Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Gathering Agreement (contract)

Gathering Agreement (contract)

The Gathering Agreement: A Crucial Link in the Oil & Gas Supply Chain

In the complex world of oil and gas production, numerous agreements are essential to ensure the smooth flow of resources from wellhead to market. One such agreement, crucial to the early stages of the supply chain, is the Gathering Agreement. This document lays the foundation for the transportation of natural gas from individual production wells to larger pipeline systems, acting as a critical bridge between extraction and processing.

What is a Gathering Agreement?

A Gathering Agreement is a legal contract between a natural gas producer and a gathering system operator. It outlines the terms and conditions under which the producer's gas is allowed to enter the gathering system for transportation. This agreement covers various aspects, including:

  • Gas Specifications: This section defines the quality of gas the producer can deliver, including its composition (e.g., methane content, impurities) and pressure.
  • Delivery Point: The agreement clearly states the specific location where the producer will deliver the gas into the gathering system.
  • Transportation Fees: It establishes the fees the producer will pay for transporting their gas through the gathering system. These fees can be based on volume, pressure, or other relevant factors.
  • Metering & Measurement: This section outlines the procedures for measuring the volume and quality of gas delivered by the producer.
  • Termination Provisions: The agreement specifies the conditions under which the contract can be terminated, including breach of contract or changes in market conditions.

Key Features of a Gathering Agreement:

  • Exclusivity: Some agreements grant exclusive rights to the producer, meaning they are the only ones allowed to deliver gas to that specific portion of the gathering system.
  • Minimum Delivery Requirements: These clauses may require the producer to deliver a minimum volume of gas to the gathering system, ensuring economic viability for the operator.
  • Force Majeure: The agreement may include provisions for unforeseen circumstances, like natural disasters, that could disrupt gas delivery.

Why are Gathering Agreements Important?

  • Ensuring Consistent Gas Supply: These agreements provide a framework for producers to deliver gas to the gathering system, ensuring a consistent supply for subsequent processing and distribution.
  • Streamlining Gas Transportation: By outlining clear terms and conditions, gathering agreements facilitate the efficient movement of gas through the system, avoiding potential delays and conflicts.
  • Protecting Both Parties: The legal framework provided by the agreement safeguards the interests of both the producer and the gathering system operator, ensuring fair compensation and accountability.


Gathering agreements are indispensable components of the oil and gas industry, facilitating the efficient flow of natural gas from production to processing and ultimately to consumers. By establishing clear terms and conditions for gas delivery, these agreements foster trust, transparency, and a stable operating environment for all stakeholders in the energy supply chain.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Gathering Agreement

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of a Gathering Agreement? a) To determine the price of natural gas at the wellhead.


Incorrect. The Gathering Agreement focuses on transportation, not pricing.

b) To define the terms for transporting natural gas from individual wells to larger pipelines.

Correct! This is the core function of a Gathering Agreement.

c) To establish ownership of the natural gas extracted from the well.

Incorrect. Ownership is typically determined by lease agreements or other property rights.

d) To regulate the processing of natural gas after it enters the pipeline system.

Incorrect. Processing is generally covered by separate agreements.

2. Which of the following is NOT typically included in a Gathering Agreement? a) Gas specifications


Incorrect. Gas specifications are a crucial part of the agreement.

b) Delivery point

Incorrect. The delivery point is a key element.

c) Environmental impact assessment

Correct! While environmental considerations are important, they are usually addressed in separate permits and regulations.

d) Termination provisions

Incorrect. Termination provisions are essential for contract stability.

3. What does "exclusivity" mean in the context of a Gathering Agreement? a) The producer must sell all their gas to the gathering system operator.


Incorrect. Exclusivity relates to the right to use a specific part of the system, not the obligation to sell.

b) The producer has the sole right to deliver gas to a particular part of the gathering system.

Correct! Exclusivity grants the producer exclusive access to a designated portion of the system.

c) The gathering system operator cannot work with any other producers in the region.

Incorrect. The operator can typically work with other producers, but exclusivity limits access for others to a specific area.

d) The producer has ownership rights to the gathering system.

Incorrect. The gathering system is typically owned and operated by a separate entity.

4. Why are minimum delivery requirements included in some Gathering Agreements? a) To ensure the gathering system operator makes a profit.


Correct! This helps guarantee the operator's economic viability.

b) To penalize producers for failing to meet production quotas.

Incorrect. Penalties for not meeting production quotas would likely be defined in separate contracts.

c) To ensure the environmental impact of gas production is minimized.

Incorrect. Environmental impact is usually covered by separate permits and regulations.

d) To regulate the price of natural gas at the wellhead.

Incorrect. The Gathering Agreement generally doesn't directly determine the price.

5. How do Gathering Agreements contribute to the stability of the oil and gas supply chain? a) By guaranteeing a fixed price for natural gas.


Incorrect. The agreement focuses on transportation, not price guarantees.

b) By providing a framework for reliable and efficient gas transportation.

Correct! The defined terms and conditions ensure smooth gas flow.

c) By eliminating all risks associated with natural gas production.

Incorrect. The agreement cannot eliminate all risks, but it helps mitigate some.

d) By ensuring equal distribution of natural gas to all consumers.

Incorrect. Distribution is a separate stage in the supply chain, not determined by the Gathering Agreement.

Exercise: Gathering Agreement Scenario

Imagine you are a natural gas producer negotiating a Gathering Agreement with a gathering system operator. The operator wants to include a clause requiring you to deliver a minimum volume of gas daily. However, you are concerned about your production capacity and potential market fluctuations.


  1. Identify at least two arguments you would use to negotiate this clause.
  2. Suggest a compromise that could satisfy both parties.

Exercice Correction:

Exercice Correction

**Arguments for the producer:**

  • **Production Uncertainty:** Explain that your production capacity might fluctuate due to factors beyond your control (e.g., equipment malfunctions, well performance). A fixed minimum could create penalties or force you to sell gas at a loss if your production falls short.
  • **Market Volatility:** Highlight the dynamic nature of the natural gas market. Price fluctuations and demand changes can impact your production decisions. A rigid minimum could make you financially vulnerable if market conditions become unfavorable.


  • **Sliding Scale Minimum:** Propose a minimum delivery requirement that adjusts based on your average production over a specified period (e.g., a rolling 3-month average). This provides flexibility while still assuring the operator a reasonable level of gas flow.
  • **Incentive for Exceeding Minimum:** Suggest a bonus or discounted transportation fee for exceeding the minimum. This encourages you to prioritize the gathering system when production allows, while rewarding your effort.


  • Oil and Gas Law and Taxation: This comprehensive textbook covers a wide range of legal and regulatory aspects of the oil and gas industry, including gathering agreements. (Author: Bruce M. Kramer)
  • The Law of Oil and Gas: Another comprehensive resource that delves into the legal framework surrounding oil and gas production, transportation, and marketing. (Author: Williams & Meyers)
  • The Gathering Agreement in Oil and Gas Operations: A specialized book focusing specifically on the structure, drafting, and interpretation of gathering agreements. (Author: [Search for relevant authors or publishers])


  • Gathering Agreement: A Critical Element in the Oil & Gas Supply Chain (Author: [Search for relevant articles in industry journals])
  • Key Considerations for Drafting a Gathering Agreement (Author: [Search for relevant articles in legal publications])
  • The Role of Gathering Agreements in Natural Gas Marketing (Author: [Search for relevant articles in energy industry publications])

Online Resources

  • Energy Law Journal: This journal publishes articles on various legal aspects of the energy sector, including gathering agreements.
  • The American Petroleum Institute (API): API provides resources and guidance on oil and gas industry standards and practices, including gathering agreements.
  • The National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC): NARUC website contains information on state-level regulations related to natural gas transportation and gathering agreements.
  • Legal Databases: Westlaw, LexisNexis, and other legal databases offer access to legal articles, case law, and regulations related to gathering agreements.

Search Tips

  • "Gathering Agreement" "Oil and Gas"
  • "Natural Gas Gathering Agreement" "Contract"
  • "Oil and Gas Law" "Gathering Agreements"
  • "Gas Transportation Agreements" "Legal Framework"
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