Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Open-Hole Fishing

Open-Hole Fishing

Open-Hole Fishing: Recovering Lost Treasures in the Oil & Gas Industry

In the world of oil and gas exploration, retrieving lost tools or equipment from the wellbore is a common challenge. One specific scenario that requires specialized techniques is open-hole fishing, the act of retrieving lost pipe or tools that have fallen into the open hole section of the well. This open hole section is the portion of the wellbore before casing is installed, leaving it exposed to the surrounding rock formations.

Why is Open-Hole Fishing Necessary?

The potential for equipment loss in the open hole is significant. This can occur during various operations such as:

  • Drilling: Drillstring components like drill collars, drill pipes, or even the entire drill string can be lost due to unexpected formation conditions, equipment failures, or accidental drops.
  • Well Completion: Tools used for well completion operations, such as packers, casing, or completion equipment, can be lost during installation or due to unforeseen events.
  • Workover Operations: During workover operations, tools used for well stimulation, well maintenance, or other interventions may be lost.

The Challenges of Open-Hole Fishing

Retrieving lost equipment from the open hole presents numerous challenges, including:

  • Limited Access: Unlike cased hole sections, the open hole offers less control and visibility. This makes it difficult to accurately locate and engage the lost equipment.
  • Uncertain Environment: The open hole can contain unpredictable formations, with varying rock types, pressures, and temperatures. This creates challenges for the fishing tools and operations.
  • Risk of Further Damage: Fishing operations can potentially damage the wellbore, the lost equipment, or even the surrounding formations, leading to costly repairs and delays.

Common Open-Hole Fishing Techniques

Despite these challenges, various techniques have been developed to retrieve lost equipment from open holes. Some of the most common methods include:

  • Jarring: Using a specialized tool called a "jar" to impart a powerful shock to the lost equipment, potentially dislodging it.
  • Fishing Tools: Using specialized tools, such as overshot or spear, to engage the lost equipment and pull it out.
  • Magnetic Fishing: Employing magnets to retrieve metal objects, particularly if the lost equipment is ferrous.
  • Mechanical Fishing: Using specialized tools to physically cut or break the lost equipment, making it easier to retrieve.

Considerations for Open-Hole Fishing

When planning open-hole fishing operations, several factors need to be considered:

  • The nature of the lost equipment: The type and size of the lost equipment will dictate the appropriate fishing technique.
  • The wellbore environment: Factors such as formation type, wellbore diameter, and temperature will influence the feasibility and effectiveness of different techniques.
  • The risks involved: The potential for further damage and wellbore instability must be carefully assessed and mitigated.


Open-hole fishing is a complex and challenging aspect of oil and gas operations. By understanding the challenges, techniques, and risks involved, operators can successfully recover lost equipment from the open hole, minimizing downtime and maximizing production. This requires careful planning, expert execution, and the use of specialized equipment and techniques.

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