Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Monolayer


Monolayer: The Foundation of Effective Hydraulic Fracturing

In the oil and gas industry, "monolayer" refers to a specific configuration of proppant within a hydraulic fracture. It signifies a single layer of proppant, only one proppant particle thick. This seemingly simple concept plays a crucial role in ensuring efficient hydrocarbon production.

Understanding the Importance of Monolayer:

Hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking", is a widely used technique to enhance oil and gas production from tight formations. This process involves injecting a high-pressure fluid into the wellbore, creating fractures in the surrounding rock. Proppant, typically sand or ceramic particles, is mixed with the fracturing fluid to keep the fractures open after the pressure is released.

A monolayer of proppant creates a highly conductive pathway for hydrocarbons to flow from the formation to the wellbore. This is due to the following reasons:

  • Reduced Pore Volume: A single layer of proppant leaves minimal space between the particles, minimizing the volume of fluids required to fill the fracture. This allows for greater efficiency in extracting hydrocarbons.
  • Enhanced Permeability: A monolayer provides a continuous, interconnected network of pathways for fluids to travel through, significantly increasing permeability compared to multi-layered proppant configurations.
  • Minimized Stress Concentration: With a single layer, the stress exerted on the fracture walls is evenly distributed, reducing the risk of fracture closure and improving long-term proppant pack integrity.

Achieving a Monolayer:

Creating a monolayer proppant pack is not always straightforward. Several factors can influence the final proppant distribution within the fracture, including:

  • Proppant Size and Shape: Larger, irregularly shaped proppant particles tend to create more complex, multi-layered structures. Conversely, smaller, spherical proppant particles are more likely to form a monolayer.
  • Fracture Geometry: Wide, flat fractures facilitate the creation of a monolayer, while narrow, complex fractures can result in multiple proppant layers.
  • Injection Rate and Volume: Carefully controlled injection rates and volumes are crucial for distributing the proppant evenly throughout the fracture.

Benefits of Monolayer Proppant Packs:

The advantages of a monolayer proppant pack are significant:

  • Increased Production: The enhanced permeability and minimized pore volume lead to higher production rates of oil and gas.
  • Reduced Costs: The improved efficiency translates to lower overall production costs.
  • Extended Well Life: A stable, durable proppant pack ensures long-term well productivity.


Understanding the concept of a monolayer proppant pack is essential for optimizing hydraulic fracturing operations. By carefully selecting proppant types, controlling injection parameters, and considering fracture geometry, engineers can create a high-conductivity pathway for hydrocarbons, maximizing production efficiency and minimizing costs. As the oil and gas industry continues to evolve, the pursuit of effective monolayer proppant packs will remain a critical component of successful fracking operations.

Test Your Knowledge

Monolayer Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is a "monolayer" in hydraulic fracturing? a) A single layer of proppant particles, only one particle thick. b) A mixture of different proppant types used in a fracture. c) A type of fluid used to create fractures in rock formations. d) A specific technique for injecting proppant into a fracture.


a) A single layer of proppant particles, only one particle thick.

2. What is the primary benefit of a monolayer proppant pack? a) Increased fracture width. b) Improved proppant pack stability. c) Enhanced permeability for hydrocarbon flow. d) Reduced fracture closure pressure.


c) Enhanced permeability for hydrocarbon flow.

3. Which of these factors is NOT a primary influence on achieving a monolayer? a) Proppant size and shape. b) Injection rate and volume. c) Depth of the wellbore. d) Fracture geometry.


c) Depth of the wellbore.

4. How does a monolayer reduce stress concentration on the fracture walls? a) By increasing the pressure within the fracture. b) By evenly distributing the stress from the proppant particles. c) By preventing proppant migration within the fracture. d) By creating a stronger bond between the proppant and the fracture walls.


b) By evenly distributing the stress from the proppant particles.

5. Which of these is NOT a benefit of monolayer proppant packs? a) Reduced production costs. b) Increased hydrocarbon production. c) Decreased proppant usage. d) Extended well life.


c) Decreased proppant usage.

Monolayer Exercise:

Scenario: You are an engineer tasked with designing a hydraulic fracturing operation for a tight shale formation. You have two options for proppant:

  • Option A: Large, angular sand particles.
  • Option B: Small, spherical ceramic particles.

Task: Based on the knowledge of monolayer proppant packs, explain which proppant option would be more suitable for achieving a monolayer and why. Additionally, discuss at least two other factors that could influence your decision besides the proppant type.

Exercice Correction

**Explanation:** Option B, small, spherical ceramic particles would be more suitable for achieving a monolayer. This is due to the following: * **Shape:** Spherical particles pack more efficiently, leaving less empty space between them and reducing the likelihood of multiple layers. * **Size:** Smaller particles have a greater surface area to volume ratio, allowing for more contact points with the fracture walls, leading to better proppant pack integrity. **Other factors influencing the decision:** * **Fracture Geometry:** Wide, flat fractures are more conducive to monolayer formation than narrow, complex fractures. * **Injection Rate and Volume:** Careful control of these parameters is crucial to ensure even distribution of the proppant throughout the fracture, minimizing the risk of multiple layers forming. **Conclusion:** While the proppant type is an important factor, achieving a successful monolayer also requires considering the specific geological formation, injection parameters, and carefully designed fracture geometry.


  • "Hydraulic Fracturing" by John A. Montgomery (This comprehensive book covers various aspects of hydraulic fracturing, including proppant selection and pack design.)
  • "The Mechanics of Hydraulic Fracturing" by James G. Cleary (This book focuses on the mechanics of fracture propagation and proppant transport.)
  • "Proppant Selection and Evaluation" by Society of Petroleum Engineers (This book provides a detailed overview of proppant properties and their impact on fracture conductivity.)


  • "Monolayer Proppant Packs: A Key to Successful Hydraulic Fracturing" by J.F. Brannon (This article discusses the benefits of monolayer proppant packs and factors affecting their formation.)
  • "The Role of Proppant Size and Shape in Hydraulic Fracture Conductivity" by M.J. Economides (This article examines the influence of proppant characteristics on fracture permeability.)
  • "Optimization of Proppant Placement for Enhanced Fracture Conductivity" by R.S. Harpole (This article explores techniques for maximizing proppant pack performance.)

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) website: The SPE website offers numerous articles, papers, and resources related to hydraulic fracturing and proppant technology.
  • The FracFocus Chemical Disclosure Registry: This website provides access to information on chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing, including proppant types.
  • Schlumberger's website: Schlumberger, a leading oilfield services company, offers various publications and resources on hydraulic fracturing techniques and proppant design.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Search for terms like "monolayer proppant pack," "hydraulic fracture conductivity," "proppant placement," and "proppant size distribution."
  • Combine keywords: Use multiple keywords together, for example, "monolayer proppant pack benefits" or "proppant selection for hydraulic fracturing."
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose specific phrases in quotation marks to find exact matches, like "proppant pack integrity."
  • Filter your results: Use filters to narrow down your search to specific types of content, such as academic articles, technical reports, or news articles.
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