Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Gyroscopic Survey

Gyroscopic Survey

Gyroscopic Survey: Navigating the Path to Oil & Gas

In the world of oil and gas exploration, navigating the depths of the earth requires precision and accuracy. Just as a captain relies on a compass and GPS, drilling engineers utilize gyroscopic surveys to map the complex path of a wellbore.

What is a Gyroscopic Survey?

A gyroscopic survey is a vital tool in directional drilling, providing crucial information about the wellbore's position and trajectory. It involves using specialized instruments called gyroscopes to measure the orientation and inclination of the drill bit at various depths. This data is then used to construct a detailed map of the wellbore's path, allowing engineers to monitor its progress and make necessary adjustments.

How Gyroscopes Work:

Gyroscopes work on the principle of inertia, utilizing a spinning rotor that resists changes in its orientation. As the drill bit travels through the earth, the gyroscope measures the rotation and tilt of the wellbore, providing accurate readings of:

  • Azimuth: The compass direction of the wellbore.
  • Inclination: The angle of the wellbore relative to the vertical.
  • Toolface: The orientation of the drill bit relative to the wellbore.

Benefits of Gyroscopic Survey:

  • Precise Wellbore Mapping: Gyroscopic surveys provide highly accurate data, enabling detailed mapping of the wellbore's path. This allows engineers to identify potential hazards, optimize drilling trajectories, and ensure efficient well construction.
  • Improved Directional Control: The data from gyroscopic surveys aids in real-time decision-making. Engineers can adjust drilling parameters to steer the wellbore accurately towards the target, maximizing productivity and reducing risks.
  • Enhanced Safety: Accurate wellbore mapping helps to identify potential hazards such as faults or formations, enabling engineers to take preventive measures and ensure the safety of drilling operations.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Precise wellbore navigation reduces the risk of deviations and costly re-drilling, leading to overall cost savings in exploration and production.

Types of Gyroscopic Surveys:

  • Wireline Surveys: Performed after drilling operations, these surveys involve lowering a specialized tool into the wellbore on a wireline.
  • MWD (Measurement While Drilling) Surveys: These surveys are conducted during drilling, providing real-time data on the wellbore's trajectory.


Gyroscopic surveys are an indispensable tool in the oil and gas industry, playing a crucial role in navigating the complex and challenging underground environment. This technology enables precise wellbore mapping, enhances directional control, promotes safety, and ultimately contributes to efficient and successful exploration and production operations.

Test Your Knowledge

Gyroscopic Survey Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of a gyroscopic survey in oil and gas exploration? a) To measure the depth of the wellbore. b) To map the complex path of a wellbore. c) To identify the type of rock formations encountered. d) To determine the volume of oil and gas reserves.


b) To map the complex path of a wellbore.

2. Which of the following is NOT a measurement provided by a gyroscope in a wellbore survey? a) Azimuth b) Inclination c) Toolface d) Temperature


d) Temperature

3. What is the main principle behind how gyroscopes function in wellbore surveys? a) Magnetic field detection b) Acoustic waves reflection c) Inertia of a spinning rotor d) Gravity sensing


c) Inertia of a spinning rotor

4. Which type of gyroscopic survey is conducted during drilling operations, providing real-time data? a) Wireline Surveys b) MWD Surveys c) Seismic Surveys d) Logging Surveys


b) MWD Surveys

5. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using gyroscopic surveys in oil and gas exploration? a) Precise wellbore mapping b) Improved directional control c) Enhanced safety d) Reduced exploration costs


d) Reduced exploration costs

Gyroscopic Survey Exercise:

Scenario: A drilling team is navigating a wellbore to reach a target reservoir. The gyroscope readings show the following:

  • Depth: 1,500 meters
  • Azimuth: 120 degrees
  • Inclination: 30 degrees
  • Toolface: 45 degrees


  1. Based on the provided data, describe the position and orientation of the drill bit relative to the vertical.
  2. Explain how this information could be used to make adjustments to the wellbore trajectory.

Exercise Correction

1. **Position and Orientation:** - The drill bit is at a depth of 1,500 meters. - It's oriented at an azimuth of 120 degrees, meaning it's pointing in a direction 120 degrees from north. - The inclination of 30 degrees means the wellbore is angled 30 degrees away from vertical. - The toolface of 45 degrees indicates the orientation of the drill bit within the wellbore, meaning it's rotated 45 degrees from its initial position. 2. **Trajectory Adjustments:** - The drilling team can use this information to determine if the wellbore is on track to reach the target reservoir. - If the wellbore is not aligned with the desired trajectory, the engineers can adjust the drilling parameters, such as the direction of the drill bit or the inclination, to steer it back onto the correct path. - The toolface information helps to ensure that the drill bit is properly oriented to minimize potential complications, such as wellbore instability or stuck pipe.


  • "Wellbore Surveying and Directional Drilling" by J.C. Tieche - Provides a comprehensive overview of wellbore surveying techniques, including gyroscopic surveying.
  • "Directional Drilling Handbook" by Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) - Offers practical guidance on directional drilling principles and practices, with a section dedicated to gyroscopic surveys.
  • "Drilling Engineering: Principles and Practices" by John A. Archer - Covers various aspects of drilling engineering, including wellbore surveying and the use of gyroscopes.


  • "Gyroscopic Surveys: A Key to Successful Directional Drilling" by Schlumberger - Discusses the importance of gyroscopic surveys in directional drilling and outlines the benefits of this technology.
  • "Measurement While Drilling (MWD) Systems: A Review" by Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) - Explains the role of MWD systems in wellbore surveying and their integration with gyroscopic technology.
  • "A Comprehensive Review of Wellbore Surveying Techniques" by Elsevier - Provides an in-depth analysis of different wellbore surveying methods, including gyroscopic surveys.

Online Resources

  • Schlumberger's "Wellbore Surveying" website: Contains information on their gyroscopic surveying tools and services, including technical specifications and case studies.
  • Halliburton's "Directional Drilling" website: Offers resources on various directional drilling technologies, including gyroscopic surveys.
  • Baker Hughes' "Drilling Services" website: Provides details on their gyroscopic surveying equipment and their expertise in this field.

Search Tips

  • "Gyroscopic surveying oil and gas" - This general search term will provide articles, publications, and websites related to the topic.
  • "Gyroscopic survey techniques" - This search will give you insights into different methods used for gyroscopic surveying.
  • "Gyroscope manufacturers oil and gas" - This will help you find companies specializing in gyroscopic surveying equipment for the oil and gas industry.
  • "Gyroscopic survey case studies" - This search will display real-world examples of how gyroscopic surveys have been used in oil and gas exploration and production.
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