Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Open Hole Completions

Open Hole Completions

Open Hole Completions: A Bold Approach in Oil and Gas Production

Open hole completions, a term that might sound counterintuitive at first, represent a unique and often daring approach to oil and gas production. Unlike traditional completions which rely on steel casing to contain the wellbore, open hole completions operate without any casing at all, leaving the wellbore open to the formation. This unconventional method offers distinct advantages and disadvantages, making it a suitable choice for specific geological and operational scenarios.

What is an Open Hole Completion?

Essentially, an open hole completion involves drilling a well and leaving the wellbore uncased. This means the formation is directly exposed to the wellbore, allowing for maximum contact with the reservoir. Instead of using a casing to isolate the wellbore, open hole completions rely on perforations in the wellbore wall to connect the production zone to the well.

Advantages of Open Hole Completions:

  • Enhanced Productivity: Open hole completions allow for greater contact with the reservoir, leading to potentially higher production rates compared to cased wells. This is especially beneficial for formations with high permeability and low fracture density.
  • Cost Savings: Eliminating the need for casing and related equipment can significantly reduce overall completion costs.
  • Flexibility: Open hole completions offer greater flexibility in adapting to the formation's natural fractures, allowing for optimal production from naturally fractured reservoirs.
  • Reduced Sand Production: By providing a larger flow area, open hole completions can reduce sand production, which can be a major problem in conventional wells.

Disadvantages of Open Hole Completions:

  • Limited Formation Control: The lack of casing exposes the wellbore to the formation, increasing the risk of uncontrolled sand production, formation collapse, or fluid influx.
  • Complex and Challenging Operations: Open hole completions require advanced technologies and specialized personnel to handle the technical complexities associated with these operations.
  • Environmental Concerns: Without casing, there is a higher risk of environmental contamination due to potential wellbore instability.
  • Suitability for Specific Reservoirs: Open hole completions are not suitable for all reservoirs. They are most effective in formations with high permeability, low fracture density, and stable geological conditions.


Open hole completions represent a unique and often risky approach to well completion. While they offer advantages in terms of cost savings, increased productivity, and flexibility, they also come with significant challenges and limitations. Ultimately, the decision to use an open hole completion depends on a careful assessment of the reservoir characteristics, geological conditions, and operational risks.


Open hole completions are commonly used in:

  • Horizontal Wells: Due to their increased contact with the formation, open hole completions are often favored in horizontal wells.
  • Fractured Reservoirs: They can effectively tap into naturally fractured formations, maximizing production from these complex reservoirs.
  • High-Permeability Formations: Open hole completions are ideal for formations with high permeability, allowing for efficient fluid flow.


While open hole completions remain a niche approach within the oil and gas industry, their potential for increased productivity and cost savings continues to attract attention. As technology advances and our understanding of reservoir characteristics deepens, open hole completions are likely to play an increasingly significant role in unlocking the potential of unconventional oil and gas resources.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Open Hole Completions

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the defining characteristic of an open hole completion? a) Using a steel casing to isolate the wellbore b) Leaving the wellbore uncased and directly exposed to the formation c) Relying on perforations in the casing to connect the production zone to the well d) Requiring specialized equipment for drilling and completion


The correct answer is **b) Leaving the wellbore uncased and directly exposed to the formation.**

2. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of open hole completions? a) Enhanced productivity b) Cost savings c) Flexibility in adapting to formation characteristics d) Increased risk of sand production


The correct answer is **d) Increased risk of sand production.** While open hole completions can reduce sand production, they don't eliminate it, and the risk remains.

3. Open hole completions are most suitable for which type of reservoir? a) Low permeability, high fracture density b) High permeability, low fracture density c) Tight, unconventional reservoirs d) Deep, high-pressure reservoirs


The correct answer is **b) High permeability, low fracture density.**

4. Which of the following is a potential disadvantage of open hole completions? a) Reduced environmental impact b) Increased wellbore stability c) Complex and challenging operations d) Lower production rates compared to cased wells


The correct answer is **c) Complex and challenging operations.** Open hole completions require specialized equipment and expertise.

5. Open hole completions are commonly used in: a) Vertical wells b) Conventional reservoirs c) Horizontal wells and fractured reservoirs d) All of the above


The correct answer is **c) Horizontal wells and fractured reservoirs.**

Exercise: Evaluating Open Hole Completion Suitability

Scenario: You are an engineer evaluating a new oil well site. The reservoir is a naturally fractured, high-permeability formation with stable geological conditions.

Task: Based on the information provided, determine if an open hole completion would be a suitable option for this well. Explain your reasoning, highlighting both the potential advantages and disadvantages.

Exercice Correction

An open hole completion could be a suitable option for this well. Here's why: **Advantages:** * **High Permeability:** The high permeability of the reservoir would allow for efficient fluid flow through the open wellbore, potentially leading to higher production rates. * **Naturally Fractured:** Open hole completions are effective in maximizing production from naturally fractured reservoirs by allowing for greater contact with the fractures. * **Stable Geological Conditions:** The stable geological conditions minimize the risk of formation collapse or uncontrolled fluid influx, making open hole completion a safer option. **Disadvantages:** * **Potential for Sand Production:** Although the high permeability would likely facilitate sand production, the stable geological conditions mitigate the risk of uncontrolled sand influx. * **Complexity and Cost:** Open hole completions require specialized equipment and personnel, potentially adding to the overall cost. **Conclusion:** Based on the information provided, an open hole completion could be a viable option. However, a thorough evaluation of the formation characteristics, operational risks, and potential environmental impacts is crucial before making a final decision.


  • "Petroleum Production Systems" by John M. Campbell - Provides a comprehensive overview of oil and gas production, including detailed sections on completions and open hole completions.
  • "Completions Engineering Handbook" by John A. Slotnick - A comprehensive resource on various completion techniques, offering insights into the design and implementation of open hole completions.
  • "Reservoir Stimulation" by J.A. Clark - Explores the fundamentals of reservoir stimulation, including techniques related to open hole completions for enhancing well productivity.


  • "Open Hole Completion: A Case Study" by SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) - Provides an in-depth analysis of an actual open hole completion project, outlining the challenges and successes.
  • "Open-Hole Completion Technology for Horizontal Wells in Tight Formations" by PetroWiki - Discusses the application of open hole completions in unconventional reservoirs, focusing on tight formations.
  • "A Review of Open Hole Completions for Unconventional Reservoirs" by Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering - Presents a comprehensive review of research and development related to open hole completions in unconventional reservoirs.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): Offers a vast collection of technical papers, presentations, and publications on open hole completions.
  • PetroWiki: A comprehensive online resource for the oil and gas industry, including detailed information on open hole completions.
  • Schlumberger Completion Services: A leading oilfield services company providing detailed technical information and case studies on open hole completions.
  • Halliburton Completion Services: Another leading oilfield services company offering a wide range of resources related to open hole completions.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Include keywords like "open hole completion," "unconventional reservoirs," "horizontal wells," "fractured formations," and "reservoir stimulation" in your search.
  • Specify your search: Refine your search by adding specific parameters like "PDF," "journal articles," or "case studies."
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose your keywords in quotation marks to find exact matches.
  • Combine keywords: Use Boolean operators like "AND" or "OR" to combine multiple keywords for a more targeted search.
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