Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Hydraulic Diversion

Hydraulic Diversion

Hydraulic Diversion: A Powerful Tool for Efficient Well Stimulation

In the oil and gas industry, efficient and targeted stimulation of reservoir formations is crucial for maximizing production. Hydraulic fracturing, a common stimulation technique, involves injecting high-pressure fluids into the wellbore to create fractures in the surrounding rock. However, achieving optimal fracture growth and fluid distribution within the desired zone can be challenging, especially in formations with varying permeability and damage.

This is where hydraulic diversion comes into play. This technique focuses on directing the injected fluids towards specific zones within the reservoir, ensuring optimal stimulation of the targeted area and minimizing wasted resources.

What is Hydraulic Diversion?

Hydraulic diversion, as the name suggests, uses the force of the injected fluids to achieve diversion. It involves injecting fluids at a rate and pressure that cause the fluid to preferentially flow into the more permeable zones of the reservoir. This "natural" diversion occurs without the need for additional diverter devices, such as screens, balls, or other mechanical barriers.

How Does it Work?

Hydraulic diversion relies on the principle of fluid flow through porous media. The key factors that drive this diversion are:

  • Permeability Differences: Fluids tend to flow more easily through higher permeability zones. By injecting at a pressure exceeding the breakdown pressure of the less permeable zones, fluid will preferentially flow through the more permeable paths.
  • Formation Damage: Pre-existing damage in certain zones, like fractures or sand production, can reduce the permeability and hinder fluid flow. This allows the injection fluid to seek out less damaged and more permeable zones.
  • Wellbore Design: The number and distribution of perforations, along with any existing obstructions in the wellbore, can influence the pressure build-up and fluid flow pathways. A limited number of perforations or set obstructions can direct fluid towards less permeable areas, leading to pressure build-up and diversion to more permeable zones.

Advantages of Hydraulic Diversion:

  • Cost-Effective: Eliminating the need for additional diverter devices reduces the overall cost of the stimulation operation.
  • Simplicity: The process is relatively straightforward and does not require complex equipment or procedures.
  • Improved Stimulation: This technique allows for targeted stimulation of high-permeability zones, leading to better fracture growth and increased production.
  • Reduced Risk: By minimizing the use of mechanical devices, the risk of wellbore damage is reduced.

Applications of Hydraulic Diversion:

Hydraulic diversion finds application in various stimulation scenarios, including:

  • Multi-zone Reservoirs: Targeting specific zones within complex formations.
  • Fracture Complexity: Controlling fracture growth to ensure optimal stimulation in unconventional reservoirs.
  • Damaged Formations: Overcoming formation damage and ensuring efficient fluid flow.

Challenges and Considerations:

While hydraulic diversion offers several advantages, it also presents some challenges:

  • Predicting Flow Paths: Determining the exact flow paths within the reservoir can be complex and requires accurate geological data.
  • Pressure Management: Careful control of injection pressure is crucial to avoid damaging the formation or causing premature diversion.
  • Limited Control: The diversion is naturally driven by the formation characteristics, and controlling its exact path can be difficult.


Hydraulic diversion is a powerful and cost-effective technique for optimizing well stimulation. By leveraging the natural flow characteristics of the reservoir, this method enables targeted fluid injection, leading to improved production and maximized reservoir potential. Understanding the factors that drive hydraulic diversion and implementing it strategically can significantly enhance the effectiveness of well stimulation operations.

Test Your Knowledge

Hydraulic Diversion Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the main principle behind hydraulic diversion?

a) Using mechanical devices to block fluid flow to certain zones.


Incorrect. This describes using diverter devices, which are not a part of hydraulic diversion.

b) Injecting fluids at a rate and pressure that causes them to preferentially flow through more permeable zones.


Correct! This is the core principle of hydraulic diversion.

c) Creating a uniform pressure distribution throughout the reservoir.


Incorrect. Hydraulic diversion aims to achieve a non-uniform pressure distribution, directing fluid to more permeable zones.

d) Stimulating all zones of the reservoir equally.


Incorrect. Hydraulic diversion focuses on targeting specific zones for stimulation.

2. Which of these is NOT a factor influencing hydraulic diversion?

a) Permeability differences within the formation.


Incorrect. Permeability differences are a key factor in fluid flow and diversion.

b) Formation damage in certain zones.


Incorrect. Formation damage can influence fluid flow paths.

c) The type of fracturing fluid used.


Correct! While fracturing fluid properties are important for stimulation, they are not directly related to the natural diversion process.

d) Wellbore design and perforation placement.


Incorrect. Wellbore design influences pressure build-up and fluid flow pathways.

3. What is a major advantage of hydraulic diversion compared to using mechanical diverter devices?

a) Increased control over fluid flow paths.


Incorrect. While both methods can influence flow paths, hydraulic diversion offers less precise control compared to mechanical devices.

b) Reduced risk of wellbore damage.


Correct! Eliminating the need for mechanical devices reduces the potential for wellbore damage.

c) Higher injection rates and pressures.


Incorrect. Both methods can utilize similar injection rates and pressures.

d) Increased efficiency in stimulating low-permeability zones.


Incorrect. Hydraulic diversion typically focuses on stimulating higher permeability zones.

4. In which scenario would hydraulic diversion be particularly beneficial?

a) Stimulating a uniform reservoir with consistent permeability.


Incorrect. In a uniform reservoir, hydraulic diversion may not be as necessary.

b) Treating a fractured reservoir with multiple zones of varying permeability.


Correct! Hydraulic diversion is well-suited for targeting specific zones in complex reservoirs.

c) Stimulating a well with a single, large fracture.


Incorrect. Hydraulic diversion is less beneficial in a single fracture scenario.

d) Stimulating a well with limited formation damage.


Incorrect. While formation damage can influence diversion, it's not the only scenario where hydraulic diversion is beneficial.

5. What is a key challenge associated with hydraulic diversion?

a) Predicting the exact flow paths within the reservoir.


Correct! Predicting fluid flow paths can be complex and relies on accurate geological data.

b) Developing new fracturing fluids specifically for hydraulic diversion.


Incorrect. While fracturing fluid properties are important, developing new fluids is not directly related to the challenge of hydraulic diversion.

c) Controlling the size and shape of fractures created.


Incorrect. Hydraulic diversion focuses on fluid flow direction, not fracture geometry.

d) The high cost of implementing the technique.


Incorrect. Hydraulic diversion is often cost-effective due to the elimination of additional diverter devices.

Hydraulic Diversion Exercise:

Scenario: You are working on a stimulation project for a multi-zone reservoir. The reservoir has a high-permeability zone (Zone A) and a low-permeability zone (Zone B). The well has been designed with multiple perforations, but Zone B has been intentionally perforated less than Zone A. The goal is to primarily stimulate Zone A and minimize stimulation in Zone B.

Task: Explain how hydraulic diversion can be used to achieve this goal. Describe how the well design, injection rate, and reservoir characteristics contribute to the diversion process.


Exercice Correction

Here's how hydraulic diversion can be applied in this scenario:

  • **Well design:** The limited perforation in Zone B creates a "choke point" for fluid flow. As injection pressure increases, Zone B will experience higher resistance to flow, diverting fluid towards the more permeable Zone A.
  • **Injection rate and pressure:** By carefully managing injection rate and pressure, we can ensure that the pressure in Zone A exceeds the breakdown pressure while remaining below the breakdown pressure of Zone B. This will further encourage fluid flow towards Zone A.
  • **Reservoir characteristics:** The permeability difference between Zone A and Zone B is crucial for successful diversion. The higher permeability of Zone A allows for easier fluid flow, directing the majority of the injected fluid towards it.

This combination of factors will lead to preferential flow towards Zone A, resulting in targeted stimulation of the higher permeability zone while minimizing stimulation in Zone B.


  • "Fractured Reservoir Stimulation" by M.J. Economides and K.G. Nolte: Covers the fundamentals of hydraulic fracturing and includes a section on diversion techniques.
  • "Reservoir Stimulation" by G.P. Willhite: A comprehensive text on reservoir stimulation, with chapters dedicated to hydraulic fracturing and diversion.
  • "Modern Fracturing Fluids" by R.E. Rickman: Provides insights into the chemistry and properties of fracturing fluids, including their role in diversion.


  • "Hydraulic Diversion in Horizontal Wells: A Review" by J.D. Brannon, et al. (SPE 178413): A comprehensive review of hydraulic diversion techniques for horizontal wells, discussing their advantages, limitations, and applications.
  • "Hydraulic Diversion for Improved Stimulation of Unconventional Reservoirs" by S.A. Holditch, et al. (SPE 164933): Explores the use of hydraulic diversion to optimize stimulation in unconventional reservoirs with complex fracture networks.
  • "A New Approach to Hydraulic Diversion for Horizontal Wells" by M.J. Economides, et al. (SPE 141329): Introduces a new method for hydraulic diversion using specially designed fracturing fluids.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): Search the SPE website for publications and presentations on hydraulic diversion. Use keywords like "hydraulic diversion," "fracturing diversion," "stimulation," and "reservoir stimulation."
  • OnePetro: Provides access to a vast library of technical papers and articles related to oil and gas production, including those on hydraulic diversion.
  • Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary: Defines and explains technical terms related to hydraulic fracturing and diversion.
  • *Halliburton: * Offers technical papers and case studies on their hydraulic diversion technologies and applications.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "hydraulic diversion," "fracturing diversion," "well stimulation," "reservoir stimulation," "multi-zone stimulation," "unconventional reservoirs."
  • Include relevant terms: "horizontal well," "fracture complexity," "formation damage," "cost-effective techniques."
  • Filter by publication year: To find recent research and developments in the field.
  • Use quotation marks: To search for specific phrases. For example, "hydraulic diversion in horizontal wells" will only return results containing that exact phrase.
  • Combine keywords: Use "AND" and "OR" operators to refine your search. For example, "hydraulic diversion AND horizontal wells" will return results that contain both keywords.
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