Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Langmuir Isotherm (gas adsorption)

Langmuir Isotherm (gas adsorption)

Langmuir Isotherm: Understanding Gas Adsorption in Oil & Gas

The Langmuir Isotherm is a fundamental concept in oil and gas exploration and production, particularly relevant to gas adsorption onto organic surfaces. This model describes the relationship between the pressure of a gas and the amount of gas adsorbed onto a solid surface at a constant temperature.

Summary Description:

Imagine a gas molecule approaching a solid surface. It might get attracted to the surface and stick, becoming adsorbed. As more gas molecules arrive, they compete for available sites on the surface. The Langmuir Isotherm provides a framework to understand this competition and predict the amount of gas adsorbed at different pressures.

Key Features of the Langmuir Isotherm:

  • Monolayer Adsorption: The model assumes that only a single layer of gas molecules can be adsorbed onto the surface, with each molecule occupying a specific site.
  • Homogeneous Surface: It assumes the surface is uniform and all adsorption sites are equivalent in terms of energy.
  • Equilibrium: The Langmuir Isotherm describes the state of equilibrium, where the rate of adsorption equals the rate of desorption.

Relationship between Pressure and Adsorption:

The Langmuir Isotherm equation mathematically describes this relationship:

\(q = \frac{q_m \cdot K_p}{1 + K_p} \)


  • q is the amount of gas adsorbed per unit mass of adsorbent (e.g., kg/kg)
  • qm is the maximum amount of gas that can be adsorbed at saturation (e.g., kg/kg)
  • Kp is the Langmuir constant, which is related to the affinity of the gas molecules to the surface (dimensionless)
  • p is the partial pressure of the gas (e.g., bar)

Applications in Oil & Gas:

The Langmuir Isotherm finds numerous applications in the oil and gas industry, including:

  • Gas Storage: Understanding gas adsorption onto organic surfaces is crucial for designing and optimizing gas storage technologies, like activated carbon storage for natural gas or methane.
  • Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR): Gas injection for EOR, like CO2 flooding, relies on understanding the adsorption of gases onto reservoir rocks to enhance oil recovery.
  • Reservoir Characterization: Analyzing gas adsorption behavior can provide insights into the characteristics of reservoir rocks and their ability to store and produce hydrocarbons.
  • Gas Processing: The Langmuir Isotherm is vital in designing and optimizing gas processing units, like gas separation and purification systems.


While the Langmuir Isotherm is a valuable tool, it has limitations:

  • Assumption of Monolayer: In reality, multilayer adsorption can occur, especially at high pressures.
  • Homogeneous Surface Assumption: Real surfaces are often heterogeneous, with varying adsorption energies, which the model cannot account for.
  • Limited Application at High Pressures: The model tends to deviate from experimental observations at high pressures.


The Langmuir Isotherm is a fundamental model that helps us understand the relationship between pressure and the amount of gas adsorbed onto organic surfaces. It is widely applied in the oil and gas industry, providing critical insights for gas storage, EOR, reservoir characterization, and gas processing. However, it's important to acknowledge its limitations and use it as a starting point for understanding complex adsorption phenomena. Further advancements and more sophisticated models are continuously being developed to provide a more comprehensive understanding of gas adsorption in various applications.

Test Your Knowledge


  • Fundamentals of Adsorption by Ruthven, D. M. (This comprehensive text covers various adsorption models, including Langmuir, and their applications.)
  • Adsorption and Ion Exchange: Fundamentals and Applications by A. E. Rodrigues, J. M. Loureiro, C. A. Silva. (This book provides a thorough overview of adsorption processes and models, with a focus on applications in various industries.)
  • Oil and Gas Production Handbook by John A. Lee. (This industry standard handbook covers various aspects of oil and gas production, including reservoir characterization and enhanced oil recovery, where adsorption models like Langmuir are relevant.)
  • Reservoir Engineering Handbook by Tarek Ahmed. (Another industry reference that delves into reservoir characterization, fluid flow, and production methods, where Langmuir Isotherm finds application.)


  • "Langmuir Isotherm: A Review" by J. M. Lee and A. L. Myers (A comprehensive review article discussing the Langmuir Isotherm's history, derivation, and various applications.)
  • "Adsorption of Gases on Coal: A Review" by R. T. Yang (This article explores the application of Langmuir Isotherm in understanding gas adsorption on coal, relevant for coalbed methane production.)
  • "Application of the Langmuir Isotherm to the Adsorption of Gases on Activated Carbon" by J. P. Martin and A. L. Myers (This article focuses on the practical application of Langmuir Isotherm in activated carbon-based gas storage.)
  • "The Langmuir Isotherm and its Applications in Gas Storage and Separation" by J. R. D. P. Rocha and A. E. Rodrigues (This article highlights the importance of Langmuir Isotherm in gas storage and separation technologies.)

Online Resources

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  • "Langmuir Isotherm gas adsorption" + "oil & gas"
  • "Langmuir Isotherm application" + "reservoir engineering"
  • "Langmuir Isotherm" + "gas storage"
  • "Langmuir constant" + "natural gas"
  • "Langmuir model" + "CO2 flooding"
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