Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Cybersecurity: Mercury Pore Measurement or Porosimetry

Mercury Pore Measurement or Porosimetry

Unlocking the Secrets of Reservoir Rocks: Mercury Porosimetry in Oil & Gas

Understanding the characteristics of reservoir rocks is paramount for successful oil and gas exploration and production. One crucial aspect is the pore structure, which directly impacts fluid flow and hydrocarbon storage capacity. Mercury intrusion porosimetry, or simply porosimetry, is a powerful technique employed to analyze this intricate network of pores within rock samples.

How it Works:

Mercury porosimetry leverages the non-wetting nature of mercury against most rock surfaces. The core principle is the capillary pressure phenomenon:

  • Mercury is injected into the rock sample at progressively increasing pressures. This pressure overcomes the surface tension of the mercury, forcing it to penetrate the pores.
  • Larger pores fill first at lower pressures, while smaller pores require higher pressures to be invaded. By measuring the volume of mercury injected at each pressure step, we can determine the size and distribution of pores within the sample.

What We Learn from Mercury Porosimetry:

  • Pore Size Distribution: This information reveals the range and frequency of pore sizes within the rock.
  • Total Porosity: The total volume of mercury intruded at the highest pressure provides the total porosity of the sample.
  • Permeability: While not directly measured, porosimetry data can be used to estimate permeability, a critical factor for fluid flow.
  • Wettability: The pressure at which mercury intrudes can offer insights into the wettability of the rock.

Applications in Oil & Gas:

  • Reservoir Characterization: Porosimetry helps assess the capacity of a reservoir to store and release hydrocarbons.
  • Production Optimization: Understanding pore size distribution guides well design and production strategies for optimal fluid flow.
  • Fracturing Efficiency: Porosimetry data can predict the effectiveness of hydraulic fracturing, a technique used to enhance reservoir permeability.
  • Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR): This information helps select appropriate EOR methods, depending on the pore structure and its influence on fluid movement.


While a powerful tool, mercury porosimetry has limitations:

  • Destruction of Sample: The process involves pressurizing the sample, potentially damaging its structure.
  • Non-Representative Results: A single sample may not fully represent the entire reservoir, requiring multiple tests for accurate conclusions.
  • Limited Pore Size Range: The technique is primarily suitable for pores larger than 50 nanometers.


Mercury porosimetry is a crucial tool in the oil and gas industry, providing valuable insights into the intricate pore structure of reservoir rocks. By revealing the distribution and size of pores, this technique empowers engineers and geologists to make informed decisions regarding reservoir characterization, production optimization, and the selection of appropriate recovery methods.

Test Your Knowledge


  • "Reservoir Characterization" by Larry W. Lake (2010) - A comprehensive text covering various aspects of reservoir characterization, including porosimetry.
  • "Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering" by J.P. Donaldson (2002) - A standard textbook covering reservoir engineering principles, including pore structure analysis.
  • "Petroleum Geochemistry" by James G. Speight (2014) - Covers the geochemical aspects of petroleum exploration and production, with sections related to reservoir properties.
  • "Handbook of Porous Solids" by F. Rouquerol et al. (2014) - A detailed reference on porous materials, including comprehensive chapters on mercury porosimetry.


  • "Mercury Porosimetry: A Powerful Tool for Reservoir Characterization" by J.H. Dunn et al. (Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2005) - A detailed overview of the technique and its applications in oil and gas.
  • "Pore Structure Analysis of Unconventional Reservoirs using Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry" by C.J. Dong et al. (SPE Journal, 2016) - Focuses on the application of porosimetry in characterizing unconventional reservoirs.
  • "Application of Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production" by D.H. Smith (Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2017) - A review article exploring the role of porosimetry in various aspects of oil and gas operations.

Online Resources

  • Micromeritics: Mercury Porosimetry (MIP) ( - A reputable manufacturer's website with detailed information about the technique and applications.
  • Quantachrome: Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry (MIP) ( - Another manufacturer's website with resources and FAQs on MIP.
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific: Mercury Porosimetry ( - Website of a major scientific instrument supplier with information on their porosimetry systems.
  • ASTM International: Standard Test Methods for Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry ( - Standard testing methods for mercury porosimetry.

Search Tips

  • "Mercury intrusion porosimetry oil and gas"
  • "Reservoir characterization mercury porosimetry"
  • "Pore size distribution mercury intrusion"
  • "Permeability estimation mercury porosimetry"
  • "Micromeritics mercury porosimetry applications"
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