Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Non-Stress Preferred Fracture Plane

Non-Stress Preferred Fracture Plane

Non-Stress Preferred Fracture Plane: Breaking the Mold in Oil & Gas

In the world of oil and gas extraction, hydraulic fracturing plays a critical role in unlocking trapped hydrocarbons. This process, often referred to as "fracking", involves injecting high-pressure fluids into a wellbore to create fractures in the surrounding rock formation, allowing for the flow of oil and gas. While fracturing typically occurs perpendicular to the least principal stress, there are times when the fractures deviate from this expected path, leading to a phenomenon known as non-stress preferred fracture planes.

Understanding the Basics:

  • Principal Stress: The earth's crust is subject to different stresses in different directions. Principal stresses are the maximum and minimum stress values acting on a rock formation.
  • Stress Preferred Fracture Plane: The direction of least stress in a rock formation typically dictates the direction of fracture propagation. Fractures tend to form perpendicular to this least stress direction, maximizing the area of the fracture and promoting flow.

When Non-Stress Preferred Fractures Arise:

Non-stress preferred fracture planes often occur in situations where:

  • Explosive Fracturing: This technique involves detonating explosives within the wellbore to create fractures. The explosion's immense energy can overcome the influence of the least principal stress, resulting in fractures that propagate in unexpected directions.
  • Complex Geology: In areas with intricate geological structures, such as faults or highly heterogeneous rock formations, fractures can deviate from the predicted path due to the influence of these structures.
  • High Fluid Pressure: When the pressure of the fracturing fluid significantly exceeds the pressure exerted by the least principal stress, the fractures may be driven in directions other than perpendicular to the minimum stress.

Implications of Non-Stress Preferred Fracture Planes:

  • Enhanced Oil and Gas Recovery: Non-stress preferred fractures can increase the surface area exposed to the reservoir, leading to potentially higher production rates.
  • Challenges in Reservoir Characterization: Deviations from the expected fracture pattern can make it more challenging to accurately map and model the reservoir, potentially impacting production optimization.
  • Potential for Unintended Fracture Growth: Non-stress preferred fractures may propagate into unwanted areas, potentially causing environmental concerns or impacting nearby wells.

Managing Non-Stress Preferred Fracture Planes:

  • Precise Fracture Design: Advanced modeling techniques can help predict and mitigate the occurrence of non-stress preferred fractures.
  • Optimized Hydraulic Fracturing Operations: Careful control of fracturing fluid volume, pressure, and injection rate can minimize the influence of factors that contribute to non-stress preferred fracture development.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation: Real-time monitoring of fracture growth using techniques such as microseismic analysis can provide valuable insights into fracture behavior and help adjust operational parameters accordingly.


Non-stress preferred fracture planes are a fascinating and complex aspect of hydraulic fracturing. Understanding the factors that drive these deviations from the expected fracture pattern is crucial for ensuring safe and effective oil and gas production. By leveraging advanced technologies and adopting best practices, the oil and gas industry can manage these challenges and unlock the full potential of unconventional reservoirs.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Non-Stress Preferred Fracture Planes

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary factor that typically dictates the direction of fracture propagation in hydraulic fracturing?

a) The direction of the wellbore b) The least principal stress direction c) The type of rock formation d) The amount of fracturing fluid injected


b) The least principal stress direction

2. Which of the following techniques can lead to non-stress preferred fracture planes?

a) Conventional hydraulic fracturing b) Explosive fracturing c) Waterflooding d) Acidizing


b) Explosive fracturing

3. How can non-stress preferred fracture planes impact oil and gas recovery?

a) They always decrease production rates. b) They can increase the surface area exposed to the reservoir, potentially leading to higher production rates. c) They have no impact on production rates. d) They always lead to environmental concerns.


b) They can increase the surface area exposed to the reservoir, potentially leading to higher production rates.

4. What is a potential challenge associated with non-stress preferred fracture planes?

a) Difficulty in accurately mapping and modeling the reservoir b) Increased production costs c) Reduced wellbore integrity d) All of the above


a) Difficulty in accurately mapping and modeling the reservoir

5. Which of the following is NOT a strategy for managing non-stress preferred fracture planes?

a) Using advanced modeling techniques to predict fracture behavior b) Increasing the volume of fracturing fluid injected c) Monitoring fracture growth using microseismic analysis d) Optimizing hydraulic fracturing operations


b) Increasing the volume of fracturing fluid injected



You are an engineer working on a hydraulic fracturing project in an area with complex geological structures. During the fracturing operation, you observe that fractures are deviating from the expected path, suggesting the presence of non-stress preferred fracture planes.


  1. Identify at least three potential factors that could be contributing to the non-stress preferred fracture planes in this scenario.
  2. Propose two specific actions you could take to address these factors and mitigate the occurrence of non-stress preferred fracture planes.

Exercice Correction

**Potential contributing factors:** 1. **Complex geological structures:** The presence of faults, fractures, or highly heterogeneous rock formations can influence fracture propagation and lead to deviations from the expected path. 2. **High fluid pressure:** If the pressure of the fracturing fluid significantly exceeds the pressure exerted by the least principal stress, fractures may be driven in directions other than perpendicular to the minimum stress. 3. **Stress anisotropy:** Variations in stress distribution within the rock formation can create localized areas where the direction of minimum stress deviates from the overall trend, potentially leading to non-stress preferred fracture planes. **Actions to mitigate non-stress preferred fracture planes:** 1. **Refine fracture design:** Utilize advanced modeling techniques to account for the specific geological structures and stress field in the area. This might involve incorporating geological data, seismic surveys, and stress-field measurements into the model to better predict fracture behavior and optimize fracture placement. 2. **Optimize fracturing operations:** Carefully control fracturing fluid volume, pressure, and injection rate. A more gradual and controlled injection process might help to minimize the influence of factors that contribute to non-stress preferred fracture development. This could involve adjusting injection rates based on real-time monitoring data.


  • "Hydraulic Fracturing: Theory, Design, and Practice" by M.J. Economides and K.G. Nolte: This comprehensive text covers all aspects of hydraulic fracturing, including stress-induced fractures, with dedicated sections on fracture mechanics and reservoir characterization.
  • "Fractured Reservoirs" by J.A. Warpinski: This book provides a detailed overview of fractured reservoir behavior, including the role of stress and the impact of non-stress preferred fractures on reservoir performance.
  • "Modern Fracturing Technologies: Theory, Design, and Applications" by A.R. Kovscek and S.J. Wright: This book explores the latest advancements in hydraulic fracturing, including advanced modeling techniques for fracture prediction and optimization.


  • "Stress-Controlled Fracture Propagation in Hydraulic Fracturing" by M.J. Economides and K.G. Nolte: This article provides a comprehensive analysis of the interplay between stress and fracture propagation during hydraulic fracturing.
  • "Non-Stress Preferred Fracture Propagation in Shale Formations" by J.A. Warpinski and W.L. Hadley: This article specifically focuses on the challenges of understanding and predicting fracture behavior in shale formations, where non-stress preferred fractures are common.
  • "Influence of Geological Heterogeneity on Hydraulic Fracture Propagation" by D.L. Galloway and M.S. Cordsen: This article explores the impact of complex geological structures on fracture behavior, highlighting the role of faults and heterogeneity in influencing fracture deviation.
  • "Microseismic Monitoring of Hydraulic Fracturing: A Review" by D.M. Maxwell and B.J. Haase: This article discusses the use of microseismic monitoring techniques to track fracture propagation in real time, providing valuable insights into fracture behavior and aiding in the detection of non-stress preferred fractures.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): SPE's website offers a vast library of technical papers, presentations, and research reports related to hydraulic fracturing and reservoir engineering.
  • AAPG (American Association of Petroleum Geologists): AAPG provides a comprehensive collection of resources on geology, geophysics, and reservoir characterization, including information on fracture mechanics and non-stress preferred fractures.
  • Energy Technology Institute: The Energy Technology Institute (ETI) focuses on research and development in energy technologies, including hydraulic fracturing, and offers insights into industry trends and advancements.
  • National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL): NETL, part of the US Department of Energy, conducts research and development in energy technologies, including unconventional resource development, and provides valuable insights into fracture behavior and monitoring.

Search Tips

  • "Non-stress preferred fracture planes" + "hydraulic fracturing": This search phrase targets relevant articles and resources related to the topic.
  • "Stress-induced fracture propagation" + "shale formations": This search phrase will uncover research focusing on fracture behavior in shale formations, where non-stress preferred fractures are prevalent.
  • "Microseismic monitoring" + "hydraulic fracture mapping": This search phrase will lead you to resources on using microseismic data to track fracture propagation and identify non-stress preferred fractures.
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