Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Kinematic Viscosity

Kinematic Viscosity

Kinematic Viscosity: A Key Parameter in Oil & Gas Operations

In the world of oil and gas, understanding fluid behavior is critical. Kinematic viscosity, a measure of a fluid's resistance to flow under gravity, plays a crucial role in various operations, from drilling and production to pipeline transportation and refining.

What is Kinematic Viscosity?

Kinematic viscosity (ν) is defined as the ratio of the dynamic viscosity (μ) to the density (ρ) of a fluid.

ν = μ / ρ


  • ν is the kinematic viscosity (measured in square meters per second (m²/s) or centistokes (cSt)).
  • μ is the dynamic viscosity (measured in Pascal-seconds (Pa·s) or centipoise (cP)).
  • ρ is the density (measured in kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m³) or grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm³)).

Importance of Kinematic Viscosity in Oil & Gas

Kinematic viscosity plays a significant role in several aspects of oil and gas operations:

  • Drilling: The viscosity of drilling mud affects its ability to transport cuttings and maintain wellbore stability.
  • Production: The viscosity of crude oil influences its flow rate through pipelines and the efficiency of separation processes.
  • Pipeline Transportation: High-viscosity crude oils can pose challenges in pipelines due to increased pressure drop and potential for flow issues.
  • Refining: The viscosity of various refinery feedstocks and products impacts processing and product quality.

Measuring Kinematic Viscosity

Kinematic viscosity is typically measured using a viscometer. Common methods include:

  • Capillary viscometers: These devices measure the time it takes for a known volume of fluid to flow through a capillary tube.
  • Rotational viscometers: These instruments measure the torque required to rotate a spindle within the fluid.

Kinematic Viscosity and the Marsh Funnel

While the Marsh Funnel isn't used for precise viscosity measurements, it offers a simple and widely used method for estimating the viscosity of drilling mud. The Marsh Funnel measures the time it takes for a specific volume of mud to flow through the funnel's orifice. The longer the time, the higher the viscosity.


Kinematic viscosity is a fundamental property of fluids that plays a crucial role in various oil and gas operations. Understanding its behavior and the factors influencing it is essential for ensuring efficient and safe operations throughout the oil and gas supply chain. From drilling mud to crude oil, kinematic viscosity is a key parameter that influences the performance of fluids in diverse applications.

Test Your Knowledge

Kinematic Viscosity Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the definition of kinematic viscosity?

a) The ratio of dynamic viscosity to density. b) The resistance of a fluid to flow. c) The measure of a fluid's thickness. d) The force required to move a fluid.


a) The ratio of dynamic viscosity to density.

2. Which unit is commonly used to express kinematic viscosity?

a) Pascal-seconds (Pa·s) b) Centipoise (cP) c) Square meters per second (m²/s) d) Kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m³)


c) Square meters per second (m²/s)

3. Why is kinematic viscosity important in oil and gas drilling operations?

a) It determines the efficiency of pipeline transportation. b) It influences the quality of refined products. c) It affects the ability of drilling mud to transport cuttings. d) It impacts the separation process of crude oil.


c) It affects the ability of drilling mud to transport cuttings.

4. What is the primary function of a Marsh Funnel in oil and gas operations?

a) To measure the precise kinematic viscosity of drilling mud. b) To estimate the viscosity of drilling mud. c) To determine the flow rate of crude oil in pipelines. d) To analyze the chemical composition of crude oil.


b) To estimate the viscosity of drilling mud.

5. Which of the following factors can affect the kinematic viscosity of a fluid?

a) Temperature b) Pressure c) Chemical composition d) All of the above


d) All of the above

Kinematic Viscosity Exercise:

Scenario: You are working on an oil rig and need to estimate the viscosity of drilling mud using a Marsh Funnel. You observe that it takes 30 seconds for 150 ml of mud to flow through the funnel.


  1. Based on the time taken for the mud to flow through the Marsh Funnel, would you consider the mud to be high or low viscosity? Explain your reasoning.

  2. Describe one potential consequence of using mud with too low a viscosity in drilling operations.

  3. What is one potential consequence of using mud with too high a viscosity in drilling operations?

Exercice Correction

1. **High viscosity.** The longer it takes for the mud to flow through the Marsh Funnel, the higher the viscosity. 30 seconds is a relatively long time, suggesting a high viscosity. 2. **Low viscosity mud can lead to poor hole cleaning.** This means cuttings will not be effectively removed from the wellbore, leading to potential drilling problems like stuck drill pipe or poor cementing. 3. **High viscosity mud can increase pressure on the wellbore.** This can potentially cause borehole instability, leading to wellbore collapse and other safety hazards.


  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by Tarek Ahmed: Comprehensive coverage of petroleum engineering topics, including fluid mechanics and viscosity.
  • "Reservoir Engineering Handbook" by John Lee: Focuses on reservoir characterization, fluid flow, and production, including discussions on viscosity.
  • "Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers" by Ron Darby: Offers detailed explanations of fluid properties, including viscosity, and their applications in various industries.


  • "Effect of Viscosity on Oil Recovery" by SPE: Discusses the impact of viscosity on oil production and recovery mechanisms.
  • "Viscosity Measurement Techniques in the Oil and Gas Industry" by Oil & Gas Science and Technology: Explores various viscosity measurement methods and their relevance to oil and gas operations.
  • "Kinematic Viscosity and its Role in Drilling Mud" by World of Coal: Addresses the importance of viscosity in drilling mud and its impact on drilling efficiency.

Online Resources

  • American Petroleum Institute (API): API provides technical standards and publications related to oil and gas operations, including resources on viscosity measurements and their significance.
  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): SPE offers technical papers, presentations, and research related to oil and gas engineering, including publications on viscosity and fluid flow.
  • Schlumberger: Schlumberger, a leading oilfield services company, provides technical information and resources on various aspects of oil and gas operations, including viscosity analysis and measurement.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "kinematic viscosity oil and gas," "viscosity measurement techniques oil," "viscosity drilling mud," etc.
  • Combine keywords with relevant industry names, such as "API kinematic viscosity," "SPE viscosity research," or "Schlumberger viscosity measurement."
  • Include relevant location keywords if needed, like "kinematic viscosity Gulf of Mexico," or "viscosity measurement Middle East."
  • Use quotation marks to search for exact phrases, e.g., "kinematic viscosity definition."
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