Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Organic Theory

Organic Theory

The Organic Theory: Unlocking the Secrets of Oil and Gas Generation

The world's thirst for energy is fueled by the vast reserves of oil and gas found beneath the Earth's surface. But how did these valuable resources form in the first place? The answer lies in the Organic Theory, a cornerstone of petroleum geology that explains the origins of hydrocarbons.

The Journey from Organic Matter to Oil and Gas

The Organic Theory posits that hydrocarbons like oil and natural gas are derived from the transformation of organic matter, primarily the remains of ancient plants and animals. This journey begins with the burial of these organic materials under layers of sediment.

The Role of Heat and Pressure:

As the organic matter is buried deeper, it experiences increasing heat and pressure. This process, coupled with time, initiates a complex series of chemical reactions that break down the original organic molecules into simpler hydrocarbons. The type of hydrocarbons produced depends largely on the type of organic matter, the depth of burial, and the amount of time involved.

Source Rocks and Reservoir Rocks:

The sedimentary layers containing the organic matter are known as source rocks. These rocks act as the birthplace of hydrocarbons. Over time, the newly generated hydrocarbons migrate from the source rocks into porous and permeable formations called reservoir rocks. These reservoirs, often sandstone or limestone, provide a space for the hydrocarbons to accumulate, creating the oil and gas fields we exploit today.

The Stages of Hydrocarbon Generation:

The transformation of organic matter into hydrocarbons occurs in distinct stages:

  • Diagenesis: This initial stage involves the breakdown of organic matter and the formation of kerogen, a complex organic substance.
  • Catagenesis: As temperatures increase, kerogen begins to break down, generating liquid hydrocarbons (oil) and gas.
  • Metagenesis: At extremely high temperatures, oil begins to crack and generate predominantly gas.

The Organic Theory: A Widely Accepted Model:

The Organic Theory has become the dominant explanation for hydrocarbon formation. It is supported by extensive geological evidence, including the presence of organic matter in source rocks, the migration pathways of hydrocarbons, and the correlation between hydrocarbon types and the burial history of source rocks.

Challenges and Future Research:

While the Organic Theory offers a comprehensive explanation for hydrocarbon generation, ongoing research continues to refine our understanding of the complex processes involved. Areas of active research include:

  • The role of microorganisms in hydrocarbon generation: Recent studies suggest that microbes may play a significant role in the early stages of organic matter transformation.
  • The formation of unconventional resources: Understanding the formation of shale oil and gas requires further investigation into the interplay of organic matter, kerogen types, and the unique geological conditions of these unconventional reservoirs.


The Organic Theory provides a vital framework for exploring and understanding the origins of oil and gas. As our energy needs continue to evolve, research on hydrocarbon generation remains critical for ensuring the sustainable development of these valuable resources. By unraveling the secrets of the Earth's past, we can better navigate the future of energy production.

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