Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Pattern Water Flood

Pattern Water Flood

Pattern Waterflood: A Systematic Approach to Oil Recovery

In the oil and gas industry, pattern waterflood is a crucial technique employed to enhance oil recovery from reservoirs. It involves a strategically planned arrangement of injection and production wells, creating a systematic flow of water that displaces oil and pushes it towards the production wells.

Here's how it works:

  • Injection Wells: Water is injected into the reservoir through designated wells, creating a pressure front that pushes the oil towards the production wells.
  • Production Wells: These wells are strategically placed to collect the displaced oil, maximizing recovery.
  • Pattern: The arrangement of injection and production wells follows a specific pattern, often in a grid-like structure. This pattern ensures even distribution of the water pressure and efficient oil displacement.
  • Types of Patterns: Common patterns include:
    • Five-spot: The most basic pattern, with one injection well surrounded by four production wells.
    • Nine-spot: One injection well is surrounded by eight production wells, offering greater recovery efficiency.
    • Line drive: A series of injection wells along one side of the reservoir and production wells along the other side, pushing oil in a straight line.

Advantages of Pattern Waterflood:

  • Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR): Pattern waterflood can significantly increase the amount of oil recovered from a reservoir compared to primary production (natural reservoir pressure).
  • Improved Sweep Efficiency: The controlled water injection ensures a more uniform displacement of oil, maximizing the amount of oil recovered.
  • Increased Reservoir Pressure: Water injection maintains the reservoir pressure, improving flow and reducing the decline in production rates.
  • Predictability: The structured approach of pattern waterflood allows for more accurate predictions of oil recovery and production rates.


  • High Initial Investment: Implementing a pattern waterflood requires significant upfront investment for drilling, well completion, and water treatment facilities.
  • Water Management: Efficient water management is crucial, including water quality control, disposal, and minimizing environmental impact.
  • Reservoir Complexity: The effectiveness of pattern waterflood can be impacted by reservoir heterogeneity and complex geological structures.


Pattern waterflood is a mature and widely used EOR technique in the oil and gas industry. By systematically injecting water into a reservoir, it maximizes oil recovery and extends the life of producing fields. While requiring significant initial investment, the enhanced recovery potential and predictability make it a valuable tool for optimizing oil production.

Test Your Knowledge

Pattern Waterflood Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of pattern waterflood? a) Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) b) Improved Sweep Efficiency c) Reduced Reservoir Pressure d) Increased Predictability


c) Reduced Reservoir Pressure

2. What is the primary purpose of injection wells in pattern waterflood? a) To produce oil b) To monitor reservoir pressure c) To inject water to displace oil d) To collect produced water


c) To inject water to displace oil

3. Which of the following is a common pattern used in waterflood operations? a) Four-spot b) Seven-spot c) Nine-spot d) Eleven-spot


c) Nine-spot

4. What is a major disadvantage of implementing pattern waterflood? a) Limited oil recovery potential b) High initial investment c) Increased environmental impact d) Lack of predictability


b) High initial investment

5. Pattern waterflood is typically employed to enhance oil recovery after which stage of production? a) Primary Production b) Secondary Production c) Tertiary Production d) Enhanced Oil Recovery


a) Primary Production

Pattern Waterflood Exercise:


You are an engineer working on a new waterflood project. The reservoir is a rectangular shape with dimensions of 2000m x 1000m. You have been tasked with designing a five-spot pattern for the waterflood.


  1. Sketch a five-spot pattern within the reservoir boundaries.
  2. Choose an appropriate spacing distance for the injection and production wells. Explain your reasoning for this choice.
  3. Briefly describe the potential challenges you might encounter while implementing this pattern in a real-world scenario.

Exercice Correction

**1. Sketch a five-spot pattern:** You should sketch a grid pattern within the rectangular reservoir. Each injection well would be surrounded by four production wells in a square arrangement. **2. Spacing distance:** The spacing distance for the injection and production wells depends on various factors like reservoir characteristics, permeability, and desired sweep efficiency. A typical spacing distance could be around 200-400m. Smaller spacing might lead to a more efficient sweep but would require more wells, increasing costs. Larger spacing might reduce costs but could lead to poor sweep efficiency and uneven water distribution. **3. Potential challenges:** - **Reservoir heterogeneity:** If the reservoir has varying permeability, the waterflood pattern might not be as effective in displacing oil uniformly. - **Faulting:** The presence of faults can disrupt the water flow and reduce sweep efficiency. - **Water quality:** Maintaining water quality and minimizing environmental impact is crucial. - **Wellbore stability:** Proper well construction and casing design are essential to prevent wellbore collapse during water injection.


  • Reservoir Simulation by Aziz, K. and Settari, A. (Third Edition, 2013)
  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook by Adams, J. and Schechter, R. (Third Edition, 2019)
  • Enhanced Oil Recovery by Lake, L.W. (Second Edition, 2010)
  • Fundamentals of Enhanced Oil Recovery by Dake, L.P. (Third Edition, 2017)


  • "Pattern Waterflooding for Enhanced Oil Recovery: A Review" by Al-Hassani, A., et al. (Petroleum Science and Technology, 2015)
  • "Optimization of Waterflood Patterns in Heterogeneous Reservoirs" by Li, S., et al. (Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2020)
  • "A Comparative Study of Waterflood Patterns in a Complex Reservoir" by Zhang, D., et al. (Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2021)

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Website: ( - Contains a vast library of technical papers, resources, and events related to pattern waterflood.
  • Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary: ( - Defines key terms and concepts related to pattern waterflood.
  • U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy: ( - Provides information on research and development related to enhanced oil recovery, including pattern waterflood.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "Pattern waterflood," "waterflood design," "five-spot pattern," "nine-spot pattern," "line drive pattern."
  • Combine keywords with specific reservoir types or formations: For example, "pattern waterflood sandstone," "pattern waterflood shale."
  • Use quotation marks: For precise searches, enclose keywords in quotation marks. For example, "pattern waterflood efficiency."
  • Use advanced search operators: Use "site:" to limit searches to specific websites, or "filetype:" to find specific file types, like PDF or DOC.
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