Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: In-situ Coal Gasification

In-situ Coal Gasification

In-situ Coal Gasification: Tapping into the Earth's Energy Below

In the world of oil and gas, in-situ coal gasification (ICG) stands out as an unconventional method for extracting energy. Unlike traditional mining, where coal is physically extracted from the ground, ICG involves a chemical process that transforms coal into usable fuel right where it sits.

How it Works:

ICG relies on the principle of gasification, where coal reacts with oxygen at high temperatures to produce a combustible gas mixture. This process is achieved by injecting air, oxygen, or steam into a specifically prepared underground coal seam. Here's a breakdown:

  1. Preparation: A well is drilled into the coal seam and a network of boreholes is established. These boreholes serve as injection and extraction points.
  2. Ignition: Air or oxygen is injected into the coal seam, igniting the coal and creating a combustion zone.
  3. Gasification: The combustion zone spreads through the coal seam, converting the coal into a mixture of gases, including carbon monoxide, hydrogen, methane, and carbon dioxide.
  4. Extraction: The produced gas is extracted through other boreholes and transported to a nearby power plant or processing facility.

Advantages of ICG:

  • Environmental Benefits: ICG can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions compared to traditional coal-fired power plants. As the coal is gasified underground, there is no need to transport and burn it, eliminating particulate matter and sulfur dioxide emissions.
  • Resource Recovery: It allows for the extraction of energy from coal seams that are otherwise inaccessible or uneconomical to mine using conventional methods.
  • Reduced Land Disturbance: Unlike surface mining, ICG minimizes surface land disturbance and habitat disruption.

Challenges of ICG:

  • Technical Complexity: ICG involves intricate engineering challenges, including controlling the combustion zone, maintaining the integrity of the underground reservoir, and managing gas composition.
  • Safety Concerns: The process requires careful monitoring and control to prevent underground fires, explosions, or the release of harmful pollutants.
  • Economic Viability: Despite potential environmental benefits, ICG's economic viability depends on factors like coal seam characteristics, infrastructure costs, and the availability of advanced technology.

Future of ICG:

While ICG has been researched and tested for decades, it is still considered an emerging technology. Continued advancements in technology, improved understanding of underground coal seam behavior, and better safety protocols are crucial for its wider adoption.

In conclusion, in-situ coal gasification presents a promising alternative to conventional coal-fired power generation, offering potential environmental benefits and access to untapped energy resources. However, overcoming technical and economic challenges remains crucial for its future success.

Test Your Knowledge

In-Situ Coal Gasification Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary principle behind in-situ coal gasification (ICG)? a) Physically extracting coal from the ground. b) Converting coal into usable fuel underground. c) Transporting coal to a power plant for combustion. d) Separating coal from other minerals through a chemical process.


b) Converting coal into usable fuel underground.

2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of ICG? a) Reduced greenhouse gas emissions. b) Access to previously uneconomical coal seams. c) Increased land disturbance compared to surface mining. d) Minimized habitat disruption.


c) Increased land disturbance compared to surface mining.

3. What is the primary challenge in controlling the ICG process? a) Ensuring the integrity of the underground reservoir. b) Transporting the gas to a processing facility. c) Finding suitable coal seams for gasification. d) Controlling the release of harmful pollutants.


a) Ensuring the integrity of the underground reservoir.

4. Which of the following is a potential safety concern associated with ICG? a) The possibility of underground fires. b) The risk of coal seam collapse. c) The release of methane gas. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

5. Why is ICG considered an emerging technology? a) It has been successfully used for decades. b) It is still under development and requires further research. c) It has been abandoned due to safety concerns. d) It is too expensive to implement on a large scale.


b) It is still under development and requires further research.

In-Situ Coal Gasification Exercise:

Scenario: You are an engineer working on an ICG project. The coal seam you are targeting is located 1000 meters below the surface and has a high concentration of sulfur.


  1. Identify three potential challenges you might face due to the depth and sulfur content of the coal seam.
  2. Propose solutions or mitigation strategies for each challenge you identified.

Exercise Correction:

Exercice Correction


  1. **High pressure and temperature at depth:** This can make it difficult to control the combustion zone and maintain the integrity of the underground reservoir.
  2. **Sulfur content:** The combustion process can release sulfur dioxide, a harmful pollutant. This requires additional measures to capture or neutralize it.
  3. **Drilling and wellbore stability:** Drilling to such depths can be challenging and requires specialized equipment and techniques to ensure wellbore stability.

**Solutions/Mitigation Strategies:**

  1. **Use specialized drilling techniques and wellbore casing:** Utilize high-pressure drilling equipment and robust wellbore casing to withstand the extreme conditions.
  2. **Implement gas cleaning technologies:** Employ gas cleaning systems like scrubbers or sorbents to remove sulfur dioxide from the produced gas stream.
  3. **Monitor wellbore integrity and use advanced cementing techniques:** Regular monitoring of wellbore integrity and employing advanced cementing techniques can help maintain its stability.


  • "Underground Coal Gasification" by J.A. (Tony) Wibberley: This book provides a comprehensive overview of the technology, covering historical developments, theoretical principles, and practical applications.
  • "Coal Gasification: Technology, Status, and Applications" by M.A. Khan: This book explores various coal gasification technologies, including ICG, and examines their environmental and economic aspects.


  • "In-Situ Coal Gasification: A Review of the Technology and its Applications" by C.A. Johnson and M.A. Khan: This article presents a thorough review of ICG, discussing its technical aspects, environmental implications, and potential applications.
  • "The Future of Underground Coal Gasification" by R.L. Gash: This article delves into the potential of ICG as a clean and sustainable energy source, exploring future research directions and technological advancements.

Online Resources

  • National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL): NETL, a part of the US Department of Energy, actively researches ICG and provides valuable resources, including technical reports, publications, and information on ongoing projects.
  • The International Energy Agency (IEA): The IEA provides insights into global energy trends, including the role of ICG in the energy mix.
  • The Clean Coal Technology Centre (CCTC): The CCTC, a UK-based organization, promotes the development of cleaner coal technologies, including ICG.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: For instance, instead of "coal gasification," try "in-situ coal gasification," "underground coal gasification," or "ICG technology."
  • Refine your search with operators: Use quotation marks for exact phrases ("ICG environmental impact"), or the minus sign (-) to exclude irrelevant results (e.g., "ICG -surface mining").
  • Filter by source: Use the "Search tools" to filter by specific types of sources like news, scholarly articles, or videos.
  • Explore related searches: Pay attention to Google's "People also ask" and "Related searches" sections for further exploration of relevant topics.
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