Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Multiple Completion

Multiple Completion

Multiple Completion: Tapping Multiple Pay Zones in One Wellbore

In the oil and gas industry, maximizing production from a single well is a constant goal. One technique employed to achieve this is multiple completion. This involves equipping a single wellbore to access and produce from multiple producing zones, often separated by layers of impermeable rock. This approach allows operators to exploit multiple reservoirs within a single well, enhancing production efficiency and potentially increasing overall hydrocarbon recovery.

Types of Multiple Completions:

Multiple completions can be broadly categorized into two main types:

  • Non-Commingled Completions: In this configuration, individual producing zones are isolated from each other within the wellbore. This prevents the mixing of fluids from different zones and allows for independent control of production from each zone.

    • Concentric Completions: This setup involves multiple concentric strings of casing, each isolating a different producing zone. The zones are typically accessed through separate tubing strings, enabling individual control over production from each pay zone. This configuration is often used when zones have different pressure regimes or fluid characteristics.

    • Side-by-Side Completions: Here, separate production zones are accessed through individual perforations along the wellbore. Each zone is equipped with its own individual tubing string and surface flowline, allowing for independent production and control. This type of completion is commonly employed when zones are laterally offset and need to be isolated for optimized production.

  • Commingled Completions: In this configuration, multiple zones are allowed to flow together, potentially enhancing overall production by balancing pressure differences between zones.

    • Stacked Completions: In this method, multiple producing zones are accessed through perforations spaced along the wellbore. The zones are then combined into a single flow path, potentially increasing the overall production rate by taking advantage of pressure differences between the zones. This is particularly useful in situations where zones have similar fluid characteristics and are amenable to commingling.

Benefits of Multiple Completions:

  • Increased Production: Accessing multiple producing zones within a single wellbore can significantly increase production compared to single-zone completions.
  • Enhanced Reservoir Management: Independent control over each zone allows for tailored production strategies, optimizing production from each reservoir.
  • Reduced Drilling Costs: Multiple completions reduce the overall number of wells required to access multiple zones, leading to cost savings.
  • Improved Reservoir Characterization: Producing from multiple zones provides valuable data on individual reservoir properties, enhancing understanding of the overall reservoir system.

Challenges of Multiple Completions:

  • Complexity: Implementing multiple completions requires specialized equipment and technical expertise, adding complexity to well design and operation.
  • Increased Risk of Downhole Problems: Isolating and controlling multiple zones within a single wellbore increases the risk of downhole issues like wellbore instability and zonal communication.
  • Higher Initial Investment: Multiple completions involve higher initial capital costs compared to single-zone completions.


Multiple completions are a powerful tool for maximizing production from complex reservoirs. By allowing access and control over multiple producing zones within a single wellbore, this technique can significantly enhance production efficiency, improve reservoir management, and reduce overall drilling costs. However, the complexity and potential risks of this technology necessitate careful planning, execution, and monitoring to ensure successful and sustainable production. As advancements in wellbore technology continue, multiple completions are likely to play an increasingly important role in optimizing oil and gas production in the future.

Test Your Knowledge

Multiple Completion Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary goal of implementing multiple completions in a wellbore?

a) To increase the overall hydrocarbon recovery. b) To reduce the risk of downhole problems. c) To simplify wellbore design and operation. d) To minimize the initial investment cost.


a) To increase the overall hydrocarbon recovery.

2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of multiple completions?

a) Increased production. b) Enhanced reservoir management. c) Reduced drilling costs. d) Improved reservoir characterization. e) Reduced risk of downhole problems.


e) Reduced risk of downhole problems.

3. Which type of multiple completion allows for independent control of production from each zone?

a) Commingled completion b) Non-commingled completion c) Stacked completion d) Concentric completion


b) Non-commingled completion

4. Which of the following is a type of non-commingled completion?

a) Stacked completion b) Side-by-Side completion c) Concentric completion d) Both b and c


d) Both b and c

5. What is the main challenge associated with multiple completions?

a) Lower production rates b) Difficulty in accessing multiple zones c) Increased complexity and potential risks d) Difficulty in isolating zones


c) Increased complexity and potential risks

Multiple Completion Exercise

Scenario: You are an engineer tasked with evaluating the feasibility of implementing a multiple completion strategy for a well targeting two separate oil-bearing zones separated by an impermeable shale layer. The top zone has high pressure and low viscosity oil, while the bottom zone has lower pressure and higher viscosity oil.


  1. Identify the most suitable type of multiple completion for this scenario. Explain your reasoning, considering the differences in pressure and fluid characteristics of the two zones.
  2. List two potential benefits and two potential challenges of implementing the chosen completion type.

Exercice Correction

**1. Most suitable type of completion:** * **Concentric completion** would be the most suitable option for this scenario. This is due to the significant pressure and fluid viscosity differences between the two zones. **Reasoning:** * **Pressure Differences:** Concentric completions allow for independent control of production from each zone, which is crucial in this case to manage the pressure differential between the high-pressure top zone and the lower-pressure bottom zone. * **Fluid Viscosity:** Using separate tubing strings for each zone allows for optimized production strategies tailored to the different fluid characteristics. This prevents the mixing of the low-viscosity oil from the top zone with the higher-viscosity oil from the bottom zone, potentially leading to production issues. **2. Benefits and Challenges:** **Benefits:** * **Optimized Production:** Individual control over each zone allows for tailored production rates and strategies to maximize recovery from both zones. * **Improved Reservoir Management:** Concentric completions allow for better understanding of individual reservoir performance and potential for individual well interventions. **Challenges:** * **Increased Complexity:** Concentric completions require specialized equipment and expertise, leading to increased well design and operation complexity. * **Higher Initial Investment:** Implementing concentric completions can lead to higher initial capital costs compared to simpler completion methods.



  • "Multiple Completions: A Practical Guide" by SPE: This article provides a comprehensive overview of the different types of multiple completions, their benefits, and challenges.
  • "Optimizing Multiple Completions for Enhanced Production" by Journal of Petroleum Technology: This journal article explores techniques for optimizing multiple completion strategies for improved reservoir management and production.
  • "The Evolution of Multiple Completions: Past, Present, and Future" by Oilfield Technology: This article examines the evolution of multiple completion technologies and their potential impact on future oil and gas production.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): The SPE website offers a wealth of resources, including articles, technical papers, and presentations related to multiple completions and reservoir engineering.
  • OnePetro (SPE Digital Library): This digital library provides access to a vast collection of technical papers, journals, and other resources related to multiple completion.
  • Oilfield Technology: This website offers technical articles, news, and industry updates related to multiple completion and other oil and gas technologies.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine keywords like "multiple completion," "wellbore," "pay zones," "reservoir management," "production optimization," and "oil and gas."
  • Include relevant industry terms: Utilize terms like "concentric completions," "side-by-side completions," "stacked completions," and "commingled completions."
  • Add location or company names: If you're interested in specific geographic regions or company practices, incorporate those names into your search.
  • Use advanced search operators: Utilize operators like quotation marks (" ") for exact phrases, "+" for required terms, and "-" for excluded terms.
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