Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Reservoir Engineering: OHFP


OHFP: Unlocking Reservoir Potential with Open Hole Fracturing and Packing

In the oil and gas industry, OHFP, which stands for Open Hole Fracturing and Packing, is a powerful technique used to enhance hydrocarbon production from unconventional reservoirs. This method involves fracturing a wellbore in its open, uncased state, followed by strategically placing proppant within the fracture to maintain its permeability and maximize production.

Understanding Open Hole Frac Packing

Open hole fracturing differs from traditional cased-hole fracturing in several key aspects:

  • No casing: The wellbore remains uncased, eliminating the need for costly casing and cementing operations.
  • Direct access: This allows for direct access to the reservoir, enabling a more efficient transfer of fracturing fluids and proppant into the formation.
  • Greater flexibility: Open hole fracturing offers greater flexibility in terms of fracture placement and optimization.

Frac packing, the process of placing proppant within the fracture, plays a crucial role in maintaining the newly-created pathways for hydrocarbons to flow. The proppant acts as a structural support, preventing the fracture from closing under the weight of the surrounding rock. This ensures continued production over the long term.

Advantages of OHFP:

  • Cost-effective: OHFP can be significantly less expensive than cased-hole fracturing, especially in deep, complex formations.
  • Improved production: Direct access to the reservoir and efficient proppant placement lead to higher production rates and increased ultimate recovery.
  • Enhanced reservoir stimulation: OHFP can effectively stimulate challenging formations, unlocking reserves that might be inaccessible with traditional methods.
  • Reduced wellbore risks: Open hole fracturing eliminates the potential for casing failures and other wellbore issues.

Applications of OHFP:

OHFP finds its primary application in:

  • Unconventional reservoirs: Tight shale, coal bed methane, and other formations where traditional fracturing methods are less effective.
  • Deepwater environments: Where casing installation poses significant challenges and costs.
  • Complex reservoirs: With multiple layers or fractures, where open hole techniques allow for greater control over fracturing operations.

Challenges and Considerations:

While OHFP offers numerous benefits, it also presents challenges:

  • Wellbore stability: Maintaining wellbore stability during fracturing is crucial, as the uncased hole is exposed to higher stresses.
  • Proppant placement: Ensuring efficient and even proppant distribution within the fracture is critical for successful production.
  • Fluid management: Careful selection and management of fracturing fluids are essential to minimize formation damage and optimize production.


OHFP has emerged as a valuable technique for maximizing production from unconventional and challenging reservoirs. By combining the benefits of open hole fracturing with the efficiency of frac packing, this method offers a cost-effective and efficient way to stimulate hydrocarbon production and unlock new reserves. As the industry continues to explore and develop unconventional resources, OHFP is expected to play a significant role in driving future success.

Test Your Knowledge

OHFP Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does OHFP stand for? a) Open Hole Flow Production b) Open Hole Fracturing and Packing c) Optimized Hydrocarbon Flow Process d) Oil and Gas Flow Production


b) Open Hole Fracturing and Packing

2. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of OHFP? a) Cost-effective b) Improved production c) Reduced wellbore risks d) Enhanced reservoir stimulation e) Simplified wellbore construction


e) Simplified wellbore construction

3. How does frac packing contribute to successful OHFP? a) It prevents the fracture from closing under pressure. b) It enhances the flow of fracturing fluids. c) It reduces the risk of formation damage. d) It simplifies wellbore completion operations.


a) It prevents the fracture from closing under pressure.

4. In which type of reservoirs is OHFP primarily used? a) Conventional reservoirs b) Unconventional reservoirs c) Deepwater reservoirs d) Both b and c


d) Both b and c

5. What is a significant challenge associated with OHFP? a) Maintaining wellbore stability b) Costly casing and cementing operations c) Limited access to the reservoir d) Difficulty in placing fracturing fluids


a) Maintaining wellbore stability

OHFP Exercise:

Scenario: You are working on an oil and gas project involving the development of a tight shale reservoir. The team is considering using OHFP to stimulate production.

Task: Create a brief presentation outlining the benefits and challenges of using OHFP for this specific reservoir. Include the following:

  • Benefits: Highlight the potential advantages of OHFP compared to traditional fracturing methods in this context.
  • Challenges: Address the potential risks and concerns associated with OHFP in a tight shale environment.
  • Recommendations: Propose any specific strategies or adjustments to OHFP that could mitigate the identified challenges.

Exercice Correction

The correction would depend on the specific details of the presentation. However, it should include the following key points:

  • Benefits:
    • Cost savings due to the elimination of casing and cementing.
    • Improved production due to direct access to the reservoir and efficient proppant placement.
    • Enhanced stimulation in tight shale formations where traditional methods are less effective.
    • Reduced wellbore risks compared to cased-hole fracturing.
  • Challenges:
    • Maintaining wellbore stability in the complex and often fractured shale formation.
    • Ensuring effective proppant placement in the tight matrix and potential for proppant settling.
    • Managing fracturing fluid flow and potential for formation damage in the low-permeability shale.
    • Managing potential for wellbore instability and sand production due to the increased stress from fracturing.
  • Recommendations:
    • Utilize advanced wellbore monitoring and stabilization techniques to minimize the risk of wellbore instability.
    • Employ specialized proppant placement and optimization methods to ensure effective proppant distribution in the shale formation.
    • Select appropriate fracturing fluids with minimal potential for formation damage and ensure efficient fluid recovery.
    • Implement measures to mitigate the risk of sand production and potential for wellbore damage.


  • "Fracturing and Stimulation of Oil and Gas Wells" by Michael Economides and Kenneth Nolte: This comprehensive textbook covers various fracturing techniques, including open hole fracturing, and provides a solid foundation for understanding the principles involved.
  • "Unconventional Gas Resources: A Guide to Exploration, Development, and Production" by George King: This book delves into the challenges and strategies for developing unconventional reservoirs, emphasizing techniques like OHFP.
  • "Well Completion Design" by John A. Clark: This reference explores different well completion methods, including open hole completions and frac packing, with detailed explanations of their applications and considerations.


  • "Open-Hole Fracturing: A Promising Technology for Unconventional Reservoirs" by B.A. Schechter, et al. (SPE Journal, 2012): This article examines the benefits and challenges of open hole fracturing in unconventional formations, providing a detailed overview of the technique.
  • "Fracturing and Proppant Placement for Horizontal Wells in Shale Gas Plays" by M.J. King, et al. (SPE Production & Operations, 2010): This article discusses proppant selection and placement in horizontal wells, a crucial aspect of OHFP in shale reservoirs.
  • "Open Hole Fracturing and Packing for Enhanced Production in Tight Gas Reservoirs" by J.M. Rogers, et al. (SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, 2015): This article focuses on the application of OHFP in tight gas reservoirs, highlighting its potential for improving production.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): SPE website offers a wealth of technical information and publications on various aspects of oil and gas production, including OHFP. Search their database for relevant papers and presentations.
  • OnePetro: This online platform provides access to a comprehensive library of technical articles, publications, and industry data, including information on open hole fracturing and frac packing.
  • FracFocus Chemical Disclosure Registry: This website maintains a database of chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing, including proppants and other fracturing fluids, which can be helpful in understanding the components of OHFP operations.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine terms like "open hole fracturing," "frac packing," "unconventional reservoirs," and "tight gas" for more precise search results.
  • Include relevant industry terms: Use keywords like "completion," "stimulation," "production," and "wellbore" to refine your search.
  • Specify the type of content: Use search operators like "filetype:pdf" or "filetype:ppt" to limit your search to specific file types, like technical papers or presentations.
  • Explore academic databases: Consider using search engines like Google Scholar, IEEE Xplore, or Scopus for academic research papers on OHFP.
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