Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: OP (gas lift)

OP (gas lift)

OP (Gas Lift) - Understanding the Heart of Well Production

OP, in the context of Oil & Gas, stands for Opening Pressure and refers to the pressure at which a gas lift valve at a specific depth in a wellbore opens. This pressure is a critical parameter in gas lift operations, a well stimulation technique commonly employed to enhance oil production.

Gas Lift Explained:

Imagine a well with oil trapped deep underground. To bring this oil to the surface, pressure is needed to overcome the weight of the oil column and any formation resistance. However, some wells lack sufficient natural pressure to achieve this. This is where gas lift steps in.

Gas lift utilizes injected gas, typically natural gas, to lift the oil to the surface. The gas is injected into the wellbore at strategic intervals, usually through gas lift valves installed at specific depths. As the injected gas travels upwards, it mixes with the oil, reducing the fluid density and creating a buoyant force that helps push the oil towards the surface.

OP's Role in Gas Lift:

The opening pressure (OP) of a gas lift valve dictates when the gas injection begins. The valve is designed to open at a predetermined pressure, typically lower than the pressure at the wellhead. When the wellbore pressure drops below the OP, the valve opens, allowing gas to enter the annulus and mix with the oil.

Determining the OP:

The OP of a gas lift valve is determined by several factors, including:

  • Depth of the Valve: Deeper valves require higher opening pressures to overcome the weight of the fluid column above them.
  • Valve Design: Each gas lift valve has a specific design that dictates its opening pressure.
  • Operating Pressure: The desired wellhead pressure and the pressure gradient in the wellbore influence the OP.
  • Production Rate: The volume of oil produced influences the pressure drawdown in the wellbore, affecting the OP.

Optimizing OP for Production:

Setting the correct OP is crucial for efficient gas lift operations. Too low of an OP can lead to excessive gas injection, decreasing the oil production rate. Conversely, too high of an OP can result in insufficient gas lift, hindering oil recovery.


Understanding the concept of opening pressure (OP) is essential for optimizing gas lift operations. By carefully considering the factors that influence OP and selecting the appropriate valve designs, engineers can maximize oil production and ensure efficient gas lift performance. This intricate interplay of pressure, valve mechanisms, and production rates helps to unlock the potential of gas lift in boosting oil recovery from challenging wells.

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