and a theoretical "ideal" shear rate for a Newtonian fluid, at the same shear stress, gives us the plastic viscosity.

Why is Plastic Viscosity Important in Oil & Gas?

  • Drilling Mud Performance: Drilling muds are designed to maintain wellbore stability, remove cuttings, and cool the drill bit. Plastic viscosity plays a crucial role in these functions.
    • High Plastic Viscosity: Helps to suspend cuttings efficiently and maintain a stable borehole wall.
    • Low Plastic Viscosity: Allows for easier drilling and reduced pump pressure.
  • Crude Oil Flow: Certain crude oils exhibit plastic behavior, particularly those with high asphaltene content.
    • Understanding yield stress: Crucial for designing pipelines and optimizing flow rates to prevent clogging.
    • Predicting flow behavior: Helps in optimizing pumping and separation processes.

Understanding the Concept:

Plastic viscosity is an absolute flow property, directly related to the internal resistance of the fluid to flow. It is a crucial parameter for understanding and controlling the behavior of non-Newtonian fluids used in various aspects of the oil and gas industry.

Key Takeaways:

  • Plastic viscosity refers to the flow resistance of fluids that exhibit a yield stress.
  • It is measured using viscometers specifically designed for non-Newtonian fluids.
  • Understanding plastic viscosity is critical for efficient drilling operations, crude oil transportation, and various other processes in the oil & gas industry.

By understanding and applying the concept of plastic viscosity, engineers and technicians can optimize fluid behavior, leading to more efficient and cost-effective operations within the oil and gas sector.

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