Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Reservoir Engineering: Klinkenberg Permeability

Klinkenberg Permeability

Unlocking the Secrets of Gas Flow in Rocks: The Klinkenberg Correction

In the world of oil and gas exploration, understanding how fluids move through porous rocks is crucial. Permeability, the ability of a rock to transmit fluids, plays a central role in determining the efficiency of reservoir production. However, a key challenge arises when dealing with gas permeability, which often deviates significantly from liquid permeability. This discrepancy can be attributed to the phenomenon of "slip flow," where gas molecules, unlike liquid molecules, do not adhere to the pore walls, resulting in faster movement.

The Klinkenberg Effect: Unveiling the Truth

The Klinkenberg effect, named after its discoverer, L.J. Klinkenberg, describes this phenomenon and provides a method for correcting gas permeability measurements to account for slip flow. It states that gas permeability increases with decreasing pressure, converging towards the "true" permeability at infinitely high pressures.

The Klinkenberg Correction: A Practical Solution

The Klinkenberg correction is a mathematical formula that adjusts measured gas permeabilities to account for slip flow. It relies on measuring gas permeability at multiple pressures and extrapolating the data to zero pressure to determine the true permeability.

The Impact of the Klinkenberg Correction:

  • Accurate Reservoir Modeling: By correcting gas permeability, the Klinkenberg correction improves the accuracy of reservoir simulation models, leading to more reliable predictions of reservoir performance and production rates.
  • Enhanced Exploration and Production: Understanding the true permeability of gas reservoirs allows for more efficient exploration and production strategies, potentially leading to increased reserves recovery.
  • Reduced Uncertainty: By accounting for slip flow, the Klinkenberg correction helps reduce uncertainty in reservoir characterization, leading to more informed decisions regarding field development and management.

Applications of the Klinkenberg Correction:

The Klinkenberg correction is widely used in:

  • Reservoir engineering: Estimating gas flow rates and predicting reservoir performance.
  • Well testing: Analyzing pressure transient data and determining reservoir properties.
  • Core analysis: Correcting laboratory measurements of gas permeability for slip flow effects.
  • Geological modeling: Incorporating accurate permeability data into geological models for improved reservoir representation.

Limitations and Considerations:

While valuable, the Klinkenberg correction has limitations:

  • It applies to dry cores: The correction is valid for gas flow in dry cores but might not accurately represent wet gas reservoirs.
  • It assumes constant porosity: The correction assumes that porosity remains constant, which may not always be the case in complex reservoirs.
  • It requires accurate pressure measurements: The accuracy of the correction relies on accurate pressure measurements, which can be challenging in certain field conditions.


The Klinkenberg effect and correction are crucial tools for understanding gas flow in porous media. By accounting for slip flow, the Klinkenberg correction allows for more accurate reservoir characterization, improved exploration and production strategies, and ultimately, enhanced reservoir performance. Understanding and applying this concept remains vital for navigating the complex world of oil and gas exploration and production.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Unlocking the Secrets of Gas Flow in Rocks: The Klinkenberg Correction

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary reason for the difference between gas and liquid permeability?

a) Gas molecules are larger than liquid molecules.


Incorrect. Gas molecules are generally smaller than liquid molecules.

b) Gas molecules have a higher viscosity than liquid molecules.


Incorrect. Gas molecules generally have a lower viscosity than liquid molecules.

c) Gas molecules exhibit "slip flow" at the pore walls, while liquid molecules adhere to them.


Correct. Gas molecules exhibit "slip flow" at the pore walls, resulting in faster movement than liquid molecules.

d) Gas molecules are more compressible than liquid molecules.


Incorrect. While gas molecules are more compressible, this isn't the primary reason for the difference in permeability.

2. The Klinkenberg effect describes:

a) The increase in gas permeability with increasing pressure.


Incorrect. The Klinkenberg effect describes the increase in gas permeability with decreasing pressure.

b) The decrease in gas permeability with decreasing pressure.


Correct. The Klinkenberg effect describes the decrease in gas permeability with decreasing pressure.

c) The constant relationship between gas and liquid permeability.


Incorrect. The Klinkenberg effect highlights the difference between gas and liquid permeability.

d) The influence of temperature on gas permeability.


Incorrect. While temperature can influence gas permeability, it's not the focus of the Klinkenberg effect.

3. What is the main purpose of the Klinkenberg correction?

a) To estimate the viscosity of gas in a reservoir.


Incorrect. The Klinkenberg correction focuses on permeability, not viscosity.

b) To determine the porosity of a rock sample.


Incorrect. The Klinkenberg correction is related to permeability, not porosity.

c) To adjust measured gas permeability to account for slip flow.


Correct. The Klinkenberg correction adjusts measured gas permeability to account for slip flow.

d) To predict the production rate of a gas reservoir.


Incorrect. While the correction helps with reservoir modeling, its primary purpose is to adjust permeability measurements.

4. The Klinkenberg correction is typically applied to:

a) Wet gas reservoirs.


Incorrect. The Klinkenberg correction is primarily applicable to dry gas reservoirs.

b) Oil reservoirs.


Incorrect. The Klinkenberg correction is primarily applicable to gas reservoirs.

c) Dry gas reservoirs.


Correct. The Klinkenberg correction is typically applied to dry gas reservoirs.

d) Shale gas reservoirs.


Incorrect. While applicable in some cases, the Klinkenberg correction has limitations in unconventional reservoirs like shale gas.

5. Which of the following is NOT a limitation of the Klinkenberg correction?

a) It assumes constant porosity.


Incorrect. The Klinkenberg correction assumes constant porosity, which can be a limitation.

b) It applies to wet gas reservoirs.


Correct. The Klinkenberg correction is primarily applicable to dry gas reservoirs, and its application to wet gas reservoirs is limited.

c) It relies on accurate pressure measurements.


Incorrect. The Klinkenberg correction relies on accurate pressure measurements, which can be a limitation.

d) It is only valid for dry cores.


Incorrect. The Klinkenberg correction is only valid for dry cores, which is a limitation.


Scenario: You are working as a reservoir engineer and are tasked with evaluating a dry gas reservoir. You have conducted core analysis and measured gas permeability at different pressures. The data is shown below:

| Pressure (psi) | Gas Permeability (mD) | |---|---| | 100 | 150 | | 200 | 120 | | 300 | 100 | | 400 | 80 | | 500 | 70 |


Use the Klinkenberg correction to determine the true permeability of the reservoir. You can use the following equation:

k_0 = k_g * (1 + b/P)

where: * k0 is the true permeability at zero pressure (mD) * kg is the measured gas permeability at pressure P (mD) * b is the Klinkenberg coefficient (psi) * P is the pressure (psi)


  1. Plot the measured gas permeability against 1/P.
  2. Fit a linear regression line to the data.
  3. The intercept of the line with the y-axis represents the true permeability (k_0).
  4. The slope of the line represents the Klinkenberg coefficient (b).

Exercice Correction:

Exercice Correction

1. **Plot the data:** Plot the measured gas permeability (k_g) on the y-axis and 1/P on the x-axis. 2. **Linear Regression:** Fit a linear regression line to the plotted data. 3. **Intercept:** The intercept of the line with the y-axis represents the true permeability (k_0). 4. **Slope:** The slope of the line represents the Klinkenberg coefficient (b).


  • Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering by John C. Dake (This classic textbook covers the Klinkenberg effect and correction in detail.)
  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook by Society of Petroleum Engineers (This comprehensive handbook includes a section on gas permeability and the Klinkenberg correction.)
  • Porous Media: Fluid Transport and Pore Structure by Jacob Bear (This book provides a thorough understanding of fluid flow in porous media, including the Klinkenberg effect.)


  • The Permeability of Porous Media to Liquids and Gases by L.J. Klinkenberg (This is the original paper by Klinkenberg that introduced the concept and correction method.)
  • Gas Slippage and the Klinkenberg Effect in Low Permeability Rocks: A Review by J.C. Roberts and L.R. LaForce (This article provides a review of the Klinkenberg effect and its implications for low permeability reservoirs.)
  • A Comparison of Different Methods for Determining Klinkenberg Permeability by S.A. Holditch and R.L. Moridis (This article compares different methods for measuring and correcting gas permeability.)

Online Resources

  • SPE Website: The Society of Petroleum Engineers website contains a vast collection of technical papers and resources on reservoir engineering, including the Klinkenberg effect.
  • Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary: This glossary provides definitions and explanations of various terms related to oil and gas exploration, including the Klinkenberg effect.
  • Google Scholar: Use Google Scholar to find research articles related to the Klinkenberg effect and its applications.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Use terms like "Klinkenberg effect," "Klinkenberg correction," "gas permeability," and "slip flow" in your search.
  • Combine keywords: Use combinations of keywords like "Klinkenberg effect reservoir simulation," "Klinkenberg correction well testing," or "Klinkenberg permeability core analysis."
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose specific phrases like "Klinkenberg effect" in quotation marks to find exact matches.
  • Filter by source: Use filters in Google Scholar to narrow your search by publication year, author, or journal.
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