Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: FLC (completions)

FLC (completions)

Understanding FLC: A Crucial Element in Oil & Gas Completions

FLC, or fluid loss control, is a vital aspect of oil and gas well completions, focusing on minimizing the loss of drilling fluid into the formation during the wellbore construction and production stages. This seemingly simple concept is essential for successful and cost-effective well development, impacting factors like:

1. Formation Damage: FLC prevents drilling fluids from invading the permeable reservoir rock, hindering the flow of hydrocarbons to the wellbore. This "formation damage" can significantly reduce the well's productivity.

2. Wellbore Stability: FLC ensures the wellbore remains stable and prevents wellbore collapse, particularly in formations with high permeability or low formation strength. This stability is crucial for safe and efficient operations.

3. Cementing Efficiency: FLC ensures that cementing operations, crucial for sealing the wellbore, are effective. Uncontrolled fluid loss can lead to poor cement bond, jeopardizing well integrity.

4. Environmental Protection: FLC helps prevent drilling fluids from contaminating surrounding aquifers and other underground resources, ensuring responsible environmental practices.

FLC Techniques & Materials:

A variety of techniques and materials are used to control fluid loss, depending on the specific well and formation conditions. These include:

a) Additives: FLC additives, like polymers, clays, and inorganic salts, are added to the drilling fluid to increase its viscosity and create a filter cake that restricts fluid loss.

b) Mud Systems: Choosing the right drilling fluid system is essential. Water-based muds, oil-based muds, and synthetic-based muds each have different fluid loss characteristics.

c) Filtration Systems: Specialized filtration systems can be deployed on the rig floor to remove unwanted particles from the drilling fluid, optimizing FLC performance.

d) Wellbore Construction Techniques: Techniques like casing and liner runs, and the use of cementing materials, contribute to effective FLC by providing barriers to fluid loss.

Consequences of Inadequate FLC:

Poor FLC can have serious consequences, including:

  • Reduced Well Productivity: Decreased hydrocarbon flow and production rates.
  • Wellbore Instability: Potential wellbore collapse and costly remedial work.
  • Environmental Contamination: Leakage of drilling fluids into surrounding aquifers.
  • Increased Operating Costs: Remediation of formation damage and wellbore problems.


FLC is an essential aspect of oil and gas well completions, ensuring efficient and safe well construction and production. Understanding the importance of FLC, employing appropriate techniques and materials, and monitoring fluid loss throughout the operation are crucial for maximizing well productivity and minimizing environmental impact. By focusing on effective FLC, operators can optimize well performance, reduce costs, and contribute to a more sustainable industry.

Test Your Knowledge

FLC Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does FLC stand for in the context of oil & gas completions? a) Fluid Loss Control b) Flow Line Control c) Formation Leakage Control d) Fluid Level Control


a) Fluid Loss Control

2. Which of the following is NOT a consequence of inadequate FLC? a) Reduced well productivity b) Increased wellbore stability c) Environmental contamination d) Increased operating costs


b) Increased wellbore stability

3. Which of the following is an example of an FLC additive? a) Cement b) Drilling fluid c) Polymers d) Water


c) Polymers

4. What is the main purpose of using FLC techniques? a) To increase the flow of drilling fluid into the formation. b) To prevent drilling fluid from invading the reservoir rock. c) To enhance the wellbore's ability to produce gas. d) To make the drilling process faster.


b) To prevent drilling fluid from invading the reservoir rock.

5. Which of the following wellbore construction techniques contributes to effective FLC? a) Using a smaller drill bit. b) Using casing and liner runs. c) Reducing the amount of drilling fluid used. d) Drilling faster.


b) Using casing and liner runs.

FLC Exercise:

Scenario: You are an engineer working on an oil well drilling project. During the drilling process, you notice a significant increase in the amount of drilling fluid being lost into the formation.


  1. Identify three possible causes for this increased fluid loss.
  2. Propose two specific actions you could take to address the problem, considering the potential causes.
  3. Explain how your chosen actions would help improve FLC and potentially mitigate the negative consequences.

Exercice Correction

Here are some possible causes, actions, and explanations:

Possible Causes:

  • Formation permeability increase: The formation may have encountered a zone with higher permeability, allowing more fluid to flow through.
  • Damaged filter cake: The filter cake, designed to restrict fluid loss, might have been damaged due to high drilling pressures, erosion, or poor additive selection.
  • Changes in drilling fluid properties: The drilling fluid may have lost viscosity or become contaminated, reducing its ability to control fluid loss.


  • Increase viscosity of drilling fluid: Adding more FLC additives, like polymers, to increase the viscosity and rebuild the filter cake. This would help create a stronger barrier against fluid loss.
  • Adjust drilling parameters: Reducing drilling rate or pressure could alleviate stress on the filter cake and prevent further damage. This would give the filter cake time to stabilize and effectively control fluid loss.


Increasing viscosity would directly address the fluid loss by creating a thicker, more resistant filter cake. Adjusting drilling parameters would reduce the pressure on the formation and the existing filter cake, preventing further damage and allowing the fluid loss to potentially decrease.


  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by William D. McCain, Jr. and others: This comprehensive handbook covers various aspects of oil and gas engineering, including well completions and fluid loss control.
  • "Drilling and Well Completion Engineering" by John A. Howard and others: This book provides detailed information on drilling, well completion, and the role of FLC in these operations.
  • "Well Completion Design and Optimization" by Robert W. Zimmerman and others: This book offers insights into designing well completions, with specific sections dedicated to fluid loss control.


  • "Fluid Loss Control in Drilling and Completion Operations: A Review" by Yousef A. Al-Yousef and others: This article provides a comprehensive overview of FLC techniques and materials. (Available online at ScienceDirect)
  • "Understanding Formation Damage and Fluid Loss Control" by SPE: This article published by the Society of Petroleum Engineers explains the importance of FLC in preventing formation damage. (Available online at SPE website)
  • "The Importance of Fluid Loss Control in Cementing Operations" by Halliburton: This article highlights the impact of FLC on cementing efficiency and well integrity. (Available online at Halliburton website)

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): The SPE website offers a wide range of resources on drilling, well completions, and FLC, including technical papers, articles, and webinars.
  • IADC (International Association of Drilling Contractors): IADC's website provides information on drilling practices, including fluid loss control techniques.
  • Schlumberger: The Schlumberger website offers various resources on well completion technologies, including FLC products and services.
  • Baker Hughes: The Baker Hughes website provides information on drilling fluids and FLC solutions.

Search Tips

  • Use keywords such as "fluid loss control," "FLC in drilling," "FLC in completions," "formation damage," and "cementing efficiency" to find relevant information.
  • Specify the type of resource you're looking for (e.g., "FLC articles," "FLC books," "FLC case studies") for more targeted results.
  • Use quotation marks around specific phrases to find exact matches. For example, "FLC techniques and materials".
  • Combine keywords with location-specific terms if you're looking for information specific to a certain region (e.g., "FLC in shale formations," "FLC in the Gulf of Mexico").
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