Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Reservoir Engineering: Gas Saturation

Gas Saturation

Understanding Gas Saturation in Oil & Gas: A Key Factor for Production

In the world of oil and gas exploration and production, understanding the properties of subsurface reservoirs is crucial. One key parameter used to assess a reservoir's potential is gas saturation, a term that describes the fraction of the porosity in a zone that is occupied by free gas.

Defining Gas Saturation:

Imagine a porous rock like a sponge. The empty spaces within the sponge represent the porosity of the rock, which can be filled with various fluids like oil, water, and gas. Gas saturation refers to the percentage of that total porosity that is filled with free gas.

Importance of Gas Saturation:

  • Reservoir Characterization: Gas saturation helps determine the types of fluids present in a reservoir, providing vital information for reservoir modeling and production planning.
  • Production Optimization: Understanding gas saturation allows engineers to optimize production strategies. High gas saturation indicates a potential for gas production, while low gas saturation may suggest a predominantly oil or water-filled reservoir.
  • Well Performance: Gas saturation plays a crucial role in determining the flow characteristics of wells. High gas saturation can lead to increased production rates, while low gas saturation may result in lower flow rates.
  • Reservoir Management: Gas saturation is essential for monitoring reservoir performance and managing its production potential over time.

Methods for Determining Gas Saturation:

  • Well Logs: Various logging tools can measure properties like density, resistivity, and neutron porosity, which can be used to infer gas saturation.
  • Core Analysis: Analyzing rock samples from the reservoir provides direct measurements of gas saturation.
  • Production Data: Analyzing production data can provide indirect estimates of gas saturation.
  • Reservoir Simulation: Computer models can simulate reservoir behavior and estimate gas saturation based on various parameters.

Factors Affecting Gas Saturation:

  • Reservoir Pressure: Higher reservoir pressure tends to increase gas saturation.
  • Reservoir Temperature: Temperature affects gas density, influencing gas saturation.
  • Fluid Properties: The properties of the fluids present, including oil and water, influence their interaction with gas and impact gas saturation.
  • Rock Properties: The porosity and permeability of the reservoir rock play a significant role in gas storage and movement.

In Conclusion:

Gas saturation is a critical parameter in the oil and gas industry, providing valuable insights into reservoir properties, fluid distribution, and production potential. Understanding this concept is crucial for optimizing exploration, development, and production strategies.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Gas Saturation in Oil & Gas

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does gas saturation represent? a) The total amount of gas in a reservoir. b) The percentage of reservoir rock that is filled with gas. c) The pressure exerted by gas in a reservoir. d) The rate at which gas flows through a reservoir.


b) The percentage of reservoir rock that is filled with gas.

2. Why is gas saturation important in oil and gas exploration? a) It determines the price of oil and gas. b) It helps identify the best locations to drill wells. c) It helps estimate the amount of oil and gas that can be extracted. d) Both b and c.


d) Both b and c.

3. Which of the following methods is NOT commonly used to determine gas saturation? a) Well logs b) Seismic surveys c) Core analysis d) Production data


b) Seismic surveys

4. How does reservoir pressure affect gas saturation? a) Higher pressure decreases gas saturation. b) Higher pressure increases gas saturation. c) Pressure has no impact on gas saturation. d) The relationship is complex and depends on other factors.


b) Higher pressure increases gas saturation.

5. Which of the following statements is TRUE about gas saturation? a) Gas saturation is constant throughout a reservoir. b) Gas saturation can vary significantly within a reservoir. c) Gas saturation is always high in oil reservoirs. d) Gas saturation is always low in gas reservoirs.


b) Gas saturation can vary significantly within a reservoir.

Exercise: Gas Saturation Calculation

Scenario: A reservoir rock sample has a porosity of 25%. Analysis reveals that 10% of the pore space is filled with water and 15% with oil.

Task: Calculate the gas saturation in this reservoir sample.

Exercice Correction

Gas saturation = (Total porosity - Water saturation - Oil saturation) / Total porosity

Gas saturation = (25% - 10% - 15%) / 25%

Gas saturation = 0 / 25% = 0%

Therefore, the gas saturation in this reservoir sample is 0%. This indicates the sample is fully saturated with water and oil and contains no free gas.


  • Petroleum Reservoir Engineering by John D. Donaldson, Henry R. Sargent, and M.L. Prentice (This comprehensive text covers reservoir characterization, including gas saturation, in detail.)
  • Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering by John M. Campbell (Another standard resource with a chapter dedicated to fluid properties and gas saturation.)
  • Reservoir Simulation by K. Aziz and A. Settari (Focuses on reservoir simulation techniques, which are essential for estimating gas saturation.)
  • Applied Petroleum Reservoir Engineering by B. Lake (This book covers practical aspects of reservoir engineering, including gas saturation measurements and their application.)


  • "Gas Saturation and Its Impact on Reservoir Performance" by S. Holditch (A general overview of gas saturation and its implications for production)
  • "Reservoir Characterization Using Well Logs" by J. Rider (Discusses the use of well logs to determine gas saturation)
  • "Core Analysis: Techniques and Applications" by T. Barker (Explains core analysis methods for measuring gas saturation)
  • "Production Data Analysis for Reservoir Characterization" by R. Eaton (Covers the use of production data to estimate gas saturation)

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) website:
    • The SPE website provides access to numerous technical papers and presentations related to reservoir engineering, including gas saturation.
  • Schlumberger website:
    • Schlumberger, a major oilfield services company, offers extensive resources on reservoir characterization and production technology, including gas saturation estimation.
  • Oil & Gas Journal:
    • This industry publication often features articles and research related to reservoir engineering, including gas saturation.

Search Tips

  • "Gas saturation" + "reservoir engineering"
  • "Gas saturation" + "well logs"
  • "Gas saturation" + "core analysis"
  • "Gas saturation" + "production data analysis"
  • "Gas saturation" + "reservoir simulation"
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