Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Spare Parts & Consumables: Kriging (seismic)

Kriging (seismic)

Kriging: Unlocking Seismic Secrets with Spatial Statistics

Kriging, a powerful geostatistical technique, is widely used in seismic exploration to unlock the hidden secrets beneath the Earth's surface. It is a method of estimating unknown values at unsampled locations using known values from surrounding samples. By leveraging the spatial correlation of seismic data, kriging provides an unbiased and optimal interpolation solution, enhancing our understanding of subsurface structures and properties.

How Kriging Works:

At its core, kriging assumes that the spatial distribution of seismic data follows a specific model. This model captures the spatial correlation, meaning how closely related values are to each other depending on their distance. By analyzing the known data, kriging constructs a variogram, a mathematical function describing this correlation.

With the variogram in hand, kriging calculates the weighted average of known values to estimate the unknown value at the target location. The weights assigned to each known sample depend on its distance and direction from the target location, guided by the spatial correlation established by the variogram.

Applications in Seismic Exploration:

Kriging plays a crucial role in various aspects of seismic exploration, including:

  • Seismic Attribute Mapping: By interpolating known attribute values from seismic data, kriging generates detailed maps revealing patterns and variations in the subsurface. These maps help identify potential reservoir zones, faults, and other geological features.
  • Reservoir Characterization: Kriging aids in estimating reservoir properties like porosity, permeability, and saturation, enabling a more accurate and detailed understanding of the reservoir's potential.
  • Seismic Inversion: Combining kriging with seismic inversion techniques allows for better estimation of subsurface properties like density and acoustic impedance, refining geological models and improving seismic interpretation.
  • Seismic Data Enhancement: Kriging can be used to fill gaps in seismic data, improve signal-to-noise ratio, and reduce uncertainties in seismic interpretations.

Advantages of Kriging:

  • Unbiased Estimation: Kriging provides an unbiased estimate of unknown values, minimizing systematic errors in the interpolation process.
  • Optimal Interpolation: The method is designed to provide the best possible estimate based on the available data and the spatial correlation model.
  • Statistical Rigor: Kriging offers a statistically sound framework, allowing for quantifying the uncertainty associated with the estimated values.
  • Flexibility: Kriging can be adapted to various data types and geological settings, making it a versatile tool in seismic exploration.


Kriging, a powerful geostatistical method, has become an indispensable tool in seismic exploration, enabling a more accurate and detailed understanding of subsurface structures and properties. By leveraging the spatial correlation of seismic data, kriging provides unbiased and optimal interpolation solutions, unlocking valuable insights for successful exploration and reservoir development. As the field of geostatistics continues to evolve, kriging will likely play an even more prominent role in shaping the future of seismic exploration.

Test Your Knowledge

Kriging Quiz: Unlocking Seismic Secrets

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary goal of kriging in seismic exploration? a) To identify the exact location of oil and gas reservoirs. b) To estimate unknown seismic values at unsampled locations. c) To create a 3D model of the Earth's subsurface. d) To analyze the frequency content of seismic data.


b) To estimate unknown seismic values at unsampled locations.

2. What does the variogram represent in kriging? a) The average value of seismic data. b) The spatial correlation between data points. c) The geological structure of the subsurface. d) The signal-to-noise ratio in seismic data.


b) The spatial correlation between data points.

3. How does kriging calculate the estimated value at an unsampled location? a) By averaging all known values. b) By using a predefined interpolation formula. c) By weighting known values based on their spatial correlation. d) By applying a Fourier transform to the data.


c) By weighting known values based on their spatial correlation.

4. Which of the following is NOT a key application of kriging in seismic exploration? a) Seismic attribute mapping. b) Seismic inversion. c) Seismic data denoising. d) Seismic velocity analysis.


d) Seismic velocity analysis.

5. What is a major advantage of using kriging in seismic exploration? a) It provides a complete and accurate picture of the subsurface. b) It eliminates the need for seismic data acquisition. c) It offers a statistically sound framework for quantifying uncertainty. d) It is computationally inexpensive and easy to implement.


c) It offers a statistically sound framework for quantifying uncertainty.

Kriging Exercise: Mapping Seismic Attribute

Scenario: You have collected seismic data from a region of interest. You have measured a specific seismic attribute (e.g., amplitude) at several locations within the area.


  1. Visualize the known data points on a map of the region.
  2. Use a kriging tool (software or online resource) to interpolate the seismic attribute value across the entire area.
  3. Create a map showing the estimated attribute values.
  4. Analyze the generated map to identify potential geological features or patterns.

Exercise Correction:

Exercice Correction

A complete correction for this exercise would require specific software or online resources, as well as a dataset of known seismic attribute values. The steps involved in the exercise would be as follows:

  1. **Data Preparation:** Import the known data points into the chosen kriging tool, ensuring correct spatial referencing and attribute data.
  2. **Variogram Analysis:** Use the kriging tool to analyze the spatial correlation of the known attribute values and generate a variogram.
  3. **Kriging Interpolation:** Apply the kriging method to interpolate the attribute values across the entire area, using the generated variogram to guide the interpolation process.
  4. **Map Creation:** Visualize the interpolated attribute values on a map, using a suitable color scale or contour lines to highlight variations.
  5. **Analysis:** Examine the generated map for patterns and anomalies that could indicate potential geological features, such as faults, folds, or changes in rock properties.

This exercise would demonstrate the application of kriging in generating a detailed map of a seismic attribute, which can be further analyzed to gain insights into the subsurface geology.


  • Geostatistics for the Earth Sciences by P.K. Goovaerts (2000): A comprehensive textbook covering the fundamentals of geostatistics and kriging, with applications in earth sciences, including seismic exploration.
  • Applied Geostatistics for Engineers and Scientists by J.P. Chilès and P. Delfiner (2012): A classic reference on geostatistics, delving into kriging theory and applications.
  • Seismic Reservoir Characterization by T. H. Haines (2003): Provides a practical approach to reservoir characterization using seismic data, including chapters on geostatistical methods like kriging.
  • Seismic Inversion: Theory, Applications, and Case Histories by J. M. G. Whitcombe (2002): Explores the use of kriging in seismic inversion for improved subsurface property estimation.


  • Kriging interpolation of seismic attributes for reservoir characterization by P. M. Mareschal et al. (2005): Discusses the application of kriging in seismic attribute mapping and reservoir characterization.
  • Kriging in Seismic Exploration: A Review by M. S. Ramakrishnan (2010): A detailed review of kriging techniques and their application in seismic exploration.
  • Application of kriging to improve seismic data quality by A. K. Agarwal et al. (2012): Demonstrates the use of kriging for seismic data enhancement and noise reduction.
  • A kriging approach for seismic inversion by J. H. Carcione (2014): Presents a novel application of kriging in seismic inversion for enhanced subsurface property estimation.

Online Resources

  • Geostatistics for the Geosciences by P.K. Goovaerts (Open Courseware, University of Arizona): An online course providing a thorough introduction to geostatistics and kriging.
  • Kriging Tutorial by G. W. Deutsch (Stanford University): An online tutorial offering a practical introduction to kriging for geological applications.
  • SGeMS: A Software for Geostatistical Modeling (Open Source): A free software for geostatistical modeling, including kriging algorithms, suitable for seismic data analysis.

Search Tips

  • "Kriging" + "seismic exploration": This will yield relevant articles, research papers, and technical documents.
  • "Kriging" + "seismic attribute mapping": To find resources specifically on kriging for seismic attribute analysis.
  • "Kriging" + "seismic inversion": To explore kriging applications in seismic inversion and subsurface property estimation.
  • "Kriging" + "geostatistical software": To discover software packages specifically designed for kriging and geostatistical modeling.
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