Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: PD (gas lift)

PD (gas lift)

Understanding PD (Gas Lift) in Oil & Gas: A Comprehensive Guide

PD (Gas Lift) is a crucial technique employed in the oil and gas industry to enhance oil production from wells. It utilizes injected gas to reduce the pressure in the wellbore, enabling the oil to flow more readily to the surface. This article delves into the intricacies of PD (Gas Lift), its working mechanism, advantages, and limitations.

What is PD (Gas Lift)?

PD (Gas Lift) stands for "Pressure Differential Gas Lift." This method involves injecting high-pressure gas into the wellbore at strategic locations, known as "gas lift points." The injected gas, usually sourced from a gas reservoir or a nearby processing facility, displaces the oil column, thereby lowering the pressure in the wellbore. This pressure differential, or reduction, effectively "lifts" the oil to the surface.

How does PD (Gas Lift) Work?

The principle behind PD (Gas Lift) is straightforward:

  1. Injection: High-pressure gas is injected into the wellbore through gas lift valves installed at specific depths.
  2. Pressure Reduction: The injected gas mixes with the oil, effectively reducing the pressure within the wellbore.
  3. Flow Enhancement: The pressure differential between the wellbore and the reservoir creates a driving force, facilitating the oil's ascent to the surface.

Advantages of PD (Gas Lift):

  • Increased Production: PD (Gas Lift) significantly boosts oil production from wells that are experiencing declining pressure or have low natural flow rates.
  • Versatility: It can be applied to a wide range of wells, including those with complex reservoir conditions and varying depths.
  • Controllability: The gas injection rate can be adjusted to optimize production based on well performance.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Compared to other artificial lift methods like pumping systems, PD (Gas Lift) is often more cost-effective in the long run.

Limitations of PD (Gas Lift):

  • Gas Availability: A reliable source of high-pressure gas is essential for successful operation.
  • Wellbore Conditions: Wells with high water cuts or severe corrosion can pose challenges to gas lift implementation.
  • Gas Lift Valve Maintenance: Periodic maintenance and inspection of gas lift valves are crucial for ensuring smooth operation.

Gas Lift Pressure at 60°F (Summary):

The gas pressure at 60°F is a vital parameter in PD (Gas Lift) operations. It plays a crucial role in determining the effectiveness of the gas lift system and the overall oil production rate. This pressure directly influences the driving force behind the oil's upward flow. Therefore, maintaining the correct gas pressure at 60°F is critical for efficient and sustained oil production.

In conclusion, PD (Gas Lift) is a valuable tool in the oil and gas industry, enabling increased oil production from declining wells. Understanding its mechanism, advantages, and limitations, as well as the significance of gas pressure at 60°F, is crucial for successful implementation and optimization of this crucial technology.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz on PD (Gas Lift)

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does PD (Gas Lift) stand for?

a) Pressure Differential Gas Lift b) Pumped Differential Gas Lift c) Pressure Drop Gas Lift d) Pumped Drop Gas Lift


a) Pressure Differential Gas Lift

2. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of PD (Gas Lift)?

a) Increased production b) Versatility c) High initial investment cost d) Controllability


c) High initial investment cost

3. How does PD (Gas Lift) work?

a) By injecting water into the wellbore to displace oil b) By injecting high-pressure gas into the wellbore to reduce pressure c) By using a pump to lift oil to the surface d) By increasing the pressure in the wellbore to force oil out


b) By injecting high-pressure gas into the wellbore to reduce pressure

4. Which of the following is a limitation of PD (Gas Lift)?

a) It can only be used in wells with high water cuts b) It requires a reliable source of high-pressure gas c) It is not effective in increasing production d) It is too complex to implement


b) It requires a reliable source of high-pressure gas

5. Why is gas pressure at 60°F an important factor in PD (Gas Lift)?

a) It determines the temperature of the oil being extracted b) It is used to calculate the volume of oil produced c) It directly influences the driving force behind the oil's upward flow d) It determines the amount of water produced alongside the oil


c) It directly influences the driving force behind the oil's upward flow

Exercise on PD (Gas Lift)


You are working as an engineer for an oil company. You are tasked with evaluating the performance of a well that is currently using a PD (Gas Lift) system. The well has been experiencing declining production rates, and you need to determine if the gas lift system is functioning optimally.


  • Identify three potential issues that could be causing the decline in production.
  • For each issue, suggest a possible solution.
  • Explain why your suggested solution could address the identified issue.

Exercise Correction

Here are some potential issues and solutions:

Issue 1: Insufficient Gas Injection Rate * Solution: Increase the gas injection rate by adjusting the gas lift valves. * Explanation: A lower gas injection rate may not be sufficient to create the necessary pressure differential to efficiently lift the oil to the surface. Increasing the rate would increase the driving force, potentially boosting production.

Issue 2: Gas Lift Valve Malfunction * Solution: Inspect and potentially repair or replace faulty gas lift valves. * Explanation: Malfunctioning gas lift valves may not be injecting gas at the correct pressure or location, hindering the effectiveness of the system.

Issue 3: Wellbore Clogging or Restrictions * Solution: Perform a wellbore cleaning operation to remove any obstructions. * Explanation: Deposits or obstructions in the wellbore can hinder oil flow, reducing production. Cleaning the wellbore could restore the intended flow path.

Note: This is not an exhaustive list. Other potential issues could include changes in reservoir pressure, gas quality, or issues with the surface equipment.


  • "Petroleum Production Engineering: Principles and Practices" by M. Muskat - A classic text covering various aspects of oil and gas production, including artificial lift techniques like gas lift.
  • "Artificial Lift Systems" by L.P. Smith - This book offers a detailed explanation of different artificial lift methods, including gas lift, along with practical examples and case studies.
  • "Gas Lift Manual" by Schlumberger - A comprehensive guide to gas lift design, implementation, and optimization, encompassing both theory and practical applications.


  • "Gas Lift Design and Optimization: A Comprehensive Guide" by SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) - This technical article provides a thorough overview of gas lift design principles, optimization strategies, and best practices.
  • "Pressure Differential Gas Lift: A Proven Technique for Enhanced Oil Production" by Oil & Gas Journal - This article focuses on the working mechanism of PD (Gas Lift) and highlights its advantages in maximizing production from challenging wells.
  • "Gas Lift Optimization Using Artificial Neural Networks" by Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering - This research article explores the potential of using advanced data analytics and machine learning for optimizing gas lift operations.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) website: A treasure trove of technical papers, presentations, and resources on various topics related to oil and gas production, including gas lift.
  • Schlumberger website: Offers a vast library of technical documents, case studies, and training materials on their gas lift technologies and services.
  • Oil & Gas Journal website: Provides news, technical articles, and industry updates related to oil and gas production, including developments in gas lift technologies.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine terms like "gas lift," "pressure differential," "oil production," and "well optimization" to refine your search results.
  • Include relevant operators: Use quotes around phrases like "gas lift design" or "gas lift optimization" to find resources discussing those specific topics.
  • Filter your search: Use advanced search filters in Google to narrow down your search results by date, source, and other parameters.
  • Explore related terms: Expand your search by considering related terms like "artificial lift," "well stimulation," and "production enhancement."
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