Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Kick


Understanding "Kick" in Drilling and Well Completion: Unwanted Flow with Big Consequences

In the world of oil and gas exploration, the term "kick" refers to an unwanted flow of fluids from a formation into the wellbore. This phenomenon can occur during various stages of drilling, completions, or interventions, and poses a significant risk to personnel and equipment. Understanding the nature and causes of kicks is crucial for safe and efficient drilling operations.

Types of Kicks:

  • Gas Kick: The most common type, where natural gas flows into the wellbore, often accompanied by some oil or water.
  • Oil Kick: Involves the flow of oil into the wellbore, typically with some associated gas and water.
  • Water Kick: The influx of water into the wellbore, typically associated with high pressure zones.

Causes of Kicks:

  • Loss of Circulation: When drilling fluid fails to circulate properly, it can create a pressure imbalance, allowing formation fluids to flow into the wellbore.
  • Pressure Differential: If the pressure within the wellbore falls below the formation pressure, fluids can rush in, leading to a kick.
  • Formation Integrity Issues: Cracks, fractures, or other weaknesses in the formation can provide pathways for fluids to enter the wellbore.
  • Improper Well Control Practices: Insufficient well control measures, such as inadequate mud weight or malfunctioning equipment, can contribute to kicks.

Consequences of a Kick:

  • Well Control Issues: Kicks can lead to uncontrolled well flow, creating safety hazards and potential environmental damage.
  • Drilling Equipment Damage: The sudden influx of fluids can overwhelm drilling equipment, causing damage and downtime.
  • Blowout: In severe cases, a kick can escalate into a blowout, where uncontrolled fluid flow erupts at the surface.

Mitigation and Prevention:

  • Mud Weight Control: Maintaining appropriate mud weight helps counter the formation pressure and prevent kicks.
  • Drilling Fluid Monitoring: Regular monitoring of drilling fluid properties ensures effective circulation and pressure control.
  • Wellhead Equipment: Properly functioning wellhead equipment is essential for controlling well pressure and preventing uncontrolled flow.
  • Drilling Procedures: Adhering to strict drilling procedures and well control protocols minimizes the risk of kicks.
  • Kick Detection and Handling: Early detection of kicks is crucial, and operators must be prepared to react quickly with proper procedures and equipment.


Kicks are a serious concern in drilling and well completion operations. Understanding the causes, consequences, and mitigation measures is essential for ensuring safety, environmental protection, and efficient drilling. By implementing effective well control practices and maintaining vigilant awareness, operators can minimize the risks associated with kicks and achieve successful drilling outcomes.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Understanding "Kick" in Drilling and Well Completion

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is a "kick" in the context of drilling and well completion? a) A planned flow of fluids from a formation into the wellbore. b) A sudden, unwanted flow of fluids from a formation into the wellbore. c) A decrease in drilling fluid pressure. d) A type of drilling equipment failure.


b) A sudden, unwanted flow of fluids from a formation into the wellbore.

2. Which of the following is NOT a common cause of a kick? a) Loss of circulation. b) Pressure differential. c) Formation integrity issues. d) Increased drilling fluid weight.


d) Increased drilling fluid weight.

3. What is the most common type of kick? a) Oil Kick b) Water Kick c) Gas Kick d) Hybrid Kick


c) Gas Kick

4. Which of the following is a potential consequence of a kick? a) Increased drilling speed. b) Blowout. c) Improved well production. d) Reduced drilling fluid cost.


b) Blowout.

5. What is a key mitigation strategy for preventing kicks? a) Using lighter drilling fluids. b) Ignoring well control protocols. c) Maintaining appropriate mud weight. d) Reducing the number of wellhead equipment.


c) Maintaining appropriate mud weight.

Exercise: Kick Scenario Analysis


You are the drilling supervisor on a well site. While drilling at a depth of 10,000 feet, you notice a sudden increase in the flow rate of the drilling fluid and a decrease in the drilling fluid pressure. The mud logger reports a slight decrease in the density of the drilling fluid.


  1. Identify the potential problem: Based on the given information, what is the likely scenario?
  2. Propose immediate actions: What steps should you take immediately to address the situation?
  3. Explain the rationale behind your proposed actions: Why are these actions necessary?

Exercice Correction

**1. Potential Problem:** This scenario strongly suggests a **gas kick**. The increased flow rate and decreased pressure indicate fluid influx into the wellbore. The decrease in mud density suggests gas is entering the drilling fluid, reducing its density. **2. Immediate Actions:** * **Shut-in the well:** Immediately stop drilling and close the wellhead to prevent further fluid influx. * **Increase mud weight:** Increase the density of the drilling fluid by adding heavier mud materials to counter the formation pressure. * **Monitor well pressure and flow rate:** Closely monitor the well pressure and flow rate to assess the severity of the kick. * **Prepare for well control operations:** If the kick doesn't stabilize, prepare for well control procedures such as circulating the well or using a kill line. **3. Rationale:** * **Shut-in the well:** This stops the influx of formation fluids and prevents the situation from escalating. * **Increase mud weight:** Increasing mud weight will create a higher hydrostatic pressure in the wellbore, effectively pushing back the formation fluids. * **Monitor well pressure and flow rate:** Continuous monitoring allows for real-time assessment of the situation and helps in making informed decisions. * **Prepare for well control operations:** Having a well control plan in place ensures a rapid and coordinated response if the kick worsens.


  • "Fundamentals of Well Control" by Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): This comprehensive text covers various aspects of well control, including kick detection, handling, and prevention.
  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): This handbook provides a detailed overview of drilling and well completion practices, including sections on well control and kick management.
  • "Drilling Engineering: Principles and Practices" by John C. Lee: This book focuses on the principles of drilling engineering, including well control and kick prevention.
  • "Well Control: A Practical Approach" by Robert A. Williams: This book offers practical advice and techniques for managing well control issues, including kicks.


  • "Kick Detection and Control: A Practical Guide" by SPE: This article provides a detailed overview of kick detection methods, handling procedures, and preventive measures.
  • "The Impact of Well Control Practices on Drilling Safety" by IADC: This article examines the importance of well control practices in preventing incidents like kicks and blowouts.
  • "Understanding and Managing Kicks in Drilling Operations" by Oilfield Technology: This article discusses the causes, consequences, and mitigation strategies for kicks in drilling.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): The SPE website offers a wealth of information on well control, drilling, and related topics. You can access articles, training materials, and industry standards related to kicks.
  • International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC): The IADC website provides resources on drilling safety, well control, and industry best practices, including information on kick prevention and handling.
  • Drilling Engineering Magazine: This publication features articles and technical papers on drilling and well completion, including topics related to well control and kicks.
  • Oilfield Technology: This online resource offers news, technical articles, and case studies related to the oil and gas industry, covering topics like drilling, well control, and kick management.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine keywords like "kick," "well control," "drilling," "blowout," and "prevention" to refine your search.
  • Include industry terms: Utilize terms like "mud weight," "formation pressure," and "wellhead equipment" to target more relevant results.
  • Filter by source: Specify sources like SPE, IADC, or industry magazines to ensure you find credible and relevant information.
  • Look for case studies: Search for case studies of kick incidents to understand real-world examples and lessons learned.
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