Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Specific Terms: Laplace’ Law

Laplace’ Law

Laplace's Law: A Fundamental Principle in Oil & Gas Engineering

Laplace's Law is a fundamental principle in physics that describes the relationship between pressure, surface tension, and curvature in fluid systems. In the oil and gas industry, this law finds crucial applications in the design and operation of pressure vessels, pipelines, and other equipment that contain fluids under pressure.

Understanding the Law:

Laplace's Law states that the pressure difference across a curved interface, such as the wall of a vessel, is directly proportional to the surface tension of the fluid and inversely proportional to the radius of curvature. Mathematically, this can be represented as:

ΔP = 2T/R


  • ΔP is the pressure difference across the interface
  • T is the surface tension of the fluid
  • R is the radius of curvature of the interface

Implications for Oil & Gas Applications:

This seemingly simple equation has profound implications for oil and gas engineers. Let's delve into some key applications:

  • Pressure Vessel Design: Laplace's Law helps determine the required wall thickness of pressure vessels like tanks, pipelines, and reactors to withstand the internal pressure without failure. The larger the vessel radius, the larger the wall tension required to withstand a given internal pressure. This means that smaller vessels generally require thinner walls, while larger vessels need thicker walls for the same pressure.
  • Spherical vs. Cylindrical Vessels: Interestingly, a spherical vessel requires half the wall tension of a cylindrical vessel for a set vessel radius and internal pressure. This is because the curvature of a sphere is constant, while that of a cylinder varies depending on the direction. This fact often leads to the design of spherical vessels for high-pressure applications to minimize material usage and optimize cost.
  • Pipeline Design: Laplace's Law plays a significant role in the design and operation of pipelines. It helps calculate the hoop stress, which is the force that acts tangentially on the pipe wall due to the internal pressure. This information is crucial for determining the pipe wall thickness and material selection.
  • Fluid Flow Analysis: Laplace's Law also helps understand the pressure differences across fluid interfaces, which is critical for analyzing fluid flow dynamics within pipes, wells, and other equipment.

Beyond Oil & Gas:

Laplace's Law extends its applicability beyond oil and gas. It finds use in various fields such as:

  • Medical Devices: Understanding the pressure difference across the walls of blood vessels is crucial in designing and optimizing medical devices.
  • Aerospace Engineering: Laplace's Law helps analyze the stresses on fuel tanks and other pressurized components in aircraft and spacecraft.


Laplace's Law is a fundamental principle that governs the behavior of fluids under pressure. Its application in the oil and gas industry is paramount for safe and efficient design and operation of pressure vessels, pipelines, and other equipment. Understanding this law is essential for engineers working in this field to ensure safe and reliable performance of crucial infrastructure.

Test Your Knowledge

Laplace's Law Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following statements accurately describes Laplace's Law?

(a) Pressure difference across a curved interface is inversely proportional to surface tension and directly proportional to radius of curvature. (b) Pressure difference across a curved interface is directly proportional to surface tension and inversely proportional to radius of curvature. (c) Pressure difference across a curved interface is directly proportional to both surface tension and radius of curvature. (d) Pressure difference across a curved interface is inversely proportional to both surface tension and radius of curvature.


(b) Pressure difference across a curved interface is directly proportional to surface tension and inversely proportional to radius of curvature.

2. According to Laplace's Law, how does the required wall thickness of a pressure vessel change with increasing radius?

(a) Wall thickness increases. (b) Wall thickness decreases. (c) Wall thickness remains constant. (d) Wall thickness is independent of the radius.


(a) Wall thickness increases.

3. Which of the following vessel shapes requires less wall tension to withstand a given internal pressure for a set radius?

(a) Cylindrical vessel (b) Spherical vessel (c) Both require equal wall tension. (d) It depends on the material of the vessel.


(b) Spherical vessel

4. Laplace's Law finds application in the following field(s):

(a) Oil and Gas Engineering (b) Medical Devices (c) Aerospace Engineering (d) All of the above


(d) All of the above

5. What does the term "hoop stress" refer to in the context of pipelines?

(a) The force acting perpendicularly to the pipe wall due to internal pressure. (b) The force acting tangentially to the pipe wall due to internal pressure. (c) The force acting along the length of the pipe due to internal pressure. (d) The force acting at the joints of the pipe due to internal pressure.


(b) The force acting tangentially to the pipe wall due to internal pressure.

Laplace's Law Exercise


A spherical pressure vessel with a radius of 2 meters is designed to hold a fluid with a surface tension of 0.05 N/m. The internal pressure inside the vessel is 500 kPa. Calculate the required wall thickness of the vessel if the allowable stress for the material is 100 MPa.

Hint: * Use Laplace's Law to calculate the pressure difference across the vessel wall. * Consider the pressure difference as the force acting on the vessel wall. * Use the formula for stress (Stress = Force/Area) to determine the required wall thickness.

Exercice Correction

1. Calculate the pressure difference:

ΔP = 2T/R = 2 * 0.05 N/m / 2 m = 0.05 kPa

2. Convert pressure units:

Internal pressure = 500 kPa = 500,000 Pa

3. Calculate the force acting on the vessel wall:

Force = Pressure * Area = 500,000 Pa * 4πR² = 500,000 Pa * 4π * (2m)² = 25,132,741.23 N

4. Calculate the required wall thickness:

Stress = Force / Area = Force / (2πRh) = 100 MPa = 100,000,000 Pa

Therefore, h = Force / (2πR * Stress) = 25,132,741.23 N / (2π * 2m * 100,000,000 Pa) = 0.02 m = 2 cm

Therefore, the required wall thickness of the vessel is 2 cm.


  • Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics by Munson, Young, and Okiishi: This comprehensive textbook covers fluid mechanics principles, including surface tension and Laplace's Law, with applications in various fields, including oil and gas.
  • Oil and Gas Production Technology by M. J. Economides and K. G. Nolte: A classic text covering various aspects of oil and gas production, including wellbore hydraulics, reservoir engineering, and pressure vessel design, where Laplace's Law finds significant application.
  • Introduction to the Mechanics of Fluids by Fox, McDonald, and Pritchard: A widely used introductory text on fluid mechanics, covering basic concepts like surface tension, pressure, and Laplace's Law, with real-world examples.
  • Engineering Fluid Mechanics by Cengel and Cimbala: A thorough text covering fluid mechanics principles, including surface tension and Laplace's Law, with examples relevant to various engineering disciplines, including oil and gas.
  • Applied Mechanics of Solids by Boresi and Schmidt: This text covers the mechanics of materials and structures, including pressure vessel design, where Laplace's Law plays a critical role.


  • "Laplace's Law and its Application in Oil and Gas Engineering" by [Author Name]: This article, potentially published in a relevant journal like "SPE Journal" or "Journal of Petroleum Technology," would provide a more in-depth discussion of the law's applications in oil and gas.
  • "A Review of the Use of Laplace's Law in Pressure Vessel Design" by [Author Name]: An article focusing on the specific application of Laplace's Law in pressure vessel design, potentially published in a journal like "Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology."
  • "The Role of Surface Tension in Oil and Gas Production" by [Author Name]: An article discussing the significance of surface tension in oil and gas production, with Laplace's Law as a central concept.

Online Resources

  • Wikipedia: The Wikipedia entry on Laplace Pressure provides a good overview of the concept and its applications.
  • Khan Academy: Khan Academy has video lectures and practice problems on Surface Tension and Capillary Action, which provide a basic understanding of Laplace's Law.
  • Engineering ToolBox: This website contains various engineering resources, including information on Laplace's Law, its applications in pressure vessel design, and related equations.

Search Tips

  • "Laplace's Law oil and gas"
  • "Laplace's Law pressure vessel design"
  • "surface tension oil and gas"
  • "pressure difference fluid interface"
  • "hoop stress pipeline design"
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