Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Project Planning & Scheduling: Fracture Finder TM Log

Fracture Finder TM Log

Unlocking the Secrets of the Subsurface: The Fracture Finder™ Log

The quest for hydrocarbons and other valuable resources often takes us deep beneath the earth's surface. Understanding the rock formations down there is crucial, and one tool that plays a pivotal role is the Fracture Finder™ Log. This acoustic log, a powerful diagnostic instrument, helps geologists and engineers identify the presence of fractures, crucial geological features that can significantly impact resource extraction and well productivity.

What are Fractures and Why are they Important?

Fractures are breaks or discontinuities in rock formations, often caused by tectonic stresses, pressure changes, or geological events. These breaks can act as pathways for the flow of fluids, including hydrocarbons, water, and even gases. In oil and gas exploration, fractures can act as natural conduits, allowing hydrocarbons to migrate and accumulate in reservoir rocks. However, fractures can also be a source of unwanted water inflow, creating challenges in production.

How the Fracture Finder™ Log Works: Listening to the Earth's Whispers

The Fracture Finder™ Log operates on the principle of sonic wave transmission. A sound wave is emitted from the tool and travels through the rock formation. The tool then records the time it takes for the wave to travel a known distance.

Here's where the magic happens:

  • Fractures create variations in the travel time of sound waves. Fractures often act as pathways of lower resistance, allowing the sound wave to travel faster through them.
  • The Fracture Finder™ Log captures these variations. By analyzing the arrival times of the sound waves, the log can identify the presence of fractures, their orientation, and even their size.

The Benefits of the Fracture Finder™ Log:

  • Enhanced Exploration: The Fracture Finder™ Log helps identify potential reservoir zones and guides drilling decisions, leading to more efficient exploration and production.
  • Improved Production: By accurately mapping fracture networks, operators can optimize well placement, stimulate production, and minimize water inflow.
  • Enhanced Reservoir Management: Understanding fracture distribution helps optimize reservoir management practices, ensuring efficient and sustainable resource recovery.

A Powerful Tool for Subsurface Exploration

The Fracture Finder™ Log is an invaluable tool for understanding the complexities of the subsurface. It empowers geologists and engineers to make informed decisions about resource exploration, well placement, and reservoir management. By listening to the whispers of the Earth, the Fracture Finder™ Log provides insights that can unlock the potential of underground resources.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Unlocking the Secrets of the Subsurface: The Fracture Finder™ Log

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of the Fracture Finder™ Log? a) To measure the density of rock formations. b) To identify the presence of fractures in rock formations. c) To determine the chemical composition of rocks. d) To measure the temperature of the subsurface.


b) To identify the presence of fractures in rock formations.

2. What physical phenomenon does the Fracture Finder™ Log utilize? a) Magnetic resonance b) Electrical conductivity c) Sonic wave transmission d) Gravitational pull


c) Sonic wave transmission

3. How do fractures affect the travel time of sound waves in the Fracture Finder™ Log? a) Fractures slow down the sound waves. b) Fractures have no effect on sound wave travel time. c) Fractures speed up the sound waves. d) Fractures create a chaotic pattern in sound wave travel time.


c) Fractures speed up the sound waves.

4. Which of these is NOT a benefit of using the Fracture Finder™ Log? a) Enhanced exploration of potential reservoir zones. b) Improved well placement for optimal production. c) Precise measurement of the Earth's magnetic field. d) Enhanced reservoir management for sustainable resource recovery.


c) Precise measurement of the Earth's magnetic field.

5. What is the main analogy used to describe the Fracture Finder™ Log's function? a) A stethoscope listening to the Earth's heartbeat. b) A metal detector searching for buried treasure. c) A telescope observing distant galaxies. d) A compass navigating through unknown territory.


a) A stethoscope listening to the Earth's heartbeat.

Exercise: Fracture Analysis

Scenario: An oil exploration team is using the Fracture Finder™ Log to analyze a potential reservoir zone. The log indicates the presence of two distinct fracture sets:

  • Set A: Fractures with a high density and a predominantly vertical orientation.
  • Set B: Fractures with a lower density and a predominantly horizontal orientation.

Task: Analyze the information and answer the following questions:

  1. Which fracture set would likely provide the most efficient pathways for hydrocarbon flow?
  2. Which fracture set could potentially lead to increased water inflow during production?
  3. Considering the two fracture sets, describe how the exploration team might optimize well placement to maximize oil production and minimize water inflow.

Exercise Correction

1. **Set A (high density, vertical fractures):** Vertical fractures act as vertical pathways, providing more efficient migration and flow of hydrocarbons upwards towards production wells. 2. **Set B (low density, horizontal fractures):** Horizontal fractures can act as conduits for water inflow, especially if they intersect with water-bearing formations. 3. **Optimized Well Placement:** To maximize oil production and minimize water inflow, the team should consider placing wells in areas where: * They intersect with the highest density of vertical fractures (Set A) to facilitate oil flow. * They are positioned to avoid or minimize intersection with horizontal fractures (Set B) to prevent or reduce water inflow. * The well trajectory is carefully designed to maximize access to the highest density of vertical fractures.


  • "Well Logging and Formation Evaluation" by Schlumberger: This comprehensive textbook covers various well logging techniques, including acoustic logging. It delves into the principles, applications, and interpretations of different log types.
  • "Reservoir Characterization: An Integrated Approach" by Michael D. Jackson: This book focuses on understanding and characterizing reservoirs, including the importance of fracture analysis in reservoir performance.
  • "Log Analysis: A Practical Guide to Formation Evaluation" by Maurice B. Dobrin: This guide offers a practical approach to interpreting well logs, with sections dedicated to acoustic logs and their use in fracture identification.


  • "Acoustic Logging: A Powerful Tool for Reservoir Characterization" - Search for articles on academic databases like ScienceDirect, SpringerLink, and Wiley Online Library. Use keywords like "acoustic logging," "fracture detection," "reservoir characterization," and "well logging."
  • "Fracture Detection and Characterization Using Acoustic Logging: A Review" - Similar to the above, search for review articles that summarize the advancements and challenges in using acoustic logs for fracture analysis.
  • "Case Studies: Application of Acoustic Logging in Fracture Characterization" - Look for case studies published in industry journals or conference proceedings. These provide practical examples of how acoustic logs are used to analyze fractures in specific reservoir settings.

Online Resources

  • Schlumberger - Well Logging: Schlumberger is a leading provider of well logging services. Their website offers information on various logging techniques, including acoustic logging, and case studies demonstrating their applications.
  • Halliburton - Well Logging: Similar to Schlumberger, Halliburton is a major player in well logging technology. Their website provides resources on their logging tools, including acoustic logs, and their role in fracture detection.
  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) Digital Library: SPE offers a vast collection of technical papers and presentations related to oil and gas exploration and production, including numerous articles on acoustic logging and fracture analysis.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just "Fracture Finder," try using terms like "acoustic logging fracture detection," "fracture characterization well logs," "sonic logs for fracture analysis," etc.
  • Include industry names: If you suspect "Fracture Finder" might be a proprietary tool, try including names like "Schlumberger," "Halliburton," "Baker Hughes," or other well logging service providers in your search.
  • Look for case studies: Use keywords like "case study" or "application" to find examples of how acoustic logs are actually used in real-world scenarios for fracture analysis.
  • Explore related terms: If you're unable to find information on "Fracture Finder" specifically, explore similar terms like "dipole sonic log," "shear wave log," or "borehole televiewer," which are all types of acoustic logs used for fracture detection.
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