Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Pipeline Construction: Millidarcy


Millidarcy: A Measure of Permeability in the Oil & Gas Industry

In the world of oil and gas exploration and production, understanding the flow of fluids through porous rock formations is crucial. Permeability, a measure of how easily fluids can flow through a rock, is a key parameter in determining the potential productivity of a reservoir. Millidarcy, a unit of permeability, plays a significant role in this evaluation.

What is a Darcy?

Named after Henry Darcy, a French engineer, the Darcy (D) is the standard unit of permeability. It represents the permeability of a rock that allows a fluid with a viscosity of one centipoise to flow at a rate of one cubic centimeter per second under a pressure gradient of one atmosphere per centimeter.

Millidarcy: A Smaller Scale

In many geological formations, the permeability values are significantly smaller than one Darcy. To express these lower permeabilities, the millidarcy (mD) unit is used. One millidarcy is equal to one-thousandth of a Darcy (1 mD = 1/1000 D).

Significance of Millidarcy in Oil & Gas

The millidarcy value provides crucial information for reservoir engineers and geologists:

  • Reservoir Productivity: Rocks with higher permeability (measured in millidarcy) allow oil and gas to flow more easily, leading to better reservoir productivity.
  • Fluid Flow Dynamics: Millidarcy values are used to model fluid flow within a reservoir, helping predict production rates and optimize well placement.
  • Reservoir Characterization: By analyzing the permeability distribution (measured in millidarcy) within a reservoir, geologists can understand its heterogeneity and better estimate its potential.
  • Hydraulic Fracturing: In unconventional reservoirs with low permeability, hydraulic fracturing is used to create pathways for oil and gas flow. The permeability increase due to fracturing is often measured in millidarcy.

Examples of Millidarcy Values:

  • Conventional Reservoirs: These reservoirs often have permeability values ranging from hundreds to thousands of millidarcy.
  • Unconventional Reservoirs: These reservoirs, like shale formations, generally have much lower permeability, often measured in millidarcy or even microdarcy (µD, one millionth of a Darcy).


Millidarcy, a crucial unit of measurement in the oil and gas industry, helps quantify the flow of fluids through porous rocks. Understanding the permeability of reservoir formations, measured in millidarcy, is essential for evaluating reservoir potential, optimizing production, and ensuring the efficient extraction of oil and gas resources.

Test Your Knowledge

Millidarcy Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the relationship between a Darcy (D) and a millidarcy (mD)?

a) 1 mD = 100 D


Incorrect. A millidarcy is much smaller than a Darcy.

b) 1 mD = 10 D


Incorrect. A millidarcy is much smaller than a Darcy.

c) 1 mD = 1/100 D


Incorrect. A millidarcy is much smaller than a Darcy.

d) 1 mD = 1/1000 D


Correct! One millidarcy is equal to one-thousandth of a Darcy.

2. Which of the following is NOT a reason why millidarcy values are important in the oil and gas industry?

a) Predicting production rates


Incorrect. Permeability influences production rates.

b) Optimizing well placement


Incorrect. Permeability impacts well placement strategies.

c) Determining the age of a reservoir


Correct! The age of a reservoir is not directly determined by its permeability.

d) Understanding reservoir heterogeneity


Incorrect. Permeability helps characterize reservoir heterogeneity.

3. Which type of reservoir typically has permeability values measured in millidarcy or even microdarcy (µD)?

a) Conventional reservoirs


Incorrect. Conventional reservoirs often have higher permeability.

b) Unconventional reservoirs


Correct! Unconventional reservoirs like shale formations often have very low permeability.

c) Both conventional and unconventional reservoirs


Incorrect. Permeability values differ significantly between the two types.

d) Neither conventional nor unconventional reservoirs


Incorrect. Both types of reservoirs have permeability values, though they differ.

4. What does a high millidarcy value indicate about a reservoir?

a) The reservoir is likely to be very productive.


Correct! High permeability allows for easier fluid flow, leading to higher productivity.

b) The reservoir is likely to be very old.


Incorrect. Age is not directly related to permeability.

c) The reservoir is likely to be very small.


Incorrect. Size is not directly related to permeability.

d) The reservoir is likely to be very difficult to produce from.


Incorrect. High permeability makes production easier.

5. What is the primary purpose of hydraulic fracturing in unconventional reservoirs?

a) To increase the permeability of the reservoir.


Correct! Hydraulic fracturing creates pathways for fluid flow, increasing permeability.

b) To decrease the viscosity of the oil and gas.


Incorrect. Hydraulic fracturing doesn't change fluid viscosity.

c) To extract oil and gas from the reservoir.


Incorrect. Hydraulic fracturing is a method to improve production, not the extraction itself.

d) To measure the permeability of the reservoir.


Incorrect. While permeability changes are measured after fracturing, it's not the primary purpose.

Millidarcy Exercise


You are an engineer working on a shale gas project. The reservoir has a permeability of 100 millidarcy. To increase production, hydraulic fracturing is performed, resulting in a permeability increase to 500 millidarcy.


Calculate the percentage increase in permeability due to hydraulic fracturing.

Exercice Correction

1. **Find the difference in permeability:** 500 mD - 100 mD = 400 mD 2. **Divide the difference by the original permeability:** 400 mD / 100 mD = 4 3. **Multiply by 100 to express as a percentage:** 4 x 100 = 400% **Therefore, the permeability increase due to hydraulic fracturing is 400%.**



  • “Permeability: A Key Parameter in Reservoir Engineering” by Society of Petroleum Engineers: This article explains the importance of permeability in reservoir engineering and discusses various methods for measuring it, including the millidarcy unit. (
  • “Unconventional Reservoirs: Challenges and Opportunities” by SPE: This article focuses on unconventional reservoirs with low permeability, highlighting the significance of the millidarcy unit in understanding their flow properties and optimizing production. (
  • “Hydraulic Fracturing for Enhanced Oil and Gas Recovery” by SPE: This article explores the role of hydraulic fracturing in increasing permeability (measured in millidarcy) in unconventional reservoirs, enhancing production from low-permeability formations. (

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) website: This website offers a wealth of information on petroleum engineering, including articles, publications, and technical resources related to permeability, millidarcy, and reservoir characterization. (
  • Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary: This glossary provides definitions and explanations of various oilfield terms, including permeability, millidarcy, and related concepts. (
  • Wikipedia: Permeability: The Wikipedia page on permeability provides a concise definition of permeability, its units, and its applications in various fields, including oil and gas. (

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine terms like "millidarcy," "permeability," "oil and gas," "reservoir engineering," "unconventional reservoirs," and "hydraulic fracturing" to find relevant information.
  • Include quotation marks: Use quotation marks around specific phrases like "millidarcy measurement" or "permeability in shale formations" to find exact matches.
  • Use advanced operators: Use operators like "" to limit your search to the SPE website, or "filetype:pdf" to find PDF documents.
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